Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 48–49
acne, 100
ADA (American Diabetes Association), 43
ag-gag laws, 116–17. see also libel laws
agribusiness. see lobbyists
Air Quality Compliance Act, 20
Amazon Rainforest, 140
American Academy of Pediatrics, 102
American Diabetes Association (ADA), 43
American Farm Bureau Federation, 57, 111–12
American Heart Association, 37
American Meat Institute, 5, 78
American Medical Association, 61–62
American Society for Nutrition, 47
Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act, 118
animals. see chickens; cows; fish; pigs; turkeys
bacteria, resistance to, 59–61, 63–64, 125–26
E. coli, resistant, 77
factory farms, use in, 7
in feed, 83
antioxidants, 152
arsenic, 10, 55, 66–68, 83, 110
arthritis, 80
aspartame, 48
atherosclerosis, 37
awareness, 158
bacon. see pigs
health costs from, 125
Baskin-Robbins, 96
Bauman, Tom, 25
beef. see cows
benzoate, 55
big oil. see oil
blue baby syndrome, 22
Blue Zones Project, 46
Blueberry Pancakes recipe, 163–64
bok choy, 152
“Boss Hog,” 21
bovine spongiform encephalopathy. see mad cow disease
BP Oil Spill, 23
Brazil, 140
breakfast recipes
broccoli, 103
Burgers, Mushroom Pecan, recipe, 170–71
burrito recipe, 165
Bush, George W., 107
Cactus Feeders, Inc., 118
CAFOs. see factory farms
California, 93
Campbell, T. Colin, 41, 101, 103, 149
in chicken, 82
deaths from, 75
in feed, 83
Guillain-Barré syndrome, 82–83
health costs from, 125
infection via proximity, 73
Canada, 95
Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, 94
arsenic and, 66
dioxins and, 69
IGF-1, 96
nitrates in water, 22
vegetables, fighting, 152
carbohydrates, 36
carbon dioxide, 145
Carney, David, 71
Carroll Farms, 21
casomorphin, 153
Cattlemen’s Beef Association, National, 48, 112, 114, 126–27
cauliflower, 152
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
antibiotics, inaction on, 58
antibiotics, warnings, 62, 126
food-bourne outbreaks, ignorance, 74
lifestyle diseases, 49
salmonella poisoning, 80
Center for Science in the Public Interest, 59, 60–61
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 49
CERLCA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act), 20
cesspools. see manure
chard, 152
cheese. see dairy
Cheese Institute, National, 114
Chicken Council, National, 69, 128–29
Chicken Pot Pie recipe, 166–67
chickens. see also eggs; meat; turkeys
antibiotic-resistant bacteria, 60
consumption of, high, 79
factory farms, treatment in, 9–10
fecal contamination, 73–74, 79
health costs from, 125
inspection standards, 88
children’s lunches. see school lunches
The China Study (Campbell), 103, 149
chlorine gas, 55
chlortetracycline, 62
cigarettes, 49
cinnamon, 152
Clean Air Act, 111
Clean Water Act, 25, 30–31, 111, 113, 132
climate change, 140–41, 145–46
Coca-Cola, 48
Cohen, Robert, 103
college students, eating habits, 154–55
colon cancer, 96
Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, 46
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERLCA), 20
ConAgra Foods. see school lunches, 48, 114
concentrated animal feeding operations. see factory farms
corn, 7
Cornell University, 36
costs, external
environmental costs, 129, 130–31, 132–33, 133–35
health costs, 124, 124–26, 131–32, 133–35
marketing, 128
meat and dairy industry, 121–23, 123–24, 133–35
property values, 131
Council on Environmental Quality, 28–29
Couric, Katie, 42
cows. see also dairy; meat
chicken feces, fed to, 83
costs, external, 122
factory farms, treatment in, 11, 11–12, 93
ractopamine used on, 64
dairy. see also cows; milk
acne from, 100
addictive, 153
consumption of, high, 91
costs, external, 121–23, 123–24, 133–35
diabetes, 43
dioxins in, 68
health claims, 98
inflammatory, 35
longevity and, 46
unnecessary, nutritionally, 34–37, 43–44
