
MANY CONTRIBUTED IN SPIRIT, in prayer, and in fact to the journey of this book. I am deeply grateful to . . .

The late Corrie ten Boom and her faith-filled family for their obedience and passion in serving the Lord and His people. Their courageous story of helping and hiding Jewish people, and the consequences their family suffered at the hands of the Nazis, as told through The Hiding Place (book with John and Elizabeth Sherrill and film produced by Billy Graham), inspired and convicted me as a young woman, and inspires and convicts me still. Corrie’s and Betsie’s ability to forgive by the grace of the One who offers forgiveness freely is a magnificent reminder and a light to my path.

Rubin Sztajer, Holocaust survivor, for tirelessly sharing his experiences before and during WWII —as a prisoner at Dachau and, later, as one who overcame great odds to build a new life in America. His moving memories of determination, human compassion, and resiliency of spirit inspired part of this story.

Two other Holocaust survivors —one Gentile woman now in America and one Jewish man in Germany —who graciously shared their amazing survival stories, but who for family reasons wish to remain unnamed. One of those was truly a miracle child born from a heap of corpses at Dachau —her mother survived with barely a pulse when rescued by American liberators. The other realizes that anti-Semitism is on the rise throughout the world and, although we say and pray “never again,” knows that the world has too short a memory.

WWII veterans in the US and in Germany who shared their stories. History is said to be written by the victors, but I’ve learned that we each embrace our own story and our own view of history.

Jamie Dow Suplee, son of one of the Nuremberg trial lawyers, who years after the war met with some of the Nazi officers his father helped prosecute. Thank you for sharing your insights into the Nazi psyche.

My son, Daniel, who joined me for WWII walking tours of Berlin and the Sachsenhausen and Natzweiler concentration camps, and who interpreted the stories of museum guides in France. My husband, Dan, who joined me in visiting the Ravensbruk and Natzweiler concentration camps and interpreted German stories of Wehrmacht veterans and Holocaust survivors in Germany. My daughter, Elisabeth, who explored Berlin with me and shares my passion for stories. That we four made this journey together was an amazing gift and a blessing I’ll treasure always.

Museums and their curators and guides in Berlin and at Ravensbruk.

Meticulous records kept by the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, and their wonderful list of speakers, who faithfully share their stories.

Writing colleagues and friends Terri Gillespie and Carrie Turansky, who brainstormed portions of this book with me, read and critiqued early versions, and continually raised prayers and offered encouragement during its writing. You are dear sisters in Christ.

My family —husband, son, daughter, son-in-law, granddaughter, mother, sister, brothers, nieces, nephews, all their spouses, and the generations fast on their heels. Your love and laughter, constant prayers, brainstorming, and encouragement are the wind beneath my wings. You’re also the best word-of-mouth marketing team an author could imagine.

Natasha Kern, agent extraordinaire, who encourages my tough questions, champions my stories, and blesses me with her friendship and guidance.

My amazing team at Tyndale House Publishers who’ve helped to shape this story, design a wonderful cover, and bring my heart to readers: Stephanie Broene, Sarah Mason, Shaina Turner, Christy Stroud, Alyssa McNally, and Stephen Vosloo.

Elkton United Methodist Church —my church family in Maryland for many years —for your love, prayers, and encouragement, and McLean Bible Church Loudon Campus —my new church family in Virginia, for welcoming me into your fold and challenging me with new ideas, new questions to pursue in story form.

My uncle Wilbur, who reminded me once that a sure way to know if I’m working in the will of God is to ask, “Do I have joy? Is this yoke easy? Is this burden light?”

And above all, my heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ, for forgiveness, for life, for love, for hope and a future. You are my everything.