


I was running through the forest with lightning speed as I felt the wind whooshing past my ears. I was staring straight ahead as the trees zoomed by me in my peripheral vision. I could see Timbrax keeping pace with me to my right, and Abel was to my left. Maddock took to the skies and was flying directly above me. While Chaos was staying back with the Demonic Guardians and the Hunters. I didn’t have to do too much of any fighting except keep running. Why? Because All the Varacolaci who were in the forest with us knew of Velika’s orders for me to head to her court, so they were running past me and over my head to get to the others who were behind me. Every once in a while I would use the Venin Dagger and stab a Varacolaci here and there to slow them down and make them an easier target for the Hunters to use their guns on them to sedate them for the Labyrinth to snatch up for whatever their purposes were. As far as I’m concerned, the Labyrinth could have all the Varacolaci excluding my Uncles Mark, Zero, and my husband Timbrax, of course.

“We still have miles of this damn forest to get through!” Timbrax yelled to me as we ran past the endless sea of trees. I was about to respond when two familiar figures emerged from the darkness. They were my Uncles, Mark and Zero. It was so strange seeing them both not as humans anymore, but as Varacolaci Vampires. I stopped dead in my tracks as they both lunged at me. Before I could react, both Abel and Timbrax landed on them, knocking both men away from me. “Keep going, Zyra!” Timbrax yelled to me as he went head to head with my Uncle Zero. “We’ll catch up in a bit!”

“Don’t let the Labyrinth take them Timbrax!” I said as I took off running once more. I forced myself not to look back as I ran. That was probably the hardest part about seeing my family on the opposite side of the war. I couldn’t get the image of their eyes no longer being gem green, but now being white with red rings around the iris. I just prayed that Timbrax could turn them back into Stregoni Benefici since it was impossible to turn them back into humans. I hadn’t asked Abel what had happened to Leo Blackstar. My guess was that he’s killed, or he hightailed it out of there when my uncles had been turned. Just then bullets started whizzing pasted my head, and I quickly dived behind a large tree to hide behind for temporary protection against whoever was shooting at me.

“I see you vampire!” A familiar male voice yelled from across the opposite of the forest. “Come out now or I’ll shoot again!”

“Damn it, Leo,” I said. “It’s me, Zyra!” I said, poking my head out from behind the tree so he could see my face. “The Varacolaci are behind us you idiot!”

“Zyra?” Leo said with a confused look on his face. “I thought you were one of those freaks!”

“No,” I said, coming out from behind the tree. “What happened to you when my Uncles were turned to the dark side, anyway?” I asked him, as I took this moment to catch my breath. “You ran away, didn’t you?”

Leo rolled his eyes at me. “I did not run away!” He spat. “Mark told me to get out of there and that’s when they were attacked by those... freaks.”

“Uh, huh?” I said, shaking my head at him. “So why have you come back now?” I asked him. “They are currently Varacolaci and-”

A Varacolaci jumped off of a tall tree branch and he landed on top of Leo, biting him in his neck. Leo screamed in pain and panic. I pulled out my Valistik Sword and stabbed the Varacolaci vampire through the back of his spine. I heard him gurgling up blood as he released Leo and fell to the ground. I pulled out The Valistik Sword from his body and I could see dark scarlet blood dripping off of the blade of my sword as it glistened in the pale moonlight just above our heads.

I knelt down beside him and I had placed the Valistik Sword down in the dirt beside me. I gently picked up his head and placed it in my lap. Leo lay there coughing up blood, and I watched it run down the side of his mouth and fall slowly to the dirt, turning it a dark brown looking color. The smell of blood instantly hit my natural, and I had to contain myself not to bite Leo for his blood. I heard footsteps running towards me and I quickly picked up The Valistik Sword and stayed in the ready stance to defend Leo if it was a group of Varacolaci coming for me. To my solace it was Timbrax, Abel, Mark Zero, and Maddock headed towards us. I sighed in relief when I saw both of my Uncles had are transformed back into Stregoni Benefici vampires thanks to Timbrax’s Halistik sword.

