A writer is only as inspired as his life is, and so I need to start by thanking those who fill my heart with the strength and passion to drive me forward. Marc, my brother, your unconditional love and faith in me are the ground beneath my feet. You share in all of my joys and successes, if for no other reason than we grew up together, and you’ve made me who I am. Julian, your emotional wisdom and easy embrace of life have somehow managed to rub off, and in the end, you taught me how to breathe. Thank you for eagerly soaking up every wine-drenched rant with the widest smile. Patrick, you knew I was a creator long before I ever knew it myself, and have supported me through every transformation. Thank you for inducting me into your crazy world. Lise, you’ve loved me like family since the earliest days. Thank you for always being there at a minute’s notice. Whenever you need a village, you can count me in. Genie, Barbara, Hoa, Abram, Marc B., James: Ostie que vous êtes beaux, and I love you all more than you know. Keep on following your wild hearts. You certainly inspire me to follow mine. To my mother who taught me to be headstrong and assertive (I think I learned a little too well), and my father with his unending desire to help (even when I don’t want it): Thank you for raising me with the freedom to discover the world on my own. I never let go of it.

This book was not the work of one writer alone. Daniel, this project could not have gotten this far without your full and steady support from start to finish. Your persistent questioning and experienced guidance throughout were truly invaluable, and this first-time author owes you a great debt of gratitude. Jason, no one’s eyes are as fresh as yours, and your impulses and insights always keep me on my toes. Thank you for your heartfelt support and for being invested in the success of this endeavour as if it were your own. Errol, your unwavering support has been crucial, and I can’t express enough appreciation for making this first book adventure such a genuine delight. Thank you for taking a chance on a wide-eyed novice and for allowing me to pursue the full breadth of my creative vision. Thank you, Mario, for embracing this project so eagerly. Your collaboration has enriched it as only you could have, and you share greatly in its success. Thank you Pascale Dufour, Jules Duchastel, Hugues Boisvert and John Peters for putting the time aside to lend your knowledge and expertise to this project. All of your feedback proved extremely constructive, and I am grateful to have been able to rely on such valuable insights. And lastly, I must express my sincere gratitude to Jeunes volontaires for its unhesitant backing of this project and to Emploi-Québec whose generous funding helped make this work a reality.