The editors need to thank the contributing authors for writing such incredible stories and being fantastic to work with. While some of you are authors we’ve worked with in the past and for others this is our first time working together, please know that the Weirdpunk doors are open to you at all times. Also, extra special thanks for your patience with this book, as it faced some delays which are all on Sam.
A million thanks to Ira Rat for making this book look so fucking good.
Everyone who submitted to this anthology, thank you for your time, effort, and creative visions. We got so many goddamn good stories and simply did not have room for all of them. Please don’t let that rejection stop you from continuing to write and submit. We believe in you.
More than anyone, we need to thank you for buying this book. For everyone who supports Weirdpunk, reads the books we put out, reads books by the authors in this anthology, and supports the horror small press community. We couldn’t do this without you and we are all better when we lift each other up.