
after the New Yorker cartoon by Peter Steiner, 1993

On the internet, nobody knew I was a dog,

how I’d raise my hind leg to piss, bark

viciously at cats on my anonymous blog.

O trolls, those dog days were a lark.

I, Sirius, outshone all in the Canis Major,

blew my master’s whistle in his park.

Bitch! he yelled. Track and cage her.

Failed to guess at my dog’s bollocks,

as I buried my bone-to-pick deeper

in the Darknet where encryption locks.

Once bitten, twice bitcoin:

a silken road to Anything Stocked.

Second lifer, don’t whimper – feign

identities. Dangle spam bait, flog

lives as authorities neuter the anodyne.

Only saps are hacked as they iSlog.

On the internet, nobody knows I am a dog.