The agreement between Commandant General Hannigan and General Liam Lynch was signed at 6.30 on 4 July 1922
Commandant General Hannigan will not at any time attack the Executive forces; Executive forces will not attack Commandant General Hannigan’s forces.
The Executive forces will not occupy any posts in East Limerick Brigade area.
That both sides only occupy their normal number of posts in Limerick city.
That there be no movement of armed troops in Limerick city or in East Limerick Brigade area, except by Liaison Agreement.
That Commandant General Hannigan withdraws any of his troops drafted into Limerick City since Saturday.
Executive communications to be maintained between 1st, 2nd and 3rd Southern Divisional Headquarters and Limerick City.
This agreement to hold during the period of fighting between Executive forces and Beggars’ Bush or until both sides of the army find a solution to the problem.
We agree to these conditions in the practical certainty that national peace and unity will eventuate from our efforts, and we guarantee to use every means in our power to get this peace.
This agreement shall be put into effect by 12 o’clock tonight.