Table of Contents
Part 1 Examining the Arguments
1              Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
2              The Four Beasts of Daniel 7
3              The People of the Prince to Come
4              Types of the Antichrist
5              The Assyrian in Isaiah and Micah
6              The Seven-Headed Beast
7              Mystery Babylon in Saudi Arabia / Mecca
8              The Mark of the Beast
9              Gog as the Antichrist
10              Beheadings in Revelation
Part 2
11              Islamic Eschatology
The Origin of the Dajjal in Apocalyptic Literature
The Origin of the Mahdi in Apocalyptic Literature
12              A Closer Look at the Comparisons Provided by the Islamic Antichrist Proponents
The Mahdi and the Antichrist
Dajjal as the Real Jesus
Part 3
       13              Logical Problems with the Islamic Antichrist Theory
The Wars of the Antichrist
Part 4
      14              The Dangers of the Islamic Antichrist Theory
1              The Revived Roman Empire Revisited
2              The Resurrection of the Antichrist
3              Mystery Babylon
4              The False Prophet
5              The Seven-Year Covenant
6              Will the Antichrist Claim to Be Jesus?
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