In a taxi headed to Fox Studios New York City Jobynski said, “Tonight I was to give a talk on God’s death. The FBI asked me to stop off and make certain Paul Smith went to jail. Now I’m going to proclaim Smith God? And your legal antics might get the bastard free on bail. It's crazy!"
“God was using the body of Paul Smith.” Kathy said. "It was His way of reaching us."
“No one will believe me,” Jobynski said.
“Us,” Kathy added. “We’re in this together.”
“I cursed God,” Jobynski muttered.
“You certainly did. But He understood. We must do as He asked.”
“Do we have a choice?"
“Of course.”
“But he already knows what's going to happen. Either He's all powerful and knows the future or not," Jobynski said. "If He knows what will happen what choice do we have? We're predestined to do his will."
"God called it COD," Kathy said.
"You mean like a fish?"
"COD is an acronym for Choice Option Design. The path He wants us to follow is made most accessible. But man doesn't always act logically. Most often we choose the more difficult way."
"He could show us the correct path." Jobynski said.
"He tried. He gave Adam only one commandment. Not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil then he gave us ten commandments and later the Bible."
"But He knew the outcome?"
"Of course," Kathy said. "But He gave man free choice.
"You asked him.
"For the first time in my life I can't remember the answer.
"You were busy on the floor grovelling and asking forgiveness. God said he's guided man periodically through history. He dictated the Five Books of Moses, sent prophets, judges and charismatic leaders to point the way. "
"I recall Him saying that His plan is beyond the ability of man to comprehend."
"Within His plan," Kathy said, "the laws of nature rule and man has freedom of choice.
"But he didn't answer my question," Jobynski said, "What or where is this destination. What is our purpose?"
"He did answer when you said; it's inconceivable that G-d, who can produce water from a rock, manna from heaven, and turn the sea into dry land, cannot change human behaviour?"
"What did he say?"
"Humanities gift is freedom of choice," Kathy said. "If man chooses poorly it becomes a curse. Then you asked why he hardened Pharaoh's heart? Why did he cause the Egyptians so much suffering and the death of their first born before they freed the Israelites?"
"God did it to show the world that He can punish as well as bless," Jobynski said. "Pharaoh ordered the death of every first born male Jewish child. It was just retribution."
"They were also idol worshippers, "Kathy said.
"Idol worshippers aren't stupid people," Jobynski said. "They carve and cast their idols knowing they cannot speak, hear or act."
"Then why do they credit so much power to them?"
"The idolaters want to control society through manufactured gods." Jobynski said. "The icons, statues and symbols divert the peoples' attention from the leaders' responsibility for control over nature. Idols give the impression religious leaders can influence and control God."
“Now we must go on TV and tell it to the people,” Kathy said.
"I’m not the greatest public speaker,” Jobynski said.
“Have you appeared on TV before?”
“Several times, all related to investigations.”
“This is different.”
“It's similar. I answered questions from reporters.”
“Not even close,” Kathy said. "Reporters asked questions and you answered them. The TV panel will ask questions but your answers should be directed to the television viewers. Use the panel as a foil to reach the TV audience. Convince them.”
“Thank God you’re with me.”
“You already thanked him.”
“Why did He think I need a lawyer?”
“I'm to help you present difficult and confusing information in an orderly, understandable way. TV script writers when given instructions for a general audience program, use a vocabulary no higher than the eighth grade. Yet if you talk down to the people they won't accept your premise."
But some of the concepts God instructed us to present are difficult for highly educated people to grasp.
"That's one of the reasons I'm here. The other is if you succeed explaining the Eighth Day of Creation, you're headed for a legal quagmire."
“Who'll take me to court?”
“Every religious group in the country. Maybe the world.”
“I'm counting on them to support me. God is speaking with man again.”
“You're about to hit religion below the belt,” Kathy said. “I’ve represented Religious groups before. The one thing you don’t mess with is their money.”
Kathy slid open the glass to speak with the cab driver, “There’s a men’s clothing shop when you come off the bridge. A big sign on the right says Goldberg’s.”
“Why are we stopping there?” Jobynski asked.
“You can’t go on national TV representing God in those rags. Mark will fit you and we’ll be on our way.”
“How do you know about men’s clothing?”
“Mark spruces up my clients so in court they don’t appear like Jack the Ripper.”
"Were you as frightened as I was?" Jobynski asked.
"At first," Kathy said.
"But you collapsed. You were crying."
"I was also happy," Kathy said. "I was so full of joy my legs wouldn't hold me. Every night of my life I've prayed to God. I met the real God." She shivered. "It's wonderful."
"I'm still frightened," Jobynski said. "The enormity of my sins how could He forgive me? I even cursed Him."
"He's God." Kathy said.
"I cursed him to his face."
"That was Paul Smith's face."
"What about that slob?"
"He'll be arraigned tomorrow. I called Congresswoman Ringle and removed myself from the case."
"Won't that hurt your professional reputation?"
"I'll sell the business and devote myself to the Eighth Day of Creation." Kathy pointed, "Driver," she said, "there it is on the right." . She pulled out a hundred dollar bill, tore it in half, handed one part to the driver saying, "Wait for us."
In the shop, Mark Goldberg met Kathy as she entered. "Mark," she said. "Measure him up quick for a half dozen suits. Pull one off the rack he can wear now. Set him up with ties,
You want belts and accessories." Mark asked pointing to Jobynski's scuffed tennis shoes. "I don't carry shoes?"
"In decorating the rule is," Kathy answered, "if you can't hide it, flaunt it. Let him wear the tennis shoes. He'll be considered an eccentric like Howard Hughes. No socks."
"Time is moving again," Jobynski said. "We're going to be late."
Mark snatched a suit, shirt and tie from the racks and shoved Jobynski to a dressing room saying, "I'm going to slap some pomade on his hair."
"Hurry!" Kathy said.
The taxi stopped at number 1211, Avenue of the Americas, Fox News Channel Studios. Outside the building a Page held a handwritten cardboard sign reading, "Jobynski."
"Here," Kathy called as she opened the cab door.
"They're waiting for you," the Page said. "There's just enough time for makeup." The Page led the way into the building, onto the elevator and up to the third floor. He asked, "Mr. Jobynski, are you really going to prove God is dead?"
"I'm going to try," Jobynski said.
"Good luck!" the Page said.
"Why is that?" Kathy asked.
"Then I won't feel bad when breaking God's rules."
""Who is the moderator?" Jobynski asked.
"Charles Krauthammer,"
"Fox brought in the best," Kathy said. "Please tell the stage hands that I will sit to the left of Mr. Jobynski."
"They're not prepared for two at the table across from Mr. Krauthammer."
"Please have it done," Kathy said.