Special Note From The Author
Okay, I admit it. Just now as I finished updating this novel to put on ebook, I cried all the way through the epilogue, even during the parts that and I knew would make you laugh. Why? Well, I hadn’t remembered writing the epilogue, and I was touched to know what happened to the characters I love. I do remember writing the little tidbits in the novels that lead to the conclusions I wrote in the epilogue, but I’d forgotten the final lines. I felt sad that I would never read more about the Perraults and their extended family. I miss them.
But after seven books and over eight hundred thousand words, the Ariana saga is complete. Even after this rewrite I still feel it’s time to let the Perrault family live “happily ever after.”
I wish to thank my readers who have been so diligent at pursuing the series. Without you, the books are nothing but chicken scratches on paper (or black marks on a screen). I sincerely appreciate all the support you have given my work over the years. Thank you for your continuing support!
As of this day, the entire Ariana series is now available on the ebook. Each book has been updated except the first three, which I hope to do in the future. “Update” is a nice way of saying rewrite because I’m a better writer now than I was all those years ago, and they really needed some work. Even so, I tried hard to stay true to the story and to the author I was at the time I wrote them.
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your lives.
Rachel Ann Nunes
Please continue to the next page for the sneak peek of House Without Lies, a romance by the author under the name Rachel Branton, followed by a bonus preview of The Superstitious Romance by fellow White Star Press author, Anastasia Alexander. A list of all books by Rachel Ann Nunes can be found in the About the Author section after the sample chapters.