* Chanca was one of Ferdinand and Isabela’s physicians whom they sent as doctor to the expedition and whose salary they paid.
† Columbus had a fleet of seventeen ships including caravels and lighter vessels for inshore work, and twelve to fifteen thousand men.
* Dominica, so called because it was discovered on that Sunday.
† Maria Galante, named after Columbus’s ship, Santa Maria la Galante.
‡ This might have been a mistake; probably the peaks on Dominica were counted as separate islands.
* This was probably the manchineal (manzanillo). The Caribs used the fruit of this tree to make poison for their arrows.
* Guadalupe.
* These are probably Guadelupe, Maria Galante and Santa Cruz, but the identification is not certain.
* If this refers to Dominica it is not true. There is no gold but plenty of wood. There is perhaps a mistake in the text.
† The island of Santa Cruz.
‡ Puerto Rico.
* The remaining Leeward Islands.
* Haiti and Bohio were both native names for the whole island and Jamana was a district lying on the north coast.
† Aguti, a kind of edible rat.
‡ According to Oviedo an alligator.
* Guacanagari.
* These would have been thrown alight to set fire to the straw roofs; possibly they are the same as the clothing mentioned later.
* Melchior Maldonado, who had been sent on the expedition by the sovereigns Ferdinand and Isabela.