“What happened to Leo?” Mark asked me as he knelt down beside me. He had a look of deep concern upon his handsome face.

“Leo was attacked by that Varacolaci over there.” I said, nudging my head towards the dying Varacolaci guy who lay still on the ground. “Can you save him, Timbrax?” I asked.

“It’s a risky move,” he said as he pulled out his Holistic Sword from its sheath. “I can try to keep him human if I hurry and stab him right quick.”

“You want him to stab me... with a sword?!” Leo asked as his eyes widened in fear.

“Don’t be such a baby about it.” Timbrax replied bluntly as he placed the blade of the Halistik Sword down towards Leo’s stomach. “I’m not killing you... I’m keeping you human.”

“Can’t we talk about this-”

“Not a chance!” Timbrax said as he jabbed the Halistik Sword deep into Leo’s neck where he’s been bitten by the Varacolaci minutes earlier. Leo yelped in surprise as his wound heal and his blood was fighting to stay human and not turn into any type of vampire. A moment later, Timbrax removed the Halistik Sword and placed it back into its sheath with a look of satisfaction upon his face. “See,” he replied to Leo. “Nothing to it.”

Leo sat up and gingerly touched the right side of his neck and removed his hand, looking astonished and bewildered all at the same time.  “Y-you didn’t kill me?” he said, standing up on wobbly legs. “I-I’m still a human?”

“Of course you are.” Timbrax said, rolling his eyes at him like he was an idiot. “I would never harm an innocent human being.”

“Thank you,” Leo said, looking at Timbrax with a new found respect towards vampires. “Even though you are one of them freaks-”

“I can still kill you, you know?” Timbrax replied.

Leo’s face went deathly pale, and he shook his head no. “I think I’m good.” he said.

I smiled at Leo and I turned my attention back towards my Uncle Mark, who had picked up my Valistik Sword and handed it to me. “Ow,” he said as his fingers had gotten hurt from touching the blade. “I guess I can’t wear silver anymore, huh?” He said to me.

“Sorry, Uncle Mark.” I said to him. “But, silver burns Stregoni Benefici.”

“That’s good to know.” Mark said, nodding his head at what I had said. “I still have to adjust to being... a vampire now.”

“I... didn’t mean for you guys to get turned.” I said, lowering my head sadly. “I’m really sorry that I wasn’t there to-”

“Hey,” Zero said to me. “We came to protect our lovely niece. And now I can be immortal, just like you and my sister.”

“We can still die.” I said, bursting Zero’s bubble. “But you will get to live a much longer life than you would have if you had still been a human.” I added. “So that’s a plus on our end, I suppose.”

“We need to rescue your mother Zyra, Mark said, turning serious once more. “We sort of... changed the plan while you went on ahead of us.”

“Really?” I said, to him arching an eyebrow. “Why do I not liking said plan of yours before I even hear it?”

Abel stepped up from the back and took my hand in his. “Do you... remember those visions you had about us, Zyra?” he asked me.

I laughed. “You’re joking, right?” I said to them. Nobody was laughing and my face fell. “Timbrax... I-I can’t do this.” I said, pulling my hand away from Abel’s “I-”

He pulled me tightly into his arms and held me for a moment. “You belong to me, Zyra,” he said in a gentle voice. “Our love is strong... and is real. All you have to do is pretend to fall in love with Abel to throw off Velika’s trust of our love.”

“But I can’t betray our love Timbrax... I won’t do it.” I said as I bit my lower lip nervously. He whispered something into my ear and I sighed. “Alright,” I said reluctantly as I placed my Valistik Sword back into its sheath. I started walking away from the others, forcing myself not to turn around and throw Timbrax the most evil look I could muster up for forcing me to do this with Abel. “Abel,” I called over my shoulder. “Can you come here? I want to show you something.”