Dairy Association, 69
Dairy Board, 127
Dairy Council, National, 48, 99, 102
Dairy Management (marketing group), 107
Dairy Promotion and Research Board, National, 127
Dairy Research Institute, 47
Delivering Antimicrobial Transparency in Animals Act, 62–63
Delmarva Peninsula, 9, 18–19, 66
Department of Justice, 5
Department of Natural Resources. see DNR
dessert recipes
Macaroons, 173
diabetes, 42–43, 45–46, 99, 100
Dingell, John, 89
dinner recipes
Burgers, Mushroom Pecan, 170–71
White Sauce, 172
DNR (Department of Natural Resources), 24, 25
DoJ (Department of Justice), 5
Donley, Nancy, 74
Dopp, Mark, 5
drought, 143
E. coli
antibiotic resistant strains, 77
illegal adulterant, 76
Jack in the Box outbreak, 75–76
in pink slime, 53
in water, 29
Eco-Terrorism Act, 118
Edison, Thomas, 33
education, 158
eggs, 9–10, 79–80, 153. see also chickens
Elanco, 64
EMA (European Medicines Agency), 110
Endangered Species Act, 111
Englejohn, Dan, 60
Engler, Paul, 118
The Environmental Food Crisis (UN report), 142
Environmental Protection Agency. see EPA
Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), 115, 130–31
Environmental Working Group, 146
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
arsenic levels in chicken, 67
factory farms, environmental damage from, 25–26
manure investigations, 18
manure regulations, lax, 20
Epstein, Samuel, 101
EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentives Program), 115, 130–31
Esselstyn, Caldwell B., Jr., 38
European Commission, 94
European Medicines Agency (EMA), 110
European Union, 95
external costs. see costs, external
Exxon Valdez spill, 23
factory farms
dioxin concentration in, 68
environmental impact, 137–38, 139
fast food and, 8
growth hormones in, 7
libel laws, 6
manure from. see manure
fad diets, 44
Farm Bureau. see American Farm Bureau Association
FARRM (Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management) Act, 111–13
Fast Food Nation (Schlosser), 85, 113
FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
antibiotics, inaction on, 7, 58
dioxin levels, 69
propaganda, 70
recalls, 87
resources, limited, 110
toxins, allowed, 54–57, 109–10
USDA, division of labor, 109
feces. see also manure
Fed Up (film), 42
Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management (FARRM) Act, 111–13
Federal Trade Commission. see FTC
feed, animal
food distribution, inequal, 141–42
mad cow disease from, 84
manure in, 83
subsidies, 129
Finland, 39
fish. see also meat
antibiotics in, 7
dioxins in, 68
HCAs in, 41
manure deaths, 18, 23–24, 26–27
Fleming, 67
Food and Drug Administration. see FDA
The Food Revolution (Robbins), 103
Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), 76
Food Safety Enhancement Act, 89
Food Safety Modernization Act, 87, 110
Framingham Heart Study, 38
free radicals, 152
Frieden, Tom, 126
Friedlander, Lester, 108
FSIS (Food Safety and Inspection Service), 76
FTC (Federal Trade Commission), 98
Gaibler, Floyd, 114
GAO (Government Accountability Office), 88, 89
GD Searle & Co, 114
General Mills, 48
GIPSA (Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration), 5
glyphosate, 55
Government Accountability Office. see GAO
Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA), 5
grains, animal feed, 6–7, 83, 139–140, 141–42
Greger, Michael, 78
growth hormones, 7, 11–12, 94–95
Guillain-Barré syndrome, 82–83
Gurian-Sherman, Doug, 130
H1N1. see swine flu
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) program, 61, 88, 107
HACCP-Based Inspection Models Project (HIMP), 88
Hagen, Elizabeth, 53
Harkin, Tom, 89
Harvard University, 36, 40, 43, 48, 99, 103
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point program. see HACCP
HCAs (heterocyclic amines), 41
hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), 75
