After a quick makeup, Jobynski and Kathy were led onto the set. She whispered, "How are you going to explain your change of heart from a non-believer to a proponent of God's plan for mankind?"
"I've got that figured out but I haven't had time to prepare for all the possible questions."
"God chose you for your photographic memory and an IQ that is almost equal to mine."
Is that so…" Jobynski was interrupted by the Page who clipped lapel microphones to their clothing and seated them at an oblong table facing a similar table with four chairs.
Charles Krauthammer appeared in a wheelchair that fit it snugly under a desk centered on the stage between the two tables. The desk was designed so viewers would not know he was incapacitated. Kathy and Jobynski looked at each other and at the wheelchair.
"If Paul Smith was God," Jobynski said "I hope Krauthammer isn't Satan."
"That's his role in this interview. He's the Devil's advocate."
"Thanks loads," Jobynski whispered and looked over at the doleful face of Dr. Charles Krauthammer. The TV hosts thick dark eyebrows hovered over sleepy eyelids from which peeked two very bright dark eyes. His long swarthy face was engraved with two lines from high cheekbones down to his square chin. He nodded to Jobynski and Kathy on his left to the four panelists taking their seats on his right. The Page instructed to the audience by holding up a sign, "Quiet Please!"
Off to the side of the stage the announcer faced a camera and said, "Welcome Fox viewers from all over the world. We would especially like to greet new station viewers in the Mongolian capital of Ulan Bator. That is Mongolian TV. Welcome to the Fox News Program. Our host tonight is Charles Krauthammer. The subject: God is Dead. Physics Professor Joseph Jobynski of Harvard University is our honored guest. He is accompanied by his advisor and eminent New York attorney Ms. Kathy Connors. The illustrious panel is made up of four respected educators."
The two clergymen were easily identifiable by their black suits and reversed collars. Monsignor, Father Adolph Klein, a large robust man with apple red cheeks from the New York Archdiocese. Reverend Parker Wessels tall thin his bald black head reflected the overhead lights was pastor of the Church of Zion in Harlem New York. Prince Abed Jihad, UN representative from Saudi Arabia and Keeper of the Seal of Mecca wore an Italian made pin striped, silk business suit, patent leather shoes and a traditional Saudi headdress. Professor Dotty Moxon of Stony Brook University drew the audience's attention. She represented the Metro Atheists Organization of New York. The TV cameramen and stage hands ogled her. A petite well shaped woman in her early thirties. She wore powder blue slacks and tight fitting white'T' shirt across well endowed breasts on which was written "Saint Agnostics". She radiated energy. Her shiny black hair cascaded over thin elegant shoulders. Her dark eyes shone behind rimless glasses. She challenged the two clergymen on her left with her eyes. They looked away. She slapped down a writing pad and two pens on the table then took her seat. The clergymen ignored her. Prince Abed Jihad at the far end of the table realized she wore no brassiere.
Off to the side of the stage the TV announcer stood before a background of New York's sky line. On signal from the director, he looked into the camera lens and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is a Fox News Special. Tonight we feature Dr. Charles Krauthammer, internationally renowned physician, award winning columnist and acclaimed commentator as host of this ninety minute interview with Professor Joseph Jobynski and Ms Kathy Connors Esquire, attorney at law. The subject: God is Dead! Neither Fox nor our affiliates take responsibility for the ideas, concepts or theories presented on this program. They are the opinions, beliefs and thoughts of the participants. Shortly I will introduce you to our distinguished panel. But first Dr. Krauthammer will explain the ground rules for tonight's debate.
The cameras closed in on Charles Krauthammer. He read from handwritten notes, “Tonight's discussion will begin with Professor Jobynski having two minutes to make an opening statement. Ms Kathy Connors will follow.
The panelists will ask questions, limited to one topic and indicating whom they wish to answer the question. The order of questioners being determined by draw.
Our two guests," he nodded to Jobynski and Connors, "will have ninety seconds to reply. Upon completing their answer, anyone criticized by name or title will have thirty seconds to respond. I will keep track of time. At the end of the program at least three questions will be submitted by the studio audience. Finally, each person will have ninety seconds for summation.
