The Rules

Dr. Charles Krauthammer acknowledged the producer's instructions declaring to the audience, "The rules I initiated for this discussion will be put aside. The dialogue is moving smoothly without them. I ask that the participants focus on the subject. Is the religious concept of God, dead? "Ms. Connors, please continue?"

"Your religions are teaching of God as nothing more than creator of the universe," Kathy said.

"What else is there?" Prince Jihad asked.

"Truth," Kathy answered. "Yes. God is the creator. He is also the only pure truth in existence. Every religion claims to know the truth. But there is only one absolute truth. God! God is the only uncorrupted truth. Every other truth scientific or religious is conditional."

"Prove it!" Dotty Moxon said.

"The pen you are holding is a fact. It exists and that is its own truth. But that truth of existence is conditional. The inventor had to conceive of a pen, the artisan had to make it. The Kindle device is conditional on the inventor, the manufacturer and the purchaser." Jobynski glanced sideways at Kathy, surprised at the erudite construction of her argument. "Now think of the universe," She continued. "It works according to certain rules. Everything on earth works according to these same rules. We refer to them as the laws of nature and physics. These laws are conditional. Animals, trees, the earth, gravity, suns, stars and moons all act according to predetermined rules. Who set these rules into action?

“Evolution!” Dotty Moxon answered.

"Professor Moxon, “Kathy asked. "You say nature evolved. Evolved from what? Trace any genetic or chemical chain to its origin and you will come to nothing. There had to exist something. A condition or something had to be present for these things to come into being. That beginning is God. Most people think of God in Mickey Mouse terms because of a Sunday school level of religious education. God is the only unconditional truth in the universe. He created everything from nothing. God is the creator of the world, the universe, He created everything. Therefore it all belongs to Him. Not us. We evolved from the Almighty and revolve around Him. Our duty is to serve Him. The first words of the translated Bible are, “In the beginning…” In Hebrew it is translated as, “At the first." There was nothing before God and He is the only absolute truth."

"I have no problem with that," Prince Jihad said.

"I think we all do," Parker Wessels said. "Ms. Connors concept of God as absolute truth is found in ancient Hebrew texts. It rules out the absolute truths of the Prophet Mohammed and Jesus Christ."

While Parker Wessels spoke, Jobynski covered his lapel mike and whispered to Kathy, "How did you think of that?"

"She whispered, "Ask yourself a question."

Jobynski's brow wrinkled as Prince Jihad asked "Ms. Connors is what Reverend Wessels said correct?"

"Yes and no," Kathy said.

"You can't have it both ways?" Dotty Moxon said.

"Actually we can," Jobynski flashed a rare smile. "In the science of quantum mechanics it has been proven that light, is both a wave and a particle. Now a light wave and a light particle are as different as truth and untruth. Yet they exist in the same form, at the same time as light."

"Why?" Father Klein asked.

"That is the most important question," Jobynski said. "Why are Ms. Connors and I here?

"To promote a new religion," Dotty Moxon said, "and get a tax exemption."

Jobynski ignored the sarcasm, "Ms. Connors and I were entrusted with the task of explaining the Eighth Day of Creation to mankind."

"Chutzpa!" Parker Wessels said, "You're mocking, contemptuous and disrespectful."

"Impertinent!" Father Klein said. "Who gave you the authority to preach to us?"

"I will explain later," Jobynski said.

"Professor Jobynski," Dr. Krauthammer said, "your statement was discourteous. Our panelists are recognized intellectuals chosen for their dedication to the truth of their beliefs. Whether you agree with them or not, talking down to such distinguished scholars is uncalled for."

"We apologize for our choice of words," Kathy said. "But please hear what the Professor Jobynski has to say about Biblical law."

"The Five books of the Old Testament," Jobynski said, were dictated by God to Moses and taught by Moses to Aaron and the elders of Israel. These five books were not the first laws given to mankind. In the beginning God gave only one law to Adam and Eve. They were not to eat of the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil."

"But if God is omniscient," Dotty Moxon asked, "He should have known man would fail?"

"Man has free choice" Jobynski said. "God rarely interferes."

"Do you know why the fruit of that particular tree was forbidden?" Rev. Wessels asked.

"The type of fruit was unimportant." Jobynski said. "The almighty commanded man to respect God's ownership of everything. Adam challenged God's rights by taking the forbidden fruit. God revealed his second commandment to Cain after he killed his brother Able. Man is his brother's keeper."

"I always wondered," Dr. Krauthammer asked, "why God protected Cain with a sign after Cain killed his own brother? Shouldn't God have favored Able?"

