About the Author

Sasha was born in Bushey, near Watford in Hertfordshire, England, and many members of her family have had an interest in psychic or occult subjects. Sasha became interested in palmistry in childhood, partly due to the fact that her mother knew something about it, although Sasha learned her craft initially from books and later by studying people's hands directly. During her twenties, Sasha read and learned all she could about astrology, and by the time of her Saturn return, around the age of 30, Sasha was earning a little pin money by writing up horoscopes for clients. She soon added Tarot reading to her list of skills.

Sasha is a past Secretary and President of the British Astrological and Psychic Society (BAPS), a past Chairman of the Advisory Panel on Astrological Education and a past member of the Executive Council of the Writers' Guild of Great Britain. Sasha and husband Jan Budkowski started Zambezi Publishing in 1998 and they now plan to publish books written by a variety of skilled practitioners in the mind, body and spirit field.