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Pangnirtung’s airfield was deserted. A single plane settled at the end of the runway, geared up for takeoff. The town beyond the airfield lay still and quiet. Not yet awake. It was too early. Imorean yawned, trying to keep himself awake. He hadn’t slept well the night before. His dreams had been turmoil and he had kept waking up. Though after the night before, it wasn’t really a surprise. All things considered, he was calmer than he thought he should be. Perhaps it was the idea of a solution. The idea of his family’s rescue. It had to be.
He shuffled, his wings feeling odd and heavy, trapped beneath the pack containing Colton’s artificial wings. Four cold, muscle-sensor pads lay under his shirt, pressed flush against his back. Two of the pads rested beneath his wings, the other two on the small of his back. They weren’t uncomfortable, more unsettling than anything else. His sword shifted on his back. The straps were looser than usual and Imorean sighed, adjusting it again. He gave another yawn. Maybe he was pushing himself too hard. A break would be wonderful. He looked over at the rest of the squad. Roxy rested her face against Ryan’s back. Colton and Baxter chattered quietly. Small talk in a desperation to stay awake. Kadia’s head nodded even as she stood.
Imorean shook himself as Raphael clapped him on the shoulder, far too peppy for this early in the morning.
“Gabriel’s speaking with the pilot now. You shouldn’t have anything to worry about. You probably won’t even have to say a word. You’re aware these wings will not work as your natural ones do, correct?” asked Raphael, his voice shaking.
“I figured as much,” nodded Imorean, adjusting his loose sword again. He could sense the excitement wavering off Raphael. “Anything about them I should know?”
“Yes, there will probably be a delay between the formation of thought and the reaction of your wings. You may have to think a few seconds ahead.”
“I can do that,” nodded Imorean.
Raphael raised an eyebrow. “Can you? In the field, can you do that?”
Imorean hesitated. There was some new emotion running in Raphael. Worry? Care, maybe? A mixture of both?
“I’ll do my best,” he said.
“That’s all I can ask for, I suppose,” replied Raphael. “Just keep in mind that Colton will need extra time for everything.”
“I will.”
“Thank you.” Raphael looked away and Imorean glanced up as well. Gabriel was climbing down out of the cockpit.
“Guys,” called Imorean, turning his head. His squad jerked at the sound of his voice, pulled from their own worlds.
“We ready?” asked Roxy, standing upright.
“I think so,” nodded Imorean. He watched as they checked their equipment and made themselves ready to leave.
“You are, indeed,” said Raphael. “Do not zip this back up.”
Imorean stumbled and choked back the urge to laugh as Raphael grabbed the pack, violently unzipping it. “The wings won’t get stuck sliding out of the pack, will they?”
“They shouldn’t,” replied Raphael. “We’ll have to see what they do this morning. I’ve got motion sensors on them for now to see if they open and work as they should.”
“But, you think they might not open at all?” asked Imorean. A cold stab of worry shocked his blood.
“Anything is possible. They’re prototypes, Imorean. This is the first live test we’ve done on them.”
“Raphael, my wings are trapped under these ones.”
“Only so you don’t open them as opposed to the prosthetics.”
“What if they don’t work?” asked Imorean.
“I asked Michael that last night. He said he was certain you would figure out a solution. He recommended teleportation. You’ve done it before. You’ve also got your entire squad. Of course, they won’t be much help if you’re stuck in freefall, but they’re emotional support.”
Imorean could have sworn one of his eyes twitched. “You’re serious?”
“Everything okay?” asked Colton.
Imorean somehow wasn’t surprised that Colton was the first of his squad to arrive and be ready for takeoff. Roxy and Ryan weren’t far behind. Baxter and Kadia were still lingering on the outskirts of the group.
Raphael made a calming motion with one wing. “Gabriel and I decided to give you these as well.”
Imorean swallowed his nervousness as Raphael held out one large, Bluetooth headphone, a small GoPro and a camera mount.
“The earpiece will keep you in contact with me and Gabriel back at Felsenmeer. The camera will record what happens and the mount, obviously, will just keep it in place. We’ll be in direct contact throughout.”
“Well, that makes me feel incredibly safe,” replied Imorean. It didn’t. He would still be jumping out of a plane without really knowing if he would be able to stop his fall.
Roxy nudged him. “What’s that for?”
“Oh, you know, just in case the wings don’t work,” replied Imorean, turning on the headset. He swore under his breath as his sword shifted on his back again. The straps really were too loose. He glanced over as Gabriel finally finished crossing the tarmac.
“If they don’t, we’ll help you out,” said Kadia.
Imorean balked. He didn’t want to repeat what Raphael had just said to him. If he ended up in an uncontrollable freefall, would Roxy, Ryan, Kadia and Baxter be enough to help him?
“Reliance goes both ways, Imorean,” said Ryan, folding his arms.
