on Tyson, 185
Aldama, Andrés, 43
Ali, Muhammad, 13, 63–65, 172, 208
fight with Leon, 65–66, 66–67, 68–69, 71–79, 80
Holmes fight, 108–9, 110, 112–13
at Michael-Holmes fight, 152, 158
at Michael-Tyson fight, 212–13
rematch with Leon, 90, 91, 98–99, 100–104
amateur boxing in 1970s, 32–33
heavyweight champion as role model, 82
Olympics boxing team, 1976, 36–46
Vietnam War coverage, 16
on Arum, 91
on Holmes, 174
on Holmes-Michael rematch, 181
on Michael-Tyson fight, 214
Anka, Paul, 108
Armstrong, Henry, 12
Arum, Bob
on Ali-Inoki fight, 66
and Ali-Leon fight, 67
before Ali rematch, 91, 96, 97
feud with King, 92
on Leon’s behavior, 59, 70, 86, 110
Leon’s rematch with Ali, 91, 105
on Michael and Lewis, 163
on Michael’s legacy, 219
Ashard, Jim, 199
Bad Intentions: The Mike Tyson Story (Heller), 203
Bailey, Milt, 74
Balooly, Al, 225
Barnes, Millard “Mitt,” 56, 59, 61, 83, 89
Bass, John F., 48
Beatty, Warren, 212
Benson, Eddie, 61
Bentley, Rocky, 229
Berbick, Trevor, 115, 172, 173
Bernick, Charles, 244
Bethea, Tom, 68
Bey, David, 150
Bickle, Marty, 236
Biggs, Tyrell, 201
Blain, Vickie, 100
Borden, Joe, 61
Bowe, Riddick, 228
Ali’s impact on, 65
brain damage from, 244
heavyweight division, 82, 88, 171–72, 228
light-heavyweight division, 129, 130, 135, 220
See also HBO tournament; specific individuals in
on Ali, 64
demolition of Pruitt-Igoe, 15
and Leon, 29
Braddock, James J., 76
Braxton, Dwight. See Qawi, Dwight Muhammad
Brisbane, Jasper, 61
Brock, Lou, 22
Broeg, Bob, 49
Brown, Bundini, 73
Brown, James, 238
Brunette, Frank, 177, 179, 183
Burnett, Jesse, 137
Burns, John, 200
Burns, Tommy, 81
Bush, Noble. See Spinks, Nova
Byrd, Prentiss, 167
on Ali, 64
on Loehr, 6
on Michael-Tyson fight, 214
on Spinkses in Olympics, 43
Calvin, Zadie Mae, 31, 106, 223, 224
at Michael-Tyson fight, 213, 214, 215, 216
Cardona, Ricardo, 123
Carper, Thomas, 238
Carson, Johnny, 88
Carter, Jimmy, 100
Carter, Lillian, 100
Castellano, Tony, 139
deal for Michael-Tyson fight, 201–3, 206
Chávez, Julio César, 142
Clay, Cassius. See Ali, Muhammad
Clough, Joe, 40
Cobb, Randall “Tex,” 199
Coffney, Wayne, 238
Cojoe, Ernest, 103
Conforti, Michael, 65, 85, 104
Conn, Billy, 147
Conteh, Dave, 130
fight with Michael, 190, 191, 192–97
on Holmes-Leon fight, 119
on Leon-Ali rematch, 105
Cordero, Angel, Jr., 193
at Ali-Spinks rematch, 103
relationship with Spinkses, 40–41
on Spinks-Soria fight, 45
Crittenden, John, 13
Cross, Mike, 22
Crowder, Andre, 229
Culture of Bruising, The (Early), 46
Cutov, Simion, 42
Cut Time: An Education at the Fights (Rotella), 85, 128
Darien, Ed, 194
Davis, Eddie, 129
Davis, Howard, 33, 34–35, 39–40, 55
after Olympics, 123
relationship with Michael, 23
training for Olympics, 24
DeSoto Rec Center, 1
DiNicola, Ron, 19
Douglas, Buster, 189, 190, 228
Drayton, Buster, 20
Dundee, Angelo, 72–73, 75, 112
Durham, Yank, 189
Dutreix, Herman, 103
Duva, Dan, 105
Duvall, Robert, 153
Duvalon, Ramon, 42
Early, Gerald
on Ali, 65
on Ali-Spinks rematch, 100
on Leon as champion, 85
on Michael’s legacy, 220
on ’76 Olympics, 46
Ellis, Jimmy, 189
Farrell, Charles, 230, 231–33, 247
Fatihi, Abdelatif, 37
Feour, Royce, 212
Finnegan, Jack, 216
Ford, Duane, 127