“Be right there!” Abel called back to me. He had already transformed into his gargoyle form, so he used his wings and caught up to me easily. “What’s wrong, Zyra?” he asked with deep concern in his beautiful bluish-green eyes.

I laughed nervously as I noticed a Varacolaci hiding high in one of the nearby trees, observing us. “I have... something to tell you, Abel.” I said, forcing myself to look at him.

“What’s up... Zyra?” He asked as he scanned the area with his eyes for any Varacolaci.

“I... think I’m falling in love with you, Abel.” I said as I fought to get the words out. I hated lying about as much as I hated Velika. But I had to do this in order for the newly informed plan of action to work. I heard a gasp from the trees and I knew the Varacolaci believed the lie.

“Excuse me?” he replied as he went along with the plan. “I-I hit on you when you were still a student back at that vampire academy. And you turned me down cold.” He said. “Now you want to tell me you actually have been in love with me this entire time?” he looked bewildered.

“I’m sorry!” I said, allowing my emotions to take over. “What was I supposed to back there, Abel?” I said. “I can’t hide how I feel about you anymore!” I pretend to get all emotional and started crying.

“Damn it,’ he said under his breath as he came to comfort me. He wrapped his arms and his enormous wings around me, wrapping me in an instant warmth. “Zyra,” he started. “Please don’t cry...”

“But you don’t love me Abel.” I said through my fake tears. “I only told you now because I might die... Again.” I said.

He bent his head down and kissed me. His lips were soft and his kiss was hungry. Like he needed me. I returned his kiss and his right hand slid slowly down my leg then he drawled it beneath my skirt making me shudder at his gentle touch. He crept his lips down my neck and I gasped at how my body suddenly wanted him to do more than kiss me. “Too bad you’re married to that vile Varacolaci Prince Zyra,” he whispered softly in my ear. “I would take you as my wife right now-”

There was a rustling in the trees and I looked up to see the Varacolaci run off toward Velika’s court. “I think we’re good here, Zyra.” Abel said, smiling at me as he removed himself from my body. “Sorry I went a little overboard there, but I had to make it appear to be as believable as possible.”

“Abel,” I said, gently touching him on his left shoulder, making him stop, but he kept his back facing me. “When you kissed me... you kissed me as though...  I was your wife?”

His body suddenly tensed up beneath my fingertips and I quickly dropped my hand, allowing it to fall to my side. He glanced over his shoulder towards me with a serious look on his face. “That’s because I wish you were my wife, Zyra.” he said. He laughed to himself. “You want to know what’s ironic about this situation?” he asked me as he turned his body around to face me. “Many years ago, I was in this same position with Lyric.”

“My mother?” I said. “You... were in love with Lyric?”

“I was,” he said, sighing heavily. “Lyric had to decide between Chaos, Cadman, and myself.” he shook his head in disbelief. “And who do you think she chose as her suitor?”

“Chaos,” I said in a quiet voice. “She chose Chaos over you.”

“Yeah,” he said. “And I’m hurt. But I moved on, make a life with Tuffara.”

“But... your not thrilled... with the love of your life Abel?” I asked him as I took a step towards him. “Tuffara’s supposed to be the love of your life... and you want something more than her?”

He shook his head. “Tuffara... is the love of my life, this is true.” he said taking a step towards me. “But... that doesn’t mean I can’t have over one companion... does it Zyra?” he reached out his hand and gently stroked my cheek lovingly. “I want you... Zyra. I need you...”

“Why?” I asked him as tears fell from my eyes and roll slowly down my cheeks. “You have everything you ever wanted.” I said to him. “Lyric and I... have already chosen who we want to spend all of eternity with Abel.” I said, shaking my head sadly at him. “I will always love you as a friend... but that is all I can offer you is my friendship... and nothing more.”

