TJ, one of the morning anchors on CNN, gave a rundown of what they’d be covering at the top of the hour, and Paige revved up her treadmill. She hadn’t used it since the morning of her “rape,” and she was starting to feel the effects. She hadn’t gained any noticeable weight, but she felt sluggish and like her tummy wasn’t as flat as usual. So she was glad to be back on track and working up a heavy sweat the way she should.
Paige pumped her arms and strode at a speed of 4.8 miles per hour and thought about Owen. She’d tried to push the idea of his seeing that photo completely from her mind, but she hadn’t been able to. She’d tossed and turned and tossed and turned again, until finally she’d found herself up surfing the Internet until three a.m. She’d almost been tempted to call him just to see if he’d bring it up, but then she’d figured it might not be a good idea since he likely wasn’t sober yet.
Everything had been going so well for her when it came to Pierce, but now Owen gave her plenty of reason to worry. He hadn’t taken the photo with him, and not long after he’d left, she’d torn it into a hundred pieces, but if he still remembered what he’d seen, his words could certainly do damage. They would ease suspicion into Camille’s mind, and while she wouldn’t want to believe him, she might start second-guessing Paige and suspecting something was wrong. She might begin piecing things together and would soon discover that the problems in her marriage hadn’t started until after Paige had moved in with them. Sure, she’d changed the outgoing times on some of those email messages, so it would seem there was no way she could have sent them. But at the same time, Camille might begin doubting her, and Paige couldn’t have that. At least not yet, anyway, and she prayed to God that this would pass and not become an issue.
When Paige finished her full sixty minutes, she did a five-minute cool-down, went into the kitchen, and grabbed a bottle of water. She drank the entire sixteen ounces and was thinking about having another when her phone rang. It was only seven o’clock, so she wondered who was calling so early. She was relieved and ecstatic, however, when she saw it was Pierce.
“Hey, how’s it goin’?” she said between breaths.
“Is everything okay?” he asked.
“Everything’s great. Just finished working out is all.”
“Oh. Well, I know it’s early, but I really need to ask you something.”
“Of course.”
“Are you absolutely positive that Camille has been having an affair?”
Paige wondered why he was questioning what she’d told him. “I’m very positive. But why do you ask?”
“Because I guess it’s still so hard for me to believe Camille would do something like this and keep a straight face the whole time she was seeing this man.”
“I understand that, and I know this has to be very difficult to fathom, but Pierce, please know that I would never, ever lie on my sister. Although now I regret telling you anything. I knew it was wrong, and I should have stayed out of it.”
“No, I’m glad you did tell me, but it’s tough when someone just ups and becomes a totally different person than what you’ve known all these years.”
Paige listened quietly.
“But,” he continued, “I do know one thing. You of all people would never make up something like this.”
“No, I wouldn’t. I’m just not that kinda person.”
“There is one other thing, though. Camille told me that a number of those emails were sent at times when she wasn’t even home.”
Paige had known it was only a matter of time before Camille finally paid attention to detail. Especially since she was desperate and looking for anything she could that might prove her innocence.
“I don’t want to say anything against my sister, but you know as well as I do that any of us can access our email accounts from any computer we want. Anytime, anyplace.”
“Yeah, I know. Anyway, I won’t keep you, and I promise not to bother you about this anymore.”
“It’s really not a problem. Everyone needs someone to talk to when they’re going through the kind of thing you’re dealing with.”
“Very true.”
“So, will you see PJ and Crystal this weekend?”
“Yes, and since I now know for sure that I won’t be moving back home for a while, if ever, I’m going to tell Camille it’s time we sit down and explain things to them. I need to do it before I leave on Sunday for a banking conference next week in Vegas.”
“Wait a minute. You’re going to Vegas on Sunday?”
“Wow, now this is too weird, because I’m going there on Monday. One of my clients has two major media interviews on both Tuesday and Wednesday and then a seminar he’s speaking at on Thursday.”
“Oh really?”
“What a coincidence, huh?” she said.
“That’s for sure.”
“So, where are you staying?”
“The Palazzo. What about you?”
“The Venetian,” she said, remembering Karla had stayed there in the past.
“That’s right next door, so maybe we can have dinner or at least a drink one evening.”
