This places the clipboard objects at the mouse cursor, or at the center of the window if the mouse is outside the canvas. When editing text with the Text tool, this inserts the text from the clipboard into the current text object.
This places the clipboard objects into the original location from which they were copied.
This applies the style of the (first of the) copied object(s) to the current selection. If a gradient handle (in the Gradient tool) or a text span (in the Text tool) are selected, they get the pasted style instead of the entire object.
This applies the path effect of the copied path to the paths/shapes in the current selection.
New object(s) are placed exactly over the original(s) and selected. Clones may be relinked if you enabled that (16.5 Unlinking and Relinking Clones).
The clone is placed exactly over the original object and is selected. You can only clone one object at a time; if you want to clone several objects together, group them and clone the group.
The imported bitmap is placed over the original selection and is selected.
This converts the selection to a rectangle with tiled pattern fill.
Each selected object with pattern fill is broken into the same object without fill and a single pattern object.