He sighed as he allowed his hand to fall to his side. “Like mother, like daughter.” he said, forcing a sad smile at me. His face suddenly changed as he sniffed the surrounding air. “There’s... something wrong with the air in this forest.” he said.

I took a couple of sniffs of the air and wore a look of confusion upon my face. “I smell nothing?” I said.

“Probably because you are a vampire and I am a gargoyle.” he said bluntly to me. Just then two figures emerged from behind a large tree wearing masks covering their entire faces to help them breathe. “Brooke, Trunks,” Abel said, recognizing his friends as they walked towards us. “What are you guys doing here?”

“We’re here to help. Brooke said as she held out a white pen in her hand. She pressed a button on the bottom as she jabbed the foreign deep object into my shoulder. Brooke I had met once before while I was back at the academy. She had helped me by making me a necklace to ward off Lain. Unfortunately, it didn’t work, but she did her best to help me out. I watched as Trunks did the same thing to Abel before I felt dizzy and I fell into someone’s arms before blacking out.  I groaned as I heard voices coming from a nearby area. “Quiet, a cool female voice said. “She’s waking up.”

I opened my eyes and struggled to sit up. The room was spinning, and I held onto the edge of a bed to keep myself still. “What happened?” I asked anyone. “I don’t feel so good.”

Timbrax was by my side in an instant as he pulled me tightly into his arms. “The forest near Velika’s courts contaminated with a gas that made anyone who stepped foot in there vulnerable to their darkest desires.” he mumbled, touching the side of my face with his hand. “Everyone was at risk and luckily The Slayers stepped in to aid us in getting us out of there before we tore each other to pieces.”

Velika spread poisonous gas throughout the forest to kill us?...

“Timbrax,” I said with tears in my eyes. “I’m so sorry...”

“Shh...” he whispered, pressing a kiss on my cheek. “Nobody knew about the forest being poisoned. He said. “And your previous visions most likely helped in aiding with what happened to you and Abel.”

“I love you so much, Timbrax.” I said afraid that he was going to leave me for making out with Abel in the dark creepy poisonous forest last night.

“Zyra, look at me.” he said, and I looked into his white eyes with red rings around the edges. “I love you gorgeous, do you hear me?” he said, and I nodded my head. “Velika has been trying her best to break us up from the very beginning, do you remember?” I nodded again. “Throwing a half-breed gargoyle into the mix sure as hell makes our relationship interesting... didn’t it?”

“Yeah,” I said. “It does.”

“Our love has yet to fail us... we got through last night... together. So stop allowing Velika to hurt us okay babe?”

“Okay,” I said using the back of my hands I wiped my tears from my eyes. “Thank you... for the pep talk, Timbrax.”

“You’re welcome, gorgeous.” he said, climbing to his feet. “But I think that you should talk to Abel.”

I shook my head. “I don’t want to talk to him.” I said. “I can’t face him... not after last night-”

“Zyra,” he said, taking me by my hands, he helped me to my feet. “Abel is just as embarrassed and hurt by the situation as you are.” he said. “The more the two of you avoid each other... the worse the situation will get. “And we need him to continue to be our ally, okay? So please... go talk to him.”

“Okay,” I said, forcing a quick smile at him. “I’ll talk to Abel now.”

“You, uh, might want to transform back into civilian clothes first.” he said pointing to my outfit. I looked down and I’m still dressed in my Hell’s Guardian afire.

I laughed lightly. “Right.” I said, and I closed my eyes and my outfit disappeared and I was standing in a light pink shirt, blue jeans, socks, and tennis shoes. I walked out of the bedroom and out into a large living room where Brooke, Trunks and the others were chatting amongst themselves. I turned and found Abel sitting alone out on the balcony in a white chair. I took a deep breath and dawdled towards the sliding glass doors that led outside.

Time to face the music Zyra...

I reached the sliding glass door and slowly opened it. Abel sat still, not turning around to see who it was. He probably knew it was me, so he didn’t want to look at me. “Abel?” I said in a quiet voice.

