It was like walking into a time warp.
Amy hadn’t seen this man in decades. He had the same eyes, the same mouth and the same face, although wrinkles had blurred and softened his features. But all the time in the world couldn’t fade the memory of their last meeting.
“Alder Jessup,” she said.
He smiled and nodded. “Amy Zou. It’s been a long time.”
She looked at the man just behind Alder. Again that time-warp sensation. The man looked like the Alder she remembered from so long ago, if that Alder had been a metal-hipster douchebag.
“Hey, cop,” the younger man said. “Gestapo stare-downs might work on the trust-fund kiddies, but I’m past that level.”
Alder closed his eyes and sighed. “Chief Amy Zou, this is my grandson, Adam. Adam was just going to get himself a cup of coffee.”
Adam smiled and nodded. “Nice meeting you, Chief. If I stumble upon a rampaging herd of wild donuts, I’ll break out the speargun and bring you breakfast.”
The angry young man walked off, his chains and jewelry rattling with each step.
“My apologies,” Alder said. “All I can say is that his talent is well worth the trouble.”
“Mister Jessup, why are you here?”
“I came to watch over Jebediah. I assume you’re here to do the same. If you are, perhaps you should come out to my automobile. Adam has brought several items that could be of use to you should Marie’s Children attack.”
Those words nearly made Amy flinch. She looked up and down the hall. No one was paying attention.
She leaned in. “Alder, we have this covered. I have people on duty to protect him. I just came from Erickson’s room. He’s not awake yet, but he’s getting better.”
Alder sighed in that way old men can sigh and make you feel like a child no matter what age you are. “All this time, my dear, and you still don’t truly understand.”
She thought back to the nightmares she’d seen in Erickson’s basement. Alder was right — she hadn’t truly understood what was out there, how many were out there.
He patted her on the shoulder. “I am not just here to protect Jebediah,” he said. “I would like to have a word with you about a police officer of yours. I think we need to discuss one Bryan Clauser.”