heterocyclic amines (HCAs), 41
HIMP (HACCP-Based Inspection Models Project), 88
Humane Farm Animal Care label, 153
HUS (hemolytic-uremic syndrome), 75
hydrogen sulfide, 16
hypobromous acid, 55
IBS (irritable bowl syndrome), 80
IDSA (Infectious Diseases Society of America), 59
IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1), 41, 94, 96
Illinois River, 22
India, 138
Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), 59
insecticides, 83
Inskeep, Dave, 24
insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), 41, 94, 96
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 137, 138
International Journal of Health Services, 96
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement Action Fund, 25
irritable bowl syndrome (IBS), 80
JBS, 3
Johanns v. Livestock Marketing, 127–28
Johns Hopkins University, 67, 104
The Jungle (Sinclair), 87
Kellogg’s, 48
Kelly, Gordon, 22
Kentucky Fried Chicken, 9
Keon, Joseph, 103
lagoons. see manure, lagoons
Land O’Lakes, 113
“Let’s Move” program, 42
Lincoln, Abraham, 105
Listeria, 125
“Livestock’s Long Shadow” (UN study), 26
agribusiness, Congressional, 111–13
agribusiness, antitrust evasion, 4, 5
dioxin report, blocking, 69
meat and dairy, dietary guidelines, 46–50
Loma Linda, California, 46
Lucas, Frank, 112
lunch recipes
burritos, 165
Macaroon recipe, 173
mad cow disease, 84, 107–8, 115
manure. see also feces
air sprinklers, 19
amount produced, 15
antibiotics in, 59
environmental costs, 129, 132–33
factory farms, 15
in feed, 83
health problems from, 19–20, 77
Pfisteria piscicida outbreak, 27–28
regulations, lax, 20
unregulated, 17
water contamination, 18–19, 21–22, 25–26, 29
Martin, Pamela, 145
The Maschhoffs, 25
McDonald’s, 8
McGovern, George, 46
meat. see also chickens; cows; fish; pigs
consumption of, 150
costs, external, 121–23, 123–24, 133–35
diabetes, 43
dioxins in, 68
environmental impact, 138
inflammatory, 35
longevity and, 46
obesity, 45
substitutes, 153
unnecessary, nutritionally, 34–37
water depletion, 143
Meat Inspection Act, 87
Meat Institute, American, 5
milk. see also dairy
factory farms, cow’s treatment in, 11–12
IGF-1 in, 96
Milk Income Loss Contract Program, 97
Milk Producers Federation, National, 112
Milk: The Deadly Poison (Cohen), 103
Miller, Gregory, 47
Miller, Margaret, 115
Minnesota, 108
monosodium glutamate (MSG), 40, 54
Moore, Dale, 114
MRSA, 63
MSG (monosodium glutamate), 40, 54
Mushroom Pecan Burgers recipe, 170–71
mustard greens, 152
MyPlate, 47
National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, 48, 112, 114, 126–27
National Cheese Institute, 114
National Chicken Council, 69, 128–29
National Dairy Council, 48, 99, 102
National Dairy Promotion and Research Board, 127
National Milk Producers Federation, 112
National Pork Producers Council, 63, 112
National Resources Defense Council, 26
National School Lunch Program. see school lunches
National Turkey Federation, 113
NCBA. see National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
Nelson, Lori, 25
Nestle, 48
New York Times, 121
nitrasone, 68
Nixon, Richard, 46
norovirus, 125
North Carolina University, 27
Obama, Barack
antitrust actions, 5
cabinet, corporate influence, 115–16
E. coli strain adulterants, 76
Obama, Michelle, 42
oceans, 141
Oceanview Farms, 23
Office of Field Operations, 60
Office of Water, 30
Okinawa, 46
onions, 152
Ornish, Dean, xi
osteoporosis, 102
oxytetracycline, 62
Pagan River, North Carolina, 27
Paleo Diet, 35
Pancakes, Blueberry, recipe, 163–64
Perdue, 18
Peterson, Collin, 112
Pew Commission, 156
Pfizer, 66
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, xii
pigs. see also meat
factory farms, treatment in, 10
MRSA on farms, 63
salmonella in, 72
Yersinia enterocolitica in products, 61