"He did," Jobynski said.

"But Able died?"

"Exactly," Jobynski flashed another smile. "Death is not a punishment. Life without rules is the punishment. Man became so evil the Almighty had to start over. He flooded the earth and issued seven more rules known as the Noahide laws."

"Doesn't this negate the omniscients of God? Krauthammer asked. "God should have known man would fail."

"Man unlike the animals was created with a second soul," Jobynski said. "This special soul has freedom of choice. Adam and Eve chose to disregard God's ownership of the Garden of Eden and ate from the forbidden tree. Cain assumed the right to kill Able.

"Do you really believe those fairy tales?" Dotty Moxon asked.

"Genesis tells of creation," Jobynski said. "Exodus explains the formation of Israel as a nation. Combined with the other three books, they are history, geology, astronomy, agriculture, society and rules for growth to religious maturity of a special people. The Bible is a guide to life. God told Moses to write this shir for me."

"In Hebrew," Reverend Wessels said, "shir means a poem.“

“Or song.” Jobynski said. “A song is a poem with music. Most of Genesis is poetry."

"I didn't know God was a poet!" Dotty Moxon said.,

"You never learned that poetic interpretation in the seminary," Father Klein said.

"Poetry has two qualities not found in descriptive prose," Jobynski said. "Poetry is allusive rather than specific. It suggests profound meaning with unusual words, sound sequences or sentence structure. Prose carries its meaning on the surface. The Bible, like poetry, gives up its treasures with study, repetition and application. Biblical Hebrew grammar is in the Perfect and Imperfect tenses. There is no simple past, present or future tense in Biblical Hebrew. Thus when we say 'God created the heavens and the earth…' It is a mistranslation. The English word, created, is in the simple past tense. It denotes an action that took place in the past and was completed. Correct interpretation is, 'God created, is creating daily and will be creating forever."

"I never completely understood that part of Hebrew grammar," Reverend Wessels said. "It explains the meaning of God's name, Jehovah in the Hebrew letters, Yod Hey Vav Hey, He was, He is and He will be'."

"You two sound like a couple of Rabbis dancing on the head of a pin," Prince Jihad said. The Holy Koran took only the truth from your Old and New Testaments. So it was written and so it was taught by Mohammed, the last and greatest of the Prophets."

"You misunderstand," Jobynski said. "Biblical poetry gives the words a greater truth. The Bible has eternal legitimacy. God commanded Adam and Eve with one rule. After the flood he gave Noah seven rules for all mankind. Only ten generations after Noah, man became so impressed with his ability to build, he thought of himself as the creator. Man built towers called Ziggurats to reach the heavens challenging God's right to rule on earth. The Lord dispersed man by confusing his speech with different languages."

"It's not in the Koran?" Prince Jihad said.

"The Koran was written six-hundred and thirty years after the death of Christ and twenty-five hundred years after the Torah," Jobynski said.

"You can't believe they built towers to reach heaven?" Dotty Moxon said.

"Ziggurats are stepped temples found in ancient Sumeria, Babylonia and Assyria." Jobynski said. "Abraham of the Bible would have seen one in the city of Ur where he lived. That particular Ziggurat still exists in Iran."

"Ziggurats were simulated mountains meant to reach the heavens," Dotty Moxon said. "The city of Ur is located on the plains why didn't they build them on the mountains?"

"They did," Jobynski replied. "The Aztecs and Incas built on mountains. These man made pyramids are found in North and South America, Great Britain, Europe, Australia, China, Japan, Indonesia and Egypt."

"And you believe God dispersed man to various parts of the planet?" Prince Jihad asked.

"Yes," Jobynski said.

"You were once a Catholic priest," Father Klein said, "What happened?"

"It was not because of the precepts of the Church that I left," Jobynski answered. "It was the implementation of those precepts."

"And now?" Father Klein asked.

"All your religions exclude reason," Jobynski said. "They require a form of self-hypnosis to accept false ideas and distort reality. Religions must learn a new approach to serving God."

"And who will teach us?" Parker Wessel's asked.

"Ms. Connors and me," Jobynski said.

The three clergymen came forward in their chairs. Dotty Moxon laughed out loud, "Any new religious approach is better than what they have now! You'll get your tax exemption. "

"Before we hear of this new approach," Dr. Krauthammer said. "A message from our sponsors, Arabica Coffee."

"The Page signaled for Krauthammer to listen on his ear phone, "Great job!" The producer said. "The viewer ratings are soaring. You've got ten more minutes. This could go through the roof."

Dr. Krauthammer nodded."