“Hey, Zyra, he said, turning his head slightly to look at me. He was human because it was early in the morning. “That trank was enough to knock out ten elephants, wasn’t it?” he said. I smiled as I closed the door behind me. I walked over to the empty chair and sat down in it. I looked across from me and could see the beautiful beach, and the sun was just rising on the horizon. Any other time this would have been beautiful. It was beautiful, but I had business to attend to. 

“Yeah,” I said, forcing a smile. “My head still feels dizzy from it.”

“Here,” he said, picking up an empty glass he picked up a glass pitcher filled with orange juice and poured me a large glass. He handed it to me and he poured himself a refill. “A bit of OJ should do the trick and get rid of the dizziness you are feeling.”

“Thank you.” I said as I gingerly took a tiny sip of my juice. I haven’t had orange juice in such a long time I missed the taste of it. I swallowed and felt the coolness slid easily down my throat. I hadn’t realized just how dry my throat actually had been until I drank that glass of orange juice. “I’m sorry, about last night.” I said. “Those visions-”

“No,” he said, setting his glass of orange juice down on the table. “I knew better than to hit on a married woman and I did it anyway.” he said, shaking his head in disbelief. “I am sorry for any discomfort I have caused you Zyra.”

“We’re... still friends, aren’t we?” I asked him. “This didn’t damage our friendship, did it?”

“Yeah,” he said, smiling at me. “We are still friends, Zyra.”

Just then Brooke opened the sliding glass door and poked her head out at us. “You two need to finish your orange juice and get in here.” She said with urgency in her voice. As she went back, in and closed the door behind her.

“I guess we had better finish drinking our juice and get in there to find out what’s going on.” he said. Picking up his glass, he tipped it to his lips and started slamming his drink. I nodded and put my glass to my lips and started chugging as fast as I could. I emptied my glass, and I made a face as I set it down on the circular table between Abel and I.

“Did that orange juice taste weird to you?” I asked him.

He shrugged as we both stood up. “Naw,” he said as he opened the door for me to go inside first. “You have been drinking blood for so long that you probably forgot what orange juice taste like.”

“Good point.” I said as I entered the large living room where everyone had gathered.

“So what’s happening?” He asked Brooke. “Has the forest been cleared of all the poison yet?”

“It has,” she replied. She had long curly brown hair and brown eyes. She was slim and beautiful. Of course, all Demigods were beautiful. “But we’re here to talk about you two.”

“Us?” Abel and I both said in unison.

“Jinx.” I said as I turned my attention back towards Brooke. “But we already talked about-”

“Yeah, about that...” Trunks said, standing up from his seat. Trunks was also a Demigod who had short purple hair and green eyes. He was dating Brooke. “It appears a rogue Varacolaci has been tailing us since last night.” he said. “You two are going to have to keep up this little fiasco to make them think that the poison they had pumped throughout the large forest had actually worked on you guys.”

“Hell no!” I said so abruptly that everyone looked surprised. “We just patched up our friendship.” I paused. Besides,” I added. “Timbrax will kill Abel if he touches me again, and Tuffara will beat his ass because she is pregnant and her hormones are out of whack right now.”

“We figured that you might say that.” Tuffara said as she emerging from one bedroom holding baby Alucard in her arms. “Timbrax and I have both agreed to allow the two of you to role-play as lovers until Velika is dead in the ground.” I said nothing as I stared at my son in her arms. “Come, hold your son, Zyra,” Tuffara said in a gentle voice. “He misses his mama so much.”

I meandered towards her, and she carefully handed baby Alucard to me. He was sleeping so peacefully as they wrapped him up in a blanket covering his wings from the human eye. “I miss you so much, my little Alucard.” I said, kissing him on his forehead. He smiled when he heard my voice and I had to keep myself from crying.

“You need to do this for our son.” Timbrax said as he came to stand beside me. “The only way he can have a future is for us to kill Velika.”