The studio audience will vote regarding whether God has been proven dead or not. Is this acceptable to everyone?"
"A question?" Kathy said
Charles Krauthammer’s thick eyebrows rose up into his forehead. "Yes? Ms. Connors,"
"You have allotted the same amount of time for Professor Jobynski and I to rebut arguments put forward by four people."
"You are asking for more time to match that of the panelists?" asked.
"Sounds reasonable," he said.
"Not to me it doesn't," Dotty Moxon interjected. "I support the motion that God is deader than a doornail. So there are only three against two."
"I was counting Dr. Krauthammer as the fourth," Kathy said.
"Oh," Dotty Moxon said. “Then that evens the odds. She sat back in her chair.
"Who will decide which questions from the audience will be presented?" Kathy asked.
"I will," Charles Krauthammer said. "My staff will select ten questions from those submitted and I will choose three."
"So you have control?" Kathy asked.
"A privilege of the host," he said, "Now a word from our sponsors,"
"Welcome to Egyptian Air Lines. We offer low rates, in flight safety, the most courteous service, free baggage allowance, Halal Food…"
Kathy turned to Jobynski, "How are you going to tell them?"
"I know how to begin but when it comes to saying we just chatted with God…" Jobynski scratched his head. "Do you have any ideas?"
"None that make sense," She nodded, "The Page is signaling, the commercials are over."
Before Krauthammer could speak Parker Wessels asked, "Shouldn't there be a representative of the Jewish and Hindu religions?" One represents the foundation of Christianity and Islam and the other has as many adherents as Islam and more than the atheists."
I invited the minister of religious affairs from India," Charles said. "He took ill at the last moment.
"I wish him a speedy recovery," Parker Wessels said and Father Klein nodded.
"If necessary," Krauthammer said, "I will represent the Jewish point of view. I received my medical training at Yeshiva University."
"I thought you were German," Prince Abed Jihad said.
"We are getting ahead of ourselves," Krauthammer replied." I've introduced our guests, now to our panelists." He pointed to the far end of the table on his right, Professor Dotty Moxon teaches Philosophy at Stony Brook University in New York. Professor Moxon is also a member of the board of the New York Atheist Society. To Professor Moxon's left is Reverend Parker Wessels of the Harlem Baptist Church. A renowned Bible Scholar, University Lecturer who worked interpreting and deciphering the Dead Sea Scrolls in Israel." The tall elegant black man nodded and the studio lights reflected off his shaven skull. "To his left is Monsignor Adolph Klein who represents the Catholic Archdiocese of New York. He has led Catholic Charities in disaster relief for New Orleans, Haiti and most recently in Japan after the Tsunami. Specifically the Fukashima atomic plant disaster." The large portly priest with cherubic smile and red cheeks nodded.
"To my immediate right, is Prince Abed Jihad, member of the Saudi Royal Family, Keeper of the Holy Seal of Mecca. Educated in Bonn, Germany, the Sorbonne, France and received his Doctorate in Islamic studies at Oxford University, England."
The dark distinguished man with carefully trimmed goatee, bowed. He touched his heart, lips and forehead with his fingertips and his white teeth sparkled in a brilliant smile when he said, "Are there really enough atheists in the world to be included in this discussion?"
"There are as many atheists and agnostics as Hindus and Muslims," Krauthammer said, "They reside mostly in first world countries, the former Soviet Block, China, North Korea, Japan, Viet Nam and Cuba. Third world countries are more religious.”
“The future favors atheism," Dotty Moxon said. "If Buddhists who practice a philosophy rather than religion were included, Atheists would out number Muslims. There are two billion Christians," she pointed at the two clergymen; "a billion or so Muslims and the number of Jews in the world wouldn't make a pimple on an atheist's ass."
"And there you have it," Charles Krauthammer cut in, "The beginning of what should be an interesting evening." He turned to Jobynski, "Professor, can you prove God is dead?