Imorean opened his mouth, but Gabriel spoke over him. “If we’re all done squabbling? Good. The plane will take you inland, up the fjord and let you out when you get to fifteen thousand feet. Colton, you’ll need to open that parachute when you’re around three or four thousand feet in the air. Kadia, you stick with Colton throughout the dive. You’re responsible for helping him to a safe landing zone. Roxy, Ryan, Baxter, the three of you are to watch each other. Help Kadia and Colton if they need you.”
“What about helping Imorean?” asked Kadia.
Imorean flashed her a quick smile of thanks.
“We would rather you didn’t interfere with him unless there’s a life or death issue,” replied Gabriel. “Colton’s wings need this kind of testing, and more rigorous ones beyond this, if we’re going to find out what issues there are.”
Imorean gave Roxy a small smile as she looked at him. She was worried. He was glad he wasn’t the only one.
“Whenever you’re ready, guys,” said Gabriel.
Imorean nodded and stepped off first. If he didn’t move now, he never would. Nerves would overwhelm him. God, he hadn’t been this nervous since he had flown in the simulator for the first time at Gracepointe. His heart beat faster. A cold knot settled in his stomach and it wasn’t from excitement. His fingers shook as he pressed the headpiece into his ear. No, these trembles weren’t anything good.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
EXCITEMENT. THAT WAS the ruling emotion. Imorean swallowed. How, how were the others this excited about jumping out of a plane? Even Colton was excited. Then again, they all had failsafe wings or parachutes that would stop their falls. Imorean looked up at the others. He didn’t know if either of his wing sets would work at this point. He looked up at the gap in the plane’s hull. Outside, there was nothing but sky, a few jagged mountain peaks baring their heads through gaps. Open air. They had further to ascend.
“You okay?” asked Roxy, raising her voice over the noise of the plane engine.
“Yeah, I think so,” nodded Imorean. It was a lie. He wasn’t okay at all. The fear he thought he had quelled back at Gracepointe had risen to the surface. There was no way he was going to tell Roxy that. Static crackled in his earpiece.
“Got that camera mounted?”
Imorean smiled as Gabriel’s voice poured directly into his ear. “Done and done. Facing the wings, right?”
A kind of stillness settled over Imorean as the pilot’s voice called back to them.
“Fifteen-thousand feet. Make your way out the door whenever you’re ready.”
“Let’s do this!” shouted Ryan. He and Baxter bumped their fists together.
Imorean smiled at them both and stood up. “Ryan, you and Baxter out together. Kadia, you and Roxy. Colton, jump just before I do.”
“On it boss!” called Ryan. Imorean had to keep himself from shouting as Ryan sprinted to the open gap and leaped into the air. Baxter was only seconds behind him.
Deep breaths. Imorean balled his fists. He had to remind himself to breathe. He turned to Kadia and Roxy. “Go on, you two!”
Roxy grinned and swiped two fingers off her forehead before launching herself out of the plane backward. Kadia whooped and dove out of the plane behind her. Imorean gritted his teeth. They had wings. They had wings. They would be fine.
“You sure you’re okay?” asked Colton.
Gabriel’s voice crackled in the static again. “Ready?”
“Ready,” replied Imorean. “Colton, go ahead of me. I should be last out.”
“If you insist,” said Colton.
Imorean locked his jaw as Colton tightened his parachute straps. He stiffened as the youngest member of his squad stepped out, vanishing over the edge of the doorway. Imorean’s feet felt like lead as he moved across the narrow plane to the door. Then he stopped. Outside was nothing. Open. Abyss. He couldn’t move. Move and he would die. This hadn’t been a problem for months. Why now? Now of all times.
“Imorean?” Gabriel again.
Imorean didn’t move. He couldn’t. Outside, the clouds swept by. How far away was the rest of his squad now? They must have jumped thirty seconds ago, at least.
“What is it?” Not Gabriel. The voice sounded further away.
Gabriel replied. “I can’t get an answer from him.”
“My sensors say the wings haven’t deployed. He’s either still in the plane or he can’t get them to open.” That had to be Raphael.
Teeth ground together. Imorean couldn’t move. He was frozen.
“Let me talk to him.” A pause. Then, Michael. “Imorean, are you all right?”
A muscle in Imorean’s jaw twitched. He wanted to reply, but the words gummed in his throat. His sword strap slipped to the edge of his shoulder.
“Imorean, I know you can hear me. You have to jump. Your squad will be looking for you by now. Colton will have deployed his chute. You are the last one.”
“I can’t.” The two words forced themselves out of Imorean’s mouth. “Michael, I’m sorry. I can’t.”
“Colton jumped without fear. Why do you linger?”
“What if the wings don’t work?”
“What if they do?”
Imorean blinked. If the wings worked, Colton would be back in the field. Colton would have his life amongst the angels put back together. At least one broken thing could be fixed. This wasn’t about him. Not his fear. Not his world. This was about Colton, helping one of the people he cared for the most. And he would do anything for the people he cared about. Imorean took a deep breath and latched his fingers around the door of the plane. Freezing metal greeted his touch. His eyes closed and he stepped out.