Foreman, George, 45, 64, 67, 208
Foster, Bob, 147
Foxx, Redd, 153
Frank, Barry, 58
Frank, Steve, 233, 234–35, 236
Frazier, Joe, 13, 67, 189, 238
Frazier, Marvis, 150
Freeman, Morgan, 241
Freeman, Peter, 60
Frost, Robert, 121
Fuchs, Michael, 185
Michael-Cooney fight, 191
Michael-Qawi fight, 131, 134, 138
at Michael-Tyson fight, 215–16
Galindez, Victor, 100
Giachetti, Richie, 149, 155, 156
Holmes-Michael rematch, 177, 182
on Leon’s behavior, 116
on Michael’s attitude, 185
Gibson, Alma, 27
Gibson, Bob, 22
Gildea, William, 209
Givens, Robin, 201, 208, 209, 211
Gordon, Jeff, 200
Gortat, Janusz, 38
Goto, Tarzan, 199
Green, Betty. See Spinks, Betty
Gregg, Eddie, 193
Gura, Larry, 118
Gu Yong-Ju, 42
Hagler, Marvin, 129
on Ali, 63
on Michael’s legacy, 220
Haupt, Randy, 146
on Michael-Tyson fight, 211, 216
HBO tournament, 173, 187, 189–90
Michael-Holmes rematch, 176–83
Michael-Tangstad fight, 184–85
Hearns, Thomas, 32, 39, 124, 142
Hefton, Brad, 200
Heller, Peter, 203
Herlovich, Laura, 151
Hernandez, Ferd, 111
Hochman, Stan, 215
Hohn, Dickie, 200
Holaus, John, 49
Holmes, Larry, 98, 107, 149–50, 173–75, 201
Cooney fight, 191
fight with Michael, 146–48, 152–60, 171
Holyfield, Evander, 164, 193, 228
Houpe, Fred, 236
Howard, Elston, 12
Howell, Jim, 25
Hudson, Lester, 89
before Ali rematch, 92, 93, 96
Hull, Chuck, 77, 111, 153, 157
Holmes-Michael rematch, 179
IBF (International Boxing Federation), 171, 172, 173, 198
Issac, Kevin, 111
Izenberg, Jerry, 79
on Holmes-Michael rematch, 182
on Michael-Qawi fight, 135, 138, 139
on Michael’s concern for Leon, 88–89
on Michael-Tyson fight, 214–15
Jackson, Jack, 229
Jacobs, Jim, 185
deal for Michael-Tyson fight, 201–3, 205–6
Jenner, Bruce, 45
Johnson, Don, 193
Johnson, Marvin, 122
Johnson, Robert L., 82, 238, 241
on Lewis and Michael, 54, 242, 243
Johnson, Sarge, 40
Johnson, Tommy, 29
Jones, Grace, 153
Jones, Mike, 187
Jones, Tom, 108
Jordan, Jeff, 199
Jouberth, Lucien, 103
Kaczmarek, Tom, 194
on Leon beating Ali, 239
on Leon’s last fights, 230, 235, 236–37
Kane, Kip, 163
Kellar, Rick, 145
Kilroy, Gene, 71
King, Alan, 135
King, Don, 90, 107, 111, 144, 171, 209
and Holmes-Michael fight, 150, 151, 159
and Lewis, 189
and Spinks-Holmes fight, 116
and Tyson, 190
Kronk Recreation Center, 142–43
at Leon-Qawi fight, 165, 166, 169–70
Lampley, Jim, 181
at Michael-Cooney fight, 197
at Michael-Tyson fight, 214
on Tyson, 207
Larry Holmes: Against the Odds (Holmes & Berger), 115, 174
Lederman, Harold, 153, 154, 156, 157
at Holmes-Michael rematch, 178, 179, 180–81
at Michael-Cooney fight, 194, 197
LeDoux, Scott, 66
Leerhsen, Charles, 139
Leonard, Sugar Ray, 32, 40, 55
on Holmes-Michael rematch, 176, 178, 179
at Michael-Cooney fight, 193
at Michael-Holmes fight, 156
Letterman, David, 204
Lewis, John L., 52
Lewis, Lennox, 228
Lewis, Ronald “Butch,” 52–55, 72, 83, 89
deal for Michael-Tyson fight, 200–204, 206
50th birthday of, 238
and HBO tournament, 173, 186, 187, 188–89
Holmes-Michael rematch, 180
on Leon’s behavior, 88, 93, 96
Michael-Cooney fight, 191, 193
Michael-Holmes fight, 150, 151, 153–54, 159
Michael-Qawi fight, 129–30, 135, 164
Michael-Tyson fight, 211–12, 213, 215