“Maybe,” she said, trying to sound uninterested. “It’ll depend on how much time I’ll need to spend with my client, since I’m still pitching other media outlets.”
“Of course. Business comes first, so we’ll just play it by ear.”
“Hey, it looks like I have another call,” she said, making an excuse so she could hang up and begin making her travel arrangements. “But I really hope you get to spend some quality time with the children.”
“Thanks, and I’ll talk to you later.”
Paige held the phone against her chest with both hands and shouted with joy. This was all too good to be true, and while she’d had no plans whatsoever of being in Vegas or in any other city on business next week, she was glad she’d been quick on her toes. The lie had entered her mind and eased out of her mouth so naturally. She hadn’t stuttered or hesitated in the slightest bit before telling Pierce she would be heading to Nevada one day after he was. She hadn’t even had to think before speaking, so she knew this trip was meant to be.
Paige zoomed into her extra bedroom, which was actually her office, and pulled up The Palazzo’s website. She knew she’d told Pierce she was staying at The Venetian, and if he asked her why she’d changed her mind, she would simply tell him that since he’d mentioned The Palazzo and she’d never stayed there before or even been to Vegas (which was true), she’d decided to check it out. Also, now that she’d had a chance to read some of the hotel information, she could see that The Palazzo was newer than The Venetian, so that was even more reason to give it a try.
Paige browsed The Palazzo website and saw that it housed suites only and that the prices were determined by square footage. Of course, she would need to go with the smallest and most economical one, which was the Palazzo Luxury Suite at seven hundred twenty square feet, but that was more than enough room for her. As she read down the list, though, she was willing to bet Pierce was likely staying in either The Palazzo Fortuna or The Palazzo Sienna, which were nine hundred forty and one thousand two hundred eighty square feet, respectively. They were huge, and if Paige got her way, she’d be hanging out in one of those big boys with him.
After reserving the hotel, she searched for the best flight prices and was floored when she saw that the lowest available was just over seven hundred dollars. She knew it was because of last-minute booking, but it wasn’t as though she had other options. Not when she needed to be in Las Vegas Monday through Friday. So, if the fare had been two thousand, she would have maxed out one of her credit cards to purchase it.
When she’d chosen her flight times, selected her seats, and paid for her ticket, she thought about Camille and called her.
“Hey, sis,” Paige said. “How are you?”
“Okay, I guess. What about you?”
“I’m fine, but I was sitting here trying to remember if I told you I had to travel next week.”
“No, where are you going?”
“I guess with everything that’s been going on, I forgot. Anyway, you know my speaking client, right?”
“Well, he has media and events in New York, so I’m going to meet him there on Monday.”
“I haven’t been to New York in years, and wish I could go with you.”
“I wish you could, too.” But it’ll never happen, sweetheart.
“I would, but Pierce will be at a conference out in Vegas all next week. It’s been planned for a couple of months, and I don’t want to leave PJ and Crystal.”
“I understand. So, have you spoken to Pierce this morning?”
“I actually just hung up with him not long ago, but things aren’t good.”
“He’s decided to stay at his hotel indefinitely, and he wants us to tell the children.”
“Gosh, Camille, this whole thing really breaks my heart, but I gotta believe Pierce will eventually come around. Either the truth will come out or he’ll just forgive you at some point and you’ll be back together in no time.”
“We’ll see.”
“You sound so down.”
“That’s because this is the hardest and most painful thing I’ve ever had to deal with, and I’m so out of sorts. I’m in tears all the time, I can’t sleep, and the thought of losing the only man I’ve ever truly loved terrifies me.”
“I just don’t know what to say,” Paige said.
“I don’t either, and I’m so worried about Crystal and PJ and how they’re going to react to our splitting up.”
“Well, you know I’ll be there for all three of you as soon as I get back.”
“I know, and I’m depending on that, Paige.”
“You have my word.”
They chatted for a few minutes longer, and while Paige wished she could care about her sister’s sorrow, she thought more about Pierce and the fabulous time they would have out West. She even thought about those amazing pieces she’d ordered from Victoria’s Secret and how they’d been delivered yesterday right on schedule. Pierce would be in complete awe, and they would make love like it was their only opportunity.
They would have the time of their lives and would start preparing for their wonderful new beginning.