Do the robot

We are getting down to the final steps of this prototype project. So, let's add and configure our robot into the scene to get going into the home stretch. You know what to do—follow these steps:

  1. We need to add the robot to the scene:
Add robot
  1. There are a few values we need to change, the first of which will be the position from the Inspector pane, then the rotation, and finally the scale. The default values place it to be at the origin of the player and is too big to be of any use currently:
Robot Inspector
  1. The X position should be set to 0.26, to account for the slight offset that we have from the groupings. The Y position should be set to 0, and the Z position should be set to 2:
  1. Next up is the rotation; we will set the X rotation to be 45, the Y rotation to be 45, and the Z rotation to be 45:
  1. Last, but certainly not least, is the scale. The X scale will be set to 0.6, the Y scale set to be 0.6, and the Z scale to be 0.6:

Now we are ready to build and finish this off.