7 All Shook Up

The one good thing about getting bounced around in a dryer for ten seconds with wet snowsuits in your face is that when you get out you feel too rotten to see anybody. Charlie and Aldeen don’t stick around long after I push the door open and tumble out.

Things aren’t much better after they go. Mom is not happy. She doesn’t even say, “Good work not throwing up.” All she says is, “What were you doing in the dryer?”


I say, “Um, looking for something.”

Mom’s mouth gets small. I say, “I dropped my cookie. I had to crawl in to get it.”

“Well,” says Mom, “Maybe you should crawl in and get the money you owe your paper-route helpers.”


“Aldeen says you’ve kept them busy.”


“I have not. She doesn’t do anything. Only …” I’m about to say, “Only Charlie does,” when I remember that I’d have to tell about the deal. We’d get in trouble.

Mom says, “I don’t care who does what. Aldeen has gone with you and she makes you count the papers. For that alone, she deserves to get paid. I think you should divide up your money and take it to them now. The fresh air will do you good.”

“Awwwwwww,” I say.

“Morgan,” Mom warns, “Don’t push your luck, or you’ll have to pay your other helper too.”

“Who?” I ask.

“Me. Now get going.”