Repeat If you love me, pop and fly. If you hate me,

burn and die, and think of your amour as you cast

a pip in the fire. At my ripe age, I look on wildings

with a jaundiced eye. Once skin was golden

like the future. Fortune is a liar. He the scion

of a rich family, I from strong stock. Such notions

of choice; in the hearth, a pip scorched desire. No ladders

to reach an apple hanging like a heart in hock. I grafted,

kept close to the earth, was nothing to birdsong,

good breeding in every branch to which pickers

would flock. My crown not high enough for sheep

to graze beneath, among village gossip, wisdom of

soil and season, gatherings to celebrate harvest

with cider and song. Old apple tree we wassail thee

superseded by reason. Longing for lanterns, ribbons

to tie around limbs betrayed by the aphid’s

white ruff of treason. What auguries in peel

can the earth descry? If you hate me, burn and die.


        Where worms, roots and fingers

        mesh, the future is buried in an apple

        machine: Redlove sliced

        for ruddy flesh. No dwarfing rootstock

        helped the queen control the apple

        that blessed the bough. A poisoned mind

        finds time to dream. Dwarfs mined mountains

        for rubies – now Malling 9 is paradise

        preserved. We scatter before we plough,

        discard the fruit that isn’t curved

        to mimic the perfect orb of the sun;

        a diamond bite cosmetically preferred

        by queens, kings, everyone. A tooth

        puller in a souk in Marrakesh wields

        pliers to pluck what fireblight

        has undone. Like a princess we sleep

        in the machine’s crèche where worms,

        roots and fingers mesh.


        Here, branches are stark against white

        sky, their bronchial diagram a lesson in

        breath. A snared plastic bag puffs with

        trashed shibboleth. Here, custom rots slower

        than our apple selves, rosy at the

        buffet, all you can eat for the price of burst

        buttons, girdles, belts loosening

        at the heart’s abnormal beat to a defibrillation

        rhythm, a wassail haunting the wind

        in clamour for retreat from acres

        of sterilised soil. Half-recalled, If you hate

        me burn and die, blown fireblight,

        an orange sun’s broil. On the out-breath,

        If you love me, pop and fly. Here,

        branches are white against stark sky.


Abbot’s Early, Ashmead’s Kernel, Autumn Pearmain

Barchard’s Seedling, Billy Down Pippin, Bloody Butcher

Cap of Liberty, Carswell’s Honeydew, Cummy Norman

Doctor Clifford, Dog’s Snout, Duke of Devonshire

Early Bower, Easter Orange, Eccleston Pippin

Fair Maid of Taunton, Falstaff, Forest Styre

George Carpenter, Gillyflower of Gloucester, Gin

Hall Door, Hangydown, Hope Cottage Seedling

Improved Woodbine, Irish Peach, Iron Pin

Jackets and Waistcoats, Jo Jo’s Delight, Jordan’s Weeping

Keed’s Cottage, Kernel Underleaf, Kingston Black

Leathercoat Russet, Lemon Queen, Lucombe’s Seedling

Macfree, Marston Scarlett Wonder, Merton Prolific

Nancy Jackson, Netherton Late Blower, Neverblight

Oaken Pippin, Old Cornish Cooker, Onion Redstreak

Painted Summer Pippin, Palmer’s Rosey, Pam’s Delight

Quarren Dow, Quarry, Queen Caroline

Racky Down, Radford Beauty, Rathe Ripe

Slack-ma-Girdle, Snell’s Glass Apple, Sops-in-Wine

The Rattler, Tinsely Quince, Tower of Glamis

Underwood Pippin, Upright French, Upton Pyne

Vagnon Archer, Valentine, Vallis

Wardington Seedling, Warrior, Wealthy

Excel Jonagold, Excelsior, Exeter Cross

Yarlington Mill, Ye Old Peasgood, Yellow Ingestrie

Yeovil Sour, Yorkshire Aromatic, Zari.