What this book covers

Chapter 1, What AR is and How to Get Set Up, explains the processes of installing various SDKs and packages for enabling AR, and building a Hello World example with AR.

Chapter 2, GIS Fundamentals - The Power of Mapping, explores the history of GIS, GIS implications in applications and games, and GIS in education.

Chapter 3, Censored - Various Sensor Data and Plugins, looks at how to write plugins for Unity in C#, how to write plugins for Unity in C++, how to write plugins for Unity in Objective-C, and how to write plugins for Unity in Java.

Chapter 4, The Sound of Flowery Prose, goes into details of the steps for designing an application, looks at conceptualizing the project, and explores how to create an AR application based on the perception of sound.

Chapter 5, Picture Puzzle - The AR Experience, helps you design an educational app, learn to use Vuforia, and develop an educational AR application with Vuforia.

Chapter 6, Fitness for Fun - Tourism and Random Walking, teaches about Mapbox, integrating Mapbox into Unity, and building a random walk-to-location app prototype.

Chapter 7, Snap it! Adding Filters to Pictures, helps you learn about OpenCV, incorporate OpenCV into Unity, build OpenCV from source, and build a facial detection app prototype with OpenCV.

Chapter 8, To the HoloLens and Beyond, gives you an insight into the difference between AR and Mixed Reality (MR), teaches you how to use the Hololens simulator, and gets you to build a basic prototype for MR using the Hololens simulator.