The Page stepped forward and sang the ancient Hebrew word, "Takeeya!"
The long blast of a giant unseen ram's horn shattered the auditorium windows. It reverberated beyond the hospital to the four corners of the earth. It was heard on the space station orbiting the planet, under the seas and throughout the world by all mankind. People froze. The sound of the ancient trumpet vibrated in their bodies and touched their souls.
The Page sang out again, the Hebrew word "Shevorim!" Two more rams horns joined the first in three synchronized staccato blasts that caused people to tremble. The young Page sang out once more, "Truah!" Four more rams horns joined the three in a long undulating wail that plucked the heart strings with its resonance, surge, roll and swell to stop in a deafening silence. When the Page made his final proclamation, Takeah Gedolah! (The Great Call to Truth).
The seven unseen ram's horns blasted forth in unison a sound greater than that when Moses received the law at Sinai. The auditorium walls shook. People the world over knew the fear of God. No place on earth or in the universe was without the long withering blast of the seven trumpets of God. People fell to their knees, prostrated themselves full length on the ground. Most burst into uncontrollable sobbing. Children glowed with joy. They danced and sang with unabashed pleasure.
The auditorium became an emotional mass of joyful children and frightened, weeping adults. Jeff Caspi ordered his men to help restore order. They too were traumatized and slow to respond. They understood the Page's calls in Hebrew for the blowing of the invisible ram's horns.
Kathy and Jobynski watched the hospital staff and the Mossad men attempt to bring a semblance of order. Jobynski looked across to the opposite table. Dotty Moxon was sobbing uncontrollably. She gasped and sucked great breaths trying to gain control of her emotions. Her daughter and son ran to her side. The mother hugged them and they wept together. Reverend Wessels looked at his open palms rocking back and forth muttering unintelligible prayers. The Saudi Prince's face was streaked with tears; his white silk shirt was dampened by them. Father Klein had fallen asleep. Charles Krauthammer sat slack jawed staring into space. TV cameras and studio equipment were unattended as the crews were in stunned. The Producer was first to recover. He pushed and cajoled his people to their cameras. Kathy turned to the Page and Jobynski, "I thought God might cure them?" She pointed to the patients in the audience.
'The miracle is greater than that," the Page said. "He rested his hand on Jobynski's shoulder, "It's time."
"Everyone is disorganized, they won't hear," Jobynski said.
"They will," The Page insisted pointing at the clock. Its hands were unmoving. "Whether they obey is another question. Now!" He commanded.
Jobynski stood, walked to the front of the stage facing the audience. Quiet spread as people looked up and waited to hear his words. Joseph Jobynski's voice but not his image was projected throughout the universe. It was heard in the ears, hearts and minds of mankind.
"The voice you hear is mine," Jobynski said. "The words belong to God. ----
“From creation to the present, history has been the school of your soul. Memory, the rule and guide for your actions. Now, imagination will become the key to your future. Through the use of imagination, scientific principals and dedication to God's Laws you will achieve inter-planetary travel to parallel universes. Thus begins this Eighth Day of Creation. Not for His pleasure did God form man from the dust and imbue him with an immortal soul. Man is made in God's image. The Mosaic laws are from this time forth binding on all of mankind. Both the written and oral law will you apply when populating other stars. There you shall rule, guide and instruct that all may know, The Lord God is, God."
Jobynski opened his mouth to speak and it was recognized by mankind as the voice of God.. The words thundered forth. The world shook. Lightning flashed and thunder rolled in clear blue skies. The voice of God proclaimed,
1 I am the Lord thy God. You now experience me as reality. To deny Me is blasphemy.
2 Thou shall have no other Gods. Worship to anything or anyone else is idolatrous.
3 Thou shall not swear a deceitful oath in My name and you will set just courts with sagacious judges. Thus perjury, breaking or delaying the performance of vows or promises are forbidden.
4 Remember the Sabbath Day and the observance of Sacred Time as described in the Law.
5 Respect for Parents and Teachers for they are participants in the act of your creation as human beings.
6 "Thou shall not murder."
7 "You shall not commit adultery."
8 Prohibition of Theft. "Includes robbery, kidnapping, which is stealing a person.
9 Thou shall not bear false witness. "It is forbidden to harm another by slander, tale bearing or untruthful testimony.
10 "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or anything that is your neighbor's."
The voice of God fell silent. It caused a vacuum that sucked the breath from humankind. People gasped for air. Some groveled, others trembled or fell to their knees. Mankind experienced the presence of the Almighty.