Pilgrim’s Pride Chicken, 5
pork. see pigs
Pork Producers Council, National, 63, 112
potassium hydroxide, 55
poultry. see chickens; turkeys
Prairie Grove, Arkansas, 66
Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act, 63
Pritikin Research Foundation, 41
Pure Food and Drug Act, 87
Rancho Feeding Corp, 109
rBST (recombinant bovine somatotrophine), 94
Real Food Challenge, 155
recombinant bovine growth hormone (rGBH), 94–95, 95–96
recombinant bovine somatotrophine (rBST), 94
Reddout, Helen, 19
Reich, Robert, 119
rGBH (recombinant bovine growth hormone), 94–95, 95–96, 115
RNA, 56
Robbins, John, 103
Rumsfeld, Donald, 114
Russia, 65
SAD. see Standard American Diet
Safe Drinking Water Act, 111
antibiotic-resistant, 60–61, 80
in feed, 83
health costs from, 125
health problems, long term, 80
infection rates, 73, 74, 79–80
in meat, 72
in pink slime, 53
in water, 29
SCC (somatic cell count), 92–93
school lunches, 53–54, 81, 97, 127, 129
Scramble, Tofu, recipe, 161–62
Seventh-Day Adventists, 46
Sherman Antitrust Act, 4
Sinclair, Upton, 87
slaughterhouses, 85–86, 87, 89
smoking, 49
sodium hydroxide, 55
somatic cell count (SCC), 92–93
Stabenow, Debbie, 112
Standard American Diet (SAD), 41, 45–46
Stockman, David, 98
Stockyard and Packers Act, 5
students, eating habits, 154–55
costly, 110
dairy, 96–97, 123–24, 129–130, 134–35
feed, 129
sulfuric acid, 55
Sundlof, Stephen F., 95
superbugs. see bacteria
Supreme Beef, 81
taco recipe, 165
tapeworms, 83
Taylor, Michael, 110, 115, 115–16
terrorism, 118
Texas Food Industry Association v. Espy, 76
Thai Curry Stew recipe, 169–170
Thomas, Clarence, 114
Thu, Kendall, 18
toxoplasma, 125
Tufts University, 129
Turkey Federation, National, 113
turkeys. see also chickens; meat
antibiotic-resistant bacteria, 60
health costs from, 125
inspection standards, 88
ractopamine used on, 64
salmonella in, 72
turmeric, 152
antitrust rules, resistance, 5
meat, large market share, 3
Prairie Grove arsenic levels, 66
ractopamine use, 64
USDA influence, 114
UN. see United Nations
Union of Concerned Scientists, 130, 138
United Nations (UN)
environmental damage from meat consumption, 137, 139–140
hunger, 142
“Livestock’s Long Shadow” study, 26
rGBH ban, 95
rGBH studies, 94
wars over food, 138
United States Department of Agriculture. see USDA
University of Arizona, 73
University of Chicago, 145
University of Florida, 125
University of Maryland, 72
University of Missouri-Columbia, 4
University of Northern Iowa, 18
University of Wisconsin-Extension, 24
urinary tract infections (UTIs), 59, 78–79
USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)
antibiotics, inaction on, 58
antitrust actions, none, 5
Clean Water Act, 30
dietary guidelines, lobbyist influence, 47–48, 49
E. coli in water, 29
E. coli regulations, 76
FDA, division of labor, 109
Food Safety and Inspection Service, 76
founding of, 105
inspection standards, 88–89, 107–8
mad cow disease, not testing for, 84, 107–8, 115
milk ads, 98
pus in milk regulations, 12, 92–93
salmonella outbreak, Foster Farms, 60
salmonella regulation, 81
swine flu propaganda, 63
toxins, allowed, 54, 56–57, 109–10
Yersinia enterocolitica, not tested for, 61
UTIs (urinary tract infections), 59, 78–79
vitamin K, 103
manure, contamination from, 21–22, 25–26, 29
Waterkeeper Alliance, 18–19, 19
Westland/Hallmark Meat Company, 119
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, 29
White Sauce recipe, 172
Whitewash (Keon), 103
WHO (World Health Organization)
antibiotics, on use of, 60
cancer rates, projected, 41
food-bourne outbreaks, ignorance, 74
rGBH studies, 94
swine flu, 63
World Bank, 138
World Cancer Research Fund, 40
World Health Organization (WHO), 41
Yakima Valley County Health Department, 22
Yersinia enterocolitica, 61
yogurt. see dairy