
As always my heartfelt thanks go to Ben Camardi, my friend and agent, and Jennifer Klonsky, editor and pal. You are essential. And you are deeply appreciated. Gratitude also goes to Jaime Feldman, Michelle Fadlalla, Jodie Cohen, Kimberly Lauber, and the other fine members of my Simon & Schuster family—each of you is a treasure.

My work gives me the pleasure and privilege of being in the company of wonderful, funny, inspiring librarians. Your friendship and support have meant a great deal to me. Special thanks in particular go to Mike Denton, Dominique McCafferty, Rod Peckman, and the delightful queen of librarians, Nancy Pearl. Boundless gratitude, too, to all my sales reps, but in particular, to the tireless, book-loving gems I’ve come to know: Leah Hays, Victor Iannone, and Katie McGarry.

Thank you, as always, dear friends and family. You are loved and cherished a thousand fold—Mom, Dad, Jan, Mitch, Ty, Hunter, and all our extended bunch. And finally, my Sam and Nick, with whom it always begins and ends. There must be a word beyond love.