Oil and blood for the bowed grey heads, as Aeson recovers

his usefulness, oil and blood for my own inviolable sense

of propriety. Uncontaminated, pint for pint, what’s the difference

between one dog and another, between dead boy and dead lamb,

except for those small miracles as blue birth becomes gentle

continuance. The only thing to do is take it as your own

indisputable property (though even in a consumption good the

former spirit lingers) but this is bad news, for the conservationist:

we will always love most what is diminishing and so as funeral

barges stream down the marshes you wake weeping in

your yellow coat, from ruptured sleep, as if these ghosts of

our own commodities cry out, like kids for milk, in the twilight.


Do you know the heaviness of other types of feeding?

When the time comes to bolt and deliver to the diligent

hand, accomplished at dragging up, you must place the

babe in the tour’s arms, and alert those diligent sisters

to the processes of abandonment. Accomplishments

(itemised) include the delicacy of the needle, include

the practice of drawing back the suck. Overproduction,

like any other disease, can be treated. The bell rings,

and that is enough.