"I am not a professor,"
"Your colleagues at Harvard invested you with a seat funded by the George Soros Foundation for the development of cooperation between science and religion."
"Someone told me," Jobynski said. "I didn't believe Him.
"Congratulations," Krauthammer said, "Now to the question. Can you prove God is dead?"
"On my drive from Cambridge Massachusetts to New York," Jobynski said. "I passed many churches. They displayed similar bulletin board announcements. I stopped and copied one. Allow me to read it to you.
Monday: Unwed Mothers
Tuesday: Abused Spouses
Wednesday: Alcoholics Anonymous
Thursday: Teen Suicide Watch
Friday: Say no to Drugs
Saturday: Soup Kitchen
Sunday's Sermon: Our Heavenly Future
"According to these church advertisements," Jobynski said. "If God isn't dead He is terminally ill. And I hope to prove Religion is killing Him!"
The three male panelists rocked back in their chairs. Dotty Moxon clapped her hands, jumped up and shouted, "Hallelujah Brother!" She pointed at Jobynski, "Can I sign you up in the National Atheist Association?"
"Ms. Moxon," Krauthammer said, "the first outburst was your mistake. The second is mine, that I did not warn you against turning this into a theater of the absurd." The smiling Professor from Stony Brook took her seat.
Krauthammer nodded at Jobynski, "Please begin."
"What I came here to say, is the concept that religion has given of God is a, flat humanistic view of the Divine. From this day forth the letters "G" "O" "D" will represent far more than what our religions have taught."
"Apologies for interrupting," Reverend Wessels said. "If I understand correctly you are not proposing the death of God but a change in our concept of God?"
"Exactly," Jobynski said. "How could an omniscient, eternal, all knowing creator possibly die? He couldn't, hasn't and won't."
"Then you are here under false pretenses!" Dotty Moxon said.
"No," Jobynski replied, "and you should support me to show that religions have imposed an anthropomorphic image of God on the mind of man. Consideration of God's death is to think of the Almighty as mortal. Religion has reduced God by limiting Him to human imagination."
"The holier than thou crowd do a lot more than that, "Prof. Moxon nodded to the three clergyman sitting to her left."They have man walking on water, rising from the dead, separating the seas and riding camels to heaven…"
"Ms. Moxon," Krauthammer cautioned. She nodded and remained silent.
"Anthropomorphism in religion," Jobynski said, "places man at the center of the religious universe. Religions refer to God in human terms. They act as if God were their friend."
"But he is a personal God." Reverend Wessels said.
"That is just a fraction of His beauty," Jobynski said. "God is the only absolute truth in existence,"
"But God is man's companion from birth." Father Klein said.
"God is not a person. Jobynski said. “Religions appeal to God as if he is the Minister of Health, Welfare and Finance. A change in religious thought and practice must take place. God is omniscient and unknowable."
"Of course God is unknowable," Dotty Moxon said. "He isn't there, here or anywhere."
"But you see his influence all around you," Kathy said.
"I do not." Dotty Moxon said.
"Do you love your mother?" Kathy asked.
"Yes," Dotty Moxon replied.
Kathy picked up her briefcase from the floor and opened it toward Dotty Moxon asking, "Would you please place that love in this briefcase?"
"That's foolish!" Dotty Moxon said.
"Not so," Parker Wessel's said. "He held a pen in his hand, let it drop onto the table and asked, "Why did it fall?"
"Gravity," Dotty Moxon said.
"You believe in gravity although you can't see it," Wessels said. "Science cannot explain gravity. You can't see the wind but you certainly feel its influence. So it is with love and God. You can talk of it but you cannot put it in Ms. Connor's briefcase."
The dynamic female professor of Philosophy gazed through her rimless glasses and said, "If Professor Jobynski’s proves that God is the central point in the universe it will be like Galileo demonstrating the Copernican theory, that the earth is not the center of the solar system. The sun is." She looked over at Kathy and Jobynski saying, "These religious guys will hang you two as they did Galileo,"
"Galileo was absolved of heresy by the Pope," Father Klein said.
