Certain titles are cited in the text by abbreviations:
CE Ferguson, ed., Critical Essays on Randall Jarrell
CP Jarrell, The Complete Poems
IA Stein, Vidich, and Manning White, eds. Identity and Anxiety
KA Jarrell, Kipling, Auden and Co.
LS/FUD Lowell, Life Studies/For the Union Dead
MC Rosenberg and Manning White, eds., Mass Culture
RJ Lowell, Taylor, and Penn Warren, eds., Randall Jarrell 1914–1965
SH Jarrell, A Sad Heart at the Supermarket
Where other citations require titles, they are given as key words. For example, Jessica Benjamin’s The Bonds of Love appears as Bonds.
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———. Worlds and Lives: The Poetry of Randall Jarrell. Port Washington, N.Y.: Associated University Presses, 1983.
Sandra L. Beckett, ed. Transcending Boundaries: Writing for a Dual Audience of Children and Adults. New York: Garland, 1999.
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Bell, Vereen. Robert Lowell: Nihilist as Hero. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983.
Benamou, Michel. “The Woman at the Zoo’s Fearful Symmetry.” Analects 1, no. 2 (1961): 2–4. Repr. CE 241–245.
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