
22 March 2017


Broken light, high water. Here and elsewhere

the cold thought of something beyond belief

settling into movement – an unstoppable design –

lodges in the throat, will not be sung.

We fall on words made for other means:

Visibility: four miles. More clouds than sun.


Within days, it seems, this injury

will join the rim of that other, deeper cut

over which no scar can form. Unclean, unshut.

As yet it gapes distinct: flesh wound, a loss

without name and yet no easier

to reckon, its surface so bare of facts

except the act of loss itself, no choice

or distance, no motive, no face, no legend

(a mere expanse which holds the skin apart),

no way to map the way to map a way.


Lines open for interchange. The earth trembles,

holds fast this steel heart, its brave circulation.

Every safe passage a jubilee. Who are they

whose paths must cross at our deepest station?


Already, without doubt, we have begun to fear

and fear the upshot of fear, the lightning and the storm.

But darkness now, which passes for calm.

                                                         A prayer:


For each morning that takes place unawares.

The still scalding shower. The flight of stairs.