A book with the scope of this one is never the work of one person. First, clinical and laboratory researchers, as well as other authors whose work and ideas support the principles of this book, are acknowledged in the notes and listed in the bibliography. Second, I thank my editor, Richard Leviton, a medical writer himself, for his confidence, encouragement, support, and for helping me craft this work into a polished book.
Then, there are those whose energies as mentors, friends, and supportive family members lent help in a multitude of nontechnical ways: foremost among them is my companion over the years that this book was in progress, the Mexican painter, Norma Michel, for her infinite patience and depth of understanding of the creative process; and Bill Galt and Gail Weaver of LifeTime Health and Nutrition, Inc. My special thanks goes to Don Bodenbach, the host of the radio program The Nature of Health, who supported the idea of this book from its inception and encouraged my clinical work for a number of years.
Several writers gave unselfishly from their experiences, and without them the writing process would have remained a hidden mystery to me. I would especially like to thank the author Gerald Hausman for his many years of mentorship and for the quality of his friendship. Other writers who have encouraged and offered me their support and help along the way include the Ayurvedic physician Robert Svoboda; Judy Goldstein, M.D.; Michael Murray, N.D.; Arnie Lade, L.Ac.; Ralph Alan Dale, Ph.D.; and Cory J. Meachum.
A number of doctors and scientists took time from their busy schedules to review parts of the manuscript or provide inspiration along the way. Among these are James Murphy, D.O.; William Pollack, M.D., Ph.D.; Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.; Brett Jacques, N.D.; and Robert Bradford, D.Sc.
I would never have gained the experience and knowledge to write this book without having learned from my patients and from the work of those pioneers in the fields of natural and integrated medicine who have been my teachers, guides, instructors, and betters. I thank you all.