relationship with Michael, 132–34, 139, 162–63, 205, 218–19
on Ali rematch, 104
on Jack Johnson, 82
Liston, Sonny, 63, 166–67, 190
and Kay’s religion, 11
on Lewis and Michael, 162
at ’76 Olympics fight, 44
on pro boxing, 57
Logan, Greg, 55
Loggins, Kenny, 212
Lotierzo, Frank, 194
and Michael-Tyson fight, 206, 211, 216
Lovell, Dick, 151
Low, Al, 113, 221, 222, 224–25, 226
Madonna, 212
Mailer, Norman, 212
Marantz, Steve, 159
Marciano, Peter, 153, 159, 174
Marciano, Rocky, 147, 149, 151–52, 190
Martin, Jerry, 129
Matthews, Wallace, 132, 194–95, 196, 202, 209
McCall, Quenzell, 136
McCallum, Jack, 127
McCormick, Joseph, 134
McDonald, Michael, 212
McIntyre, Jerry, 60
McMahon, Vince, Sr., 66
at Holmes-Michael rematch, 176, 179, 180, 181
on Michael-Tyson fight, 214
Mijangos, Ladislao, 199
Mims, Terry, 199
Minker, Chuck, 127
Mitchell, Bobby, 231
in Olympic Games, 37, 38, 42, 45–46
Moore, Terence, 158
Morris, Garrett, 88
Moses, Edwin, 45
before Ali rematch, 93, 94, 96, 97, 99
attack on Leon, 114
Mr. T: The Man with the Gold (Mr. T.), 94
Muhammad, Eddie Mustafa, 122–23
Muhammad, Herbert, 53, 54, 55, 112
Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times (Hauser), 68, 109–10
Murray, Jim, 147
Musberger, Brent, 158
Musone, Angelo, 199
Myers, Rick, 229
My View from the Corner (Dundee), 72
Nastac, Alec, 38
Newman, Rock, 134, 136, 137, 187
on Michael and money, 205
Michael-Cooney fight, 195
Michael-Qawi fight, 140
Michael-Tyson fight, 202, 203, 215–16
Nicholson, Jack, 212
Northside Bombers Boxing Club, 223
Norton, Ken, 66, 108, 155, 245
Holmes fight, 98
WBC champion, 171
Olver, Ron, 60
Olympics. See Summer Olympics, 1976
Otis, Amos, 118
on Ali’s health, 109
Palma, Sergio Victor, 123
Pasiewicz, Ryszard, 37
Patterson, Amelia, 162–63, 241, 242
Penn, Sean, 212
Perez, Tony, 139
Poggemeyer, Herman, 50
Poindexter, Kevin, 230
Pope, Ed, 29
Porter, Kevin P.
on Michael-Cooney fight, 192–93, 196–97
Pruitt-Igoe housing project, 1–2, 3–4, 13, 247
Pryor, Richard, 88
Putnam, Pat, 18, 58, 59, 60, 70, 83
Qawi, Dwight Muhammad, 129–30, 134, 156
fight with Leon, 163, 164, 165–70
fight with Michael, 130–31, 135–41
Queen Latifah, 241
Race, Culture and the Revolt of the Black Athlete (Hartmann), 46
Rademacher, Pete, 67
after Olympics, 123
on Leon’s Olympics fight, 44
Rappaport, Dennis, 187
Ratliff, Alfonso, 186
and Marines’ boxing team, 18–19, 25, 28
Richardson, Percy, 195
Richman, Alan, 29
Riklis, Meshulam, 153
Robinson, Sugar Ray, 83
Rodriguez, Luis, 61
Rogal, James, 41
Romeo, Donald, 109
Rossman, Mike, 100
Rotella, Carlo, 85, 128, 173–74
on Holmes-Michael rematch, 182
on Michael’s legacy, 220
Roth, Jerry, 183
and Holmes-Michael rematch, 177, 180, 182
Russia, amateur boxing in, 36
Saad Muhammad, Matthew, 122, 125, 128, 129
Sachse, Ottomar, 38
Sadat, Anwar, 100
Santana, Tony, 17, 20, 25–26, 29, 87
Saraceno, Jon, 234
Sawyer, Leon, 164
Schaap, Dick, 210
Schmeling, Max, 80
Schmitz, Brian, 208
Schwartz, Rolly, 32–33, 34, 37
Scott, Bruce, 60
Sekorski, Rocky, 199
Shavers, Earnie, 66, 110, 155, 245
Shilstone, Mackie, 148–49, 155, 175
and Michael-Cooney fight, 191, 192, 195–96
Sleigh, Charles, 10
Smith, Red, 112
Smith, Sam, 5
Snipes, Renaldo, 125
Solomon, Sam, 70
