


I was organizing the Hunters fighting the evil Queen Velika and her army of Varacolaci when I’m thrown hard against a nearby stone wall. I was running on three days of no sleep and my body was wearing down on me.

Timbrax lifted me into his powerful arms and carried me to our makeshift bedroom. It was a hidden room in The Lilith Prodigy Vampire Organization or L.P.V.O. “for short” building that we used to rest. He lay me down on our bed and I protested when he stopped me. “Zyra, you need to sleep.” He said.

“But I-”

I commend you on wanting to stay up and fight by my side, but you aren’t a Varacolaci like I am.” He said. Timbrax was a Varacolaci Prince, who married me despite his step-mother Queen Velika’s wishes to kill me. Timbrax had killed his own father, which had sent his stepmother Velika into a crazed hysteria, and started the vampire war, which was still going on as we speak.

“Alright,” I said, settling myself into a comfortable position. “But only let me sleep for an hour.” I warned. “I have to plan my next move and-”

I yelped in surprise as Timbrax sunk his sharp fangs into my soft neck and I was feeling the endorphin’s flowing through my body. “Sorry, gorgeous,” he said, laying me down. Then he covered me with a soft black blanket. “But I need you to sleep more than an hour.”

Before I passed out, I threw him a look. “You’re an asshole, you know that?” I said bluntly.

He laughed. “And you love me for that.” He said, kissing me on the cheek, I quickly passed out into complete darkness.

I saw that in order to kill Velika; I had to become Hell’s Guardian to do it. The Demonic Guardians were there helping me by fighting and killing the Varacolaci. But I also foresaw the future of the L.P.V.O. as well. They had brought in a new generation of Hunters calling themselves the Mystic Hunters. They were taking down the Lugat and other vampire breeds whose powers had grown out of control. They had turned them into The Labyrinth and the Varacolaci are scattered and non-existent compared to right now.

I opened my eyes and felt dizzy as I slowly sat up in the bed. Timbrax was sitting in a nearby chair and was by my side in a flash. “How are you feeling gorgeous?” He asked as he took my hand in his.

“I-I feel terrible after you bit me.” I said, allowing my heavy head to rest upon his chest. “How long have I been out for, anyway?” I asked him. Thinking that only four hours had passed. Boy, was I wrong.

He was silent for a moment as he was choosing his words very carefully. “Do... You remember that time when I wiped your memory for your grandmother’s funeral?” He asked me.

“Yes?” I said cautiously.

“While you were asleep, Velika wiped out over half of our forces.” He said, raking his hand nervously through his hair.

“Timbrax,” I intoned. “How long have I been asleep for?” I asked him again, this time with more authority in my voice.

“Five Months.” He finally said.

“What?!” I said, throwing the blanket off of me. “H-how could you allow for this to happen to me?”

“You woke up that night and went straight into battle mode.” he said, looking down at the floor in guilt. You turned into Hell’s Guardian and...” He paused, remembering that night. “A Varacolaci killed you. I used the Holistic sword and brought you back to life, but I was afraid I would lose you again so I... kept biting you to keep you safe.” He finally looked at me and I saw the pain in his eyes. “Are you mad at me, Zyra?” He asked.

I took in what he said and looked down at my clothes. Sure enough, I was wearing my Hell’s Guardian outfit, and I knew he had spoken the truth. I shrugged. “Thank you.” I said, and I saw the surprised look in his red eyes. “You saved my life an-”

Timbrax had brought his face closer to mine, and he kissed me. I kissed him back and his hand moved to the back of my neck. He pulled away and looked at the wall in front of him. “I can’t bear to lose you again, Zyra.” he said with pain in his voice.

I gave him a sad smile and dabbed his cheek. “You won’t.” I said, looking into his eyes. “I foresaw the future. We defeat Velika.”

“But at what cost?” he asked. “It doesn’t matter if we win and I lose you too, Zyra.” He shook his head at me. “I forbid you fight again.”

I scoffed. “You can’t be serious?” I said. But he started at me, his face unreadable. “You can’t do that!” I said, leaping angrily to my feet.

“My decision is final.” he said and headed up the concrete steps.

That jerk has another think coming if he thinks I will not fight!...

I ran up the stairs and saw just how drained everybody actually was. The Hunters are bandaged up pretty badly. They had cuts in their clothing, and blood on their faces and hands and legs.

“Zyra,” My Mother Lyric hugged me tightly. “I was so worried about you.”

“I’m fine.” I said to her. “Where is Alucard?” I asked, looking around the room for my baby. He was a Cruxim, he was born with black angel wings.

“Tuffara took him into hiding with the Demigods.” She said sadly.

“Oh.” I said, feeling hurt that I had to give my son up for adoption because his deranged grandmother wanted to kill him despite me marrying her stepson.

“Alucard is fine.” Lyric assured me in a reassuring voice. “You are the one who everyone is worried about Zyra.” She added.

“I’m okay,” I said. “We need an alternative plan of action against Velika, now that I can function properly again.”

“Keeping you alive is the plan we all agreed on while you were still asleep.” Abel said as he walked towards me. Abel was a half-breed gargoyle king and a friend of the family. Did I forget to mention Abel was also my personal guardian? He had jet black hair and beautiful bluish-green eyes. He was still pretty hot for being over two hundred years old. He looked like he was only seventeen in human years. By day he was a human, and he transformed into his gargoyle form when night fell. More about that later, though.

I rolled my eyes at him. “I see you have been talking to Timbrax, huh?” I said to him.

“Actually... no I haven’t.” he replied coolly. “When Velika killed you during battle that night, Timbrax barely had enough time to resurrect you with the Holistic sword. I got there in time to bring you both back here.”

I looked at the ground, knowing that Abel was truthful and a kindhearted soul. Probably because he was a half-breed gargoyle king and all like I had mentioned a bit ago. “Thank you,” I said. “I know this is a lot to ask of you, but...” I pondered my next words carefully.

“Anything you need, Princess Zyra.” he said, nodding curtly at me.

“Can you assemble The Haven Clan and any other allies you may have to help us defeat Velika?”

He smiled at my request. “I already have princess.” he said. “They should be on their way as we speak.”

“That’s exceptional!” I said, growing excited. Just then a male voice spoke from behind me, one I did not recognize. He had practically made me jump right out of my skin.

“We’re here, father.” A young man who was about my age with long black hair and green eyes said to Abel. He wasn’t wearing a shirt because he had large black bat wings coming out of his back, which would have made it very awkward to wear a shirt without tearing it to shreds. He also didn’t look a thing like Abel at all.

“Maddock,” Abel said, patting the young man on the shoulder. “I’d like for you to meet your sister, Princess Zyra DeRaps.”

“Sister?” he said, giving me a strange look.

I looked at my mother, who looked at Maddock with loving eyes. “Maddock... is my son.”