"It took him long enough," Dotty Moxon said, "Pope John Paul II absolved Galileo of heresy in 1999."
Father Klein ignored the jibe and asked, " Professor Jobynski please explain how you relate the incident with Galileo to anthropomorphism in the church?"
Charles Krauthammer interceded, "Father Klein will be using his ninety seconds to question."
"That is my question," Father Klein said.
"Galileo," Jobynski said, "promoted Copernicus' view of the solar system with the sun at the center. Proving the earth rotated around the sun not the opposite. Today Judaism, Christianity and Islam have God rotating around man. Man has created an artificial religious universe called Humanism. It places man at its centre. Religious man thinks and acts as if God is meant to serve him."
"Where and how do you see that?" Father Klein asked.
"Christianity conceives God in the form of a man."
"Jesus Christ." Reverend Wessels said.
"Not only Jesus," Kathy Connors said. "There are three distinct personalities to a Christian's concept of God."
"The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit," Father Klein said. "But the Trinity isn't attempting to teach that three equals one; God the Father views, judges and influences man from outside. God the Son dwelt and preached on earth and God the Holy Spirit is shared by both God and man. The Trinity is one, God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These are separate ways in which God expresses his love. They are three different aspects of being one with man.
"Did you know a Moroccan Arab founded modern mathematics?" Prince Jihad asked. He steepled his manicured fingers before his handsome bearded face and said. "No matter how you view it, the moment you use the term three personalities you are speaking of God in terms of human conception. No Muslim can accept this. God is one. There is no other. "
"Each of the three personalities, are not three separate Gods," Parker Wessels said. "They are distinct attributes of a single God."
"Professor Jobynski isn't disputing your concept," Kathy Connors said. "It is your congregants who receive the wrong message. Your religions have limited God in the mind of man by conceiving Him in human terms."
"What other concept have they?" Dotty Moxon asked. "People created God from their own imagination. These guys,” she pointed, turned it into a business. Religion is an organized money making machine. These religious guys have no other place to go for an answer but to search their soul. And I don't believe man has a soul."
"They should turn to God," Kathy replied.
"And how do you propose to know God's mind?" Prince Jihad asked.
"He has given us instructions," Kathy said.
Jobynski, afraid Kathy would talk about their meeting with God interrupted, "The Bible," He said. "That is where the answers can be found. God gave the Bible as rule and guide for mankind to follow."
"You propose to do away with the New Testament!" Father Klein said.
"And the Koran? Prince Jihad asked.
"They must be taught in truth," Jobynski said.
"What does that mean?" Parker Wessels asked
"Tell your religious adherents," Jobynski answered, "that the King James Bible came about because King Henry VIII of England wanted to divorce his wife and marry his mistress. The king stepped out of the Catholic Church, created the Anglican Church and appointed himself head of that branch of Christianity."
"Martin Luther acted in a similar manner," Prince Jihad said. "Luther fought corruption in Catholicism, their false doctrines and sale of indulgences by the Church."
"I should explain to our TV audience," Charles said, "That indulgences refer to the sale of dispensation in the world to come of sins committed in this life."
"Priests even sold the pardons in advance," Dotty Moxon said. "If you were rich, you bought the privilege of sinning in advance. There are documents in the Vatican archives guaranteeing eternity in heaven,"
"You mean before the sin was committed?" Prince Jihad asked.
"Yes," Dotty Moxon said, "Did you know that at least thirty-six Popes were married? Saint Peter was married. Catholicism originally accepted married Priests. Even women were Priests?"
"Dr. Krauthammer!" Kathy Connors interrupted, "We've strayed from the subject."
"I agree Ms. Connors. We'll pause for a short commercial break."
The Page tapped his chest and drew his forefinger across his throat signaling that the lapel microphones were turned off. He then pointed to his own ear and to Krauthammer. Charles Krauthammer inserted his ear phone and listened.
"Get off this subject," the show's producer said. "The following commercials are from companies owned by the Catholic Church."