before Ali rematch, 92, 93, 95, 96, 99, 100
Sons, Ray, 42
Spinks, Betty, 163, 221, 222, 224
on Leon’s health, 237
Spinks, Cory, 106, 224, 245–46
relationship with father, 246
takes up boxing, 223
relationship with father, 222, 224, 246
takes up boxing, 223
Spinks, Karen, 9
Spinks, Kay Francis, 9–11, 14, 96, 167
Holmes-Leon fight, 117
Michael-Qawi fight, 139
Spinks, Leon, 4, 124, 137, 239
Ali fight, 65–67, 68–69, 71–79, 80
behavioral problems of, 70–72, 85, 86, 106
boxes in Marines, 16–20, 25–29
comeback and last fights of, 228–37
fights after Ali rematch, 110–12
later fights of, 145–46, 163, 199–200
marriage to Glur and life today, 244–45, 247
at Michael-Cooney fight, 194–95
at Michael-Holmes fight, 153, 155–56
at Michael-Muhammad fight, 126, 127–28
in Olympic Games, 37, 38, 40–41, 43, 44–48, 49–51
relationship with father, 10, 222
relationship with sons, 222–24, 245–46
rematch with Ali, 89, 98–106, 172
respect for Ali, 64
Spinks, Leon, Jr., 31, 106, 223
death of, 245
relationship with father, 222, 224
Spinks, Michael, 4
attitude toward money, 205
concerns about Leon, 88–89, 96, 144, 145
feelings about boxing, 20–21, 22, 56–58, 124–25, 204–5
in HBO tournament, 173, 184–85, 186, 187–88, 189
Holmes fight, 146–48, 152–60, 171
at Holmes-Leon fight, 118, 119
at Leon-Ali fight, 69, 76, 78–79
Mustafa Muhammad fight, 122–23, 125, 126–28
in Olympic Games, 37, 38, 40–41, 43–46, 47, 48–49
in Olympic trials, 20–25, 33, 34–36
Qawi fight, 129–30, 130–31, 135–41
relationship with Lewis, 56–58, 60–61, 132, 162–63, 238, 240–43
relationship with Massey, 121–22, 134
retirement and legacy of, 218–20, 240
training regimen of, 148–49, 175–76
Tyson fight, 204, 206, 207–8, 211–17
Sprewell, Hosea, 87
amateur boxing in, 8
Pruitt-Igoe housing project, 1–2, 3–4, 13, 14–15
on Ali rematch, 105
and Leon in Marines, 17, 27–28
Stallone, Sylvester, 100
Stevenson, Teófilo, 38
Steward, Emanuel, 74, 105, 114
at Leon-Qawi fight, 165, 167, 168–69
on Michael and Lewis, 132
on Michael-Tyson fight, 212
relationship with Leon, 84–85, 143, 163, 226
Stewart, John, 194
Stockhausen, S. J. See Wheatley, Suzanne
Sullivan, John L., 80
Summer Olympics, 1976, 36
Sutcliffe, Shane, 231
Tangstad, Steffen, 184–85, 186, 204–5
in Olympic Games, 38
Testaverde, Vinny, 193
Tyson fight, 190
Thorne, Chris, 209
on Holmes-Michael rematch, 176, 177, 178, 179
Top Rank. See Arum, Bob
Torres, Jose, 209
Tucker, Tony, 184, 188, 189, 190
Tureaud, Lawrence. See Mr. T.
Tyson, Mike, 43, 95, 185, 201, 241
Douglas fight, 228
fight with Michael, 206, 207–8, 209–17
in HBO tournament, 186–87, 189–90
at Michael-Cooney fight, 193
Valle, Victor, 194
Vance, Cyrus, 100
Vashon High School, 12–13, 247
Wade, J. C., 30
Walcott, “Jersey Joe,” 153, 193
Wallau, Alex, 167
Waters, Maxine, 12
WBA (World Boxing Association), 171, 172, 173, 198
WBC (World Boxing Council), 67, 171–72, 173, 198
Weaver, Mike, 172
Wheatley, Suzanne, 47, 49, 50–51
White, Frank, 118
Whitehead, Jerry Carr, 164
Wilder, James, 230
Wilkinson, Butch, 235
Willard, Jess, 166
Williams, Carl, 150
Willkie, Wendell, 80
Wine, Toni, 244
Womack, Bobby, 238
Wonder, Stevie, 241
Wussler, Robert J., 78
Zadora, Pia, 153
Zamboni, Frank, 219