

[1] Gramigna means dog's-tail-grass.

[2] Fichidindia, also called Indian figs.

[3] An onza is .55.

[4] Pic-nic day.

[5] Hill with a cross on it.

[6] I.e., a lusus naturæ, abnormal!

[7] Field guard.

[8] La puddara is the Sicilian name for Ursa Major,—the Big Bear.

[9] Stellato, starred, said of a horse with a white spot in his forehead.

[10] A fraction of a soldo, or cent.

[11] A parasitic disease.

[12] Facemu cuntu ca chioppi e scampau e la nostra amicizia finiu.

[13] North-east.

[14] Brigadiere is the station or the Commandant of the detachment of the Carabaneers in a small town.

[15] Cowardly, ridiculous, vile.

[16] The especial saint of the Provident.

[17] A tarì is one-thirtieth of an onza.

[18] The manager of a farm, not a tenant.

[19] "Lontano sia! che son figlia di Maria!"