Quick Preserved Lemons

Store-bought preserved lemons can be fiendishly expensive, so not wishing to splash out or be left with a half-used jar in the refrigerator, I was eager to try a friend’s speedy alternative—and the results were so good. Usually preserved lemons take months to preserve, but these take a matter of minutes and you still get that wonderful salty, lemony tang, which characterizes the traditionally made preserved lemons.

Makes: about 1 cup    Preparation time: 10 minutes, plus cooling    Cooking time: 15 minutes

6 unwaxed lemons

1½ teaspoons sea salt

1.   Use a vegetable peeler to pare off the skin of each lemon, then cut in half and squeeze the juice and remove any seeds. Put the lemon skin and juice and salt into a non-reactive, small saucepan and slowly bring to boiling heat. Turn the heat down and simmer 10 to 12 minutes until the lemon skins are tender and the juice has reduced.

2.   Transfer to a bowl and let cool. Use the preserved lemons right away or spoon into an airtight container and store in the refrigerator up to 2 weeks.
