11: The Big Finale

“This is Joey Bingham for Action 50 news,” the reporter said, grinning at his own camera. “I’m at the Abracadabra Hotel, where the great Theopolis is about to make the boy who vanished at the noon show reappear.”

The house was packed. Everyone who had gone to the noon show was back, and so were loads of people who had seen Bingham’s earlier reports about the missing boy.

“Are you sure about this?” Charlie whispered. He sat with Ty on an overturned crate under the stage. They were going to help with the big finish Theopolis had promised. “We can still reveal the truth. We figured out that Theopolis isn’t a true magician, like he claims.”

Illustration of Ty and Charlie sitting on overturned crate

“We could do that,” Ty said. “We could also enjoy all the publicity for this show, for the hotel, and for the theater. This is going to do wonders for the Abracadabra Hotel. Besides, you convinced me and Annie, right? And that was the point.”

Charlie nodded. Just then, one of the stagehands popped his head in the door. “Everyone ready down here?” he said. “Did you get the nails out of the trapdoor?”

“Yep. We’re ready,” replied Ty.

Paul got up from his seat against the wall. “Finally,” he said. He stepped up on the crate between Ty and Charlie and added, “Can’t wait to get my new bike. My uncle owes me big time.”

Charlie and Ty stood and clasped their hands together. “Ready?” said Ty.

“Ready,” said Paul.

“One,” they all said together, “two, three!” And with a great grunt, Paul was launched up and through the open trapdoor, into the wardrobe on the stage—the original wardrobe, with the false bottom and stamp that said “Hockney and Sons, 1935.”

Charlie and Ty sat back down and waited. Seconds later, they heard the crowd above burst into cheers and applause.

“I guess it went well,” Charlie said.

“And you know what it means when the hotel does well, and I’ve helped,” said Ty.

illustration of Tezuki Slamhammer 750 Edition 6 in cherry-pop lightning red

Charlie nodded. “Yup,” he said.

“A raise,” said Ty. “And soon Paul won’t be the only one with a new bike. Any money I make brings me one step closer to my Tezuki Slamhammer 750, Edition 6, in cherry-pop lightning red.”

“I guess when you get the bike you won’t need my help anymore,” Charlie said. “Right?”

Ty shrugged. “I don’t know,” he said. “I mean, there’s always a new mystery at the Abracadabra.”

“Which reminds me,” Charlie said. “Isn’t Brack planning another huge magic show?”