About the Author

K T Bowes is a bestselling teen and women’s author. Her novel A Trail of Lies was the winner of the genre award for Author’s Cave in 2014. This is her debut in the world of fantasy writing and A Keeper’s War began first with a news article and then a dream.

K T Bowes is an Englishwoman in exile in New Zealand, swapping rugged cosmopolitan for mountain ranges and terrifying rivers. She lives in the same street as the Māori king the culture around her is infused into most of her novels.

You can find her hanging out on social media in the following places.

Check in and say hello. Maybe suggest she gets back to writing and stops watching cat videos.


FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/NZauthorKTBowes/

TWITTER https://twitter.com/ktboweswrites

INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/k_t_bowes

PINTEREST https://www.pinterest.nz/hanadurose/

LINKEDIN https://www.linkedin.com/in/ktbowes/