Viral immunity is the ability of the immune system to prevent, defend against, neutralize, and eliminate viruses from the body. You can achieve it by following the 10-step viral immunity plan outlined in this book.
The 10 steps to viral immunity are:
Viral immunity is without question one of the most important health issues of this century. The erosion and impending failure of our natural immunity due to ecological alterations of the environment and the consequences of viral infection will affect nearly everyone. Immune system failure also plays a leading role in all major modern diseases including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, thyroid conditions, fungal infections, chronic bacterial infections, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Most of these conditions are also triggered by viruses.
The message of this book is clear. You can improve your immune system in general with diet, lifestyle, and natural medicines. We need viral immunity in particular because of the dramatically increasing incidence of powerful new viral infections such as human herpes virus-6, human immunodeficiency viruses, hepatitis C, dengue hemorrhagic fever, West Nile virus, new and stronger strains of influenza, the newly discovered TT virus,1 and the possibility of the epidemics of rare viruses or re-emergence of those once thought eliminated, through acts of bioterroism.
There are 170 million cases of hepatitis C and 350 million cases of hepatitis B worldwide. More than 50 million people are infected with the AIDS virus, most in sub-Saharan Africa where one in five have AIDS. In comparison, the virus that causes dengue fever infects more than fifty million people annually, and in the United States alone 25 percent of the population will suffer from influenza-associated illnesses, which cause more than 20,000 deaths each year.
Drugs do not improve our immune systems. In fact, they often disrupt their normal functioning, and they are not the way to viral immunity. Though antiviral drugs help reduce symptoms early on in their use, eventually they cause drug resistance in the viruses. According to Sally Blower, Ph.D., an evolutionary biologist, renowned biomathematician, and professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, HIV resistance to antiviral drugs will increase from 3 percent in 1997 to 42 percent by the year 2005.
Alternative solutions for the treatment of viral illnesses are available, and we can take preventive steps today by following the health-promoting and immune-enhancing measures presented in steps 1 through 4. If you already have a condition caused by a virus, you may use the specialized natural antiviral and immune-enhancing medications described in this book to strengthen your immune system.
In this book you will learn about viruses, the basic principles of immunology, and the reasons why our immune systems are breaking down. You will also learn how to prevent infection, strengthen your immune system, and manage chronic viral illness with the most effective natural medicines available. The information contained in this book is useful for all types of people, for the caregivers of viral infection victims, and for health care workers.
Some of the viruses discussed include:
In Viral Immunity you will find natural ways of improving immune function, remedies to treat viral infections, and suggestions on how to reframe outdated concepts that could otherwise prevent you from obtaining effective treatment. The book discusses alternative therapies and looks at the new evolutionary model of medicine as well as the view of Chinese medicine on viral illnesses. I discuss pathology as well as a more holistic and integrated view of how lifestyle, habitual thought patterns, spiritual beliefs (or lack of them), and the environment in which we live all contribute to our health, well being, and the integrity of our immune systems.
Along the way in Viral Immunity, you will learn why these statements are true:
The 10-step program outlined in Viral Immunity is a comprehensive method that helps build a strong immune system, and it is a guide for preventing and treating viral diseases with natural medicines. It is unique to this book and is based on a multidisciplinary approach to mind-body healing that I have developed and used successfully with patients in my own practice for nearly twenty years. The natural medications and lifestyle approaches discussed in the book are supported by scientific research and extensive clinical evidence, and prove that natural medicines can and will play an increasing role in the treatment of viral illnesses.
The 10-step program outlined in Viral Immunity is a comprehensive method that helps build a strong immune system, and it is a guide for preventing and treating viral diseases with natural medicines. It is unique to this book and is based on a multidisciplinary approach to mind-body healing that I have developed and used successfully with patients in my own practice for nearly twenty years.
As conventional medicine falters, is dragged down by over-reliance on antibiotics and other powerful drugs that cause microbial-resistant strains, and becomes preoccupied with the spiraling cost of hospitalization and medical care, the key to successfully building viral immunity is an educated public actively involved in preventing disease and managing their own health in ways such as the 10 steps to viral immunity presented in this book.
Viral Immunity is divided into two parts. Part 1 discusses how we become ill and how we heal. It describes how the immune system functions and it introduces some of the viral agents that make us sick. I explain how a toxic environment and continuing stress contribute to the downward spiral of our immune deficiency. Part 2 presents a detailed step-by-step program to fortify your immune system and to assist it in fighting off viral infections. Following is a brief description of the 10 steps:
In the appendices you will find a comprehensive list of resources, including recommended laboratories and doctors to facilitate your viral immunity goals. Notes are provided at the end of the book for each section for those wishing more explanations on certain technical points. There is a glossary of terms, and an extensive bibliography is provided as documentation for the material presented in the book.