“I want our baby to have a good future Timbrax.” I said, looking up at him.

“Then do this for us...” he said in a gentle voice. “Our love is strong and it will survive this silly little performance you two are about to pull off.” he kissed me and I knew he loved me and our son. He broke it and we both looked at Alucard. “When you come back to me, we will rule over both The Stregoni Benefici, The Lugat and The Varacolaci.” I nodded as I reluctantly handed my baby over to his adopted mother Tuffara. She smiled sadly at me because she knew how much I loved my son. I watched as Abel gave his wife a kiss before Timbrax took her back through the astral thread. Every time I watched them leave, it felt like a piece of my heart was being ripped out of my body.

Abel walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I placed my heavy head on his chest and allowed him to hold me. “I miss him already.” I said.

“I promise I won’t hurt you, Zyra.” Abel said as he pressed a kiss on the top of my head. “I love you as a friend... and doing this will only strengthen our friendship.” I saw the Varacolaci peeking in through the sliding glass door. He covered his head in a dark brown hood to keep the sun from burning his pale skin. I nodded my head, and I was about to kiss him when I’m snapped out of another vision.



VELIKA WAS BITING MY neck as she drank more blood from me. She removed her sharp fangs from my soft neck and I was high from the endorphin’s from her bite. “Poor Zyra,” she said in my ear as she stroked my neck. “You have been my prisoner for over ten months now and Timbrax has yet to rescue you.” She chuckled to herself. “I don’t think that my stepson loves you anymore.”

“That’s... not... true...” I said in a weak voice. “Timbrax... does... love me...”

“Oh, please child,” she replied as she rolled her eyes at me. “If he loved you like you say he does... then why has he let you get tortured by me for so, so long?”

“Timbrax... will... come... for me...” I said as Velika Sunk her fangs deep into my wrist. The endorphin overcame me once more, and I felt like I was feeling so great right now. I laughed, and she removed her fangs and lightly dabbed at her mouth with a napkin.

“What is so funny?” she asked me. “I guess the endorphin’s are making you lose your mind.”

“Not at all,” I said as I looked at her. “Do you want to know why Timbrax has not come for me Velika?” I asked her.

“Why?” she asked me with a look of curiosity on her face.

“Because...” I said, still laughing. “I am Timbrax, you bitch!” I head butted her making her buck me off of her lap as she touched her head making sure there was no blood coming from it. I removed the cloaking device and revealed my true self to her. The Varacolaci guards started coming towards me when I stopped them. “Don’t you dare think about moving?” I snarled. “I am your prince and you will stand down!”

The guards stopped where they stood and didn’t know who to listen to. I rushed into the throne room accompanied by Abel, Maddock, The Demonic Guardians and The Labyrinth.  Abel and Maddock moved quickly and grabbed a hold of Velika and drug her down from her throne. She hissed at them as they handed her over to The Labyrinth men. My heart sank when I saw Timbrax. I rushed to his side and pulled him into my lap as I knelt down beside him. “Timbrax!” I said. “What has she done to you?”

Timbrax was all drugged up from the high of Velika’s endorphin’s, but he cracked a smile. “I probably look like hell threw me up for dinner, don’t I gorgeous?”

“Well, you look terrible, my love.” I said as I handed him his Holistic Sword. I helped him point the tip towards his leg as he jabbed it into his leg. He screamed as the sword healed his cuts and wounds. A moment later, he was fine, I helped him up to his feet, and we both looked at Velika.

“I will kill you when I get out of prison, Zyra!” She hissed at me through her teeth.  “You had better sleep with your eyes open! Because I will kill you all!”

“Get her out of here.” I said to The Labyrinth men, and they did. I could hear Velika screaming at the top of her lungs at them as the Varacolaci who were around the castle are taken away along with her fifty pet Varghulf. 

I sure hope The Labyrinth keeps Velika locked away forever... Or she will escape and kill me...