
Saying goodbye was the hardest thing Celina had ever done, and this would be the first time she had been away from her daughter. Jina’s pissed off look still crept into her mind as she drove, speeding like crazy so she could get home faster.

“I'm going to find your father, sweetheart, and bring him back so we can be a family again.”

“Okay, Mommy. I love you.” Alia’s bright smile warmed Celina’s heart.

“I love you too, sugar plum.” Celina had kissed her hard before walking away from her little girl. The whole thing made her heart hurt. She was now alone in the world until she found her mate. If she had no luck in a week she would come back for Alia and search with her.

The plan was set and her determination kept her going. As she drove, her mind began to recall the day she’d met Pico.


“You must be a witch because your ass is bewitching me bad.” The male’s voice broke into Celina’s thoughts as she was walking back to her sister and friend. The bar was crowded for a Monday but that had a lot to do with the summer month of July. Everyone was trying to party as much as they could before the cold weather returned.

“That was awful.” Celina chuckled as she turned to the male trying to pick her up. He would have no clue she was a witch unless he was a wolf. Her breath stopped in her lungs as she took in his sharp features, stubble dusted jaw, and dark hair.

“It was. Sorry, I normally have a good wing man but he had to go back home.” He shrugged.

“Why wouldn't he come out on a night like this?” The spring air held a crisp side to it from all the rain in the last few days.

“He had responsibilities to take care of.” He pushed his fingers through his dark brown hair.

“I see. Well, wolf, are you going to touch me or keep staring like an idiot?” Celina rose an eyebrow.

“What's your name?”  His eyes captured her attention, making her body tingle.

“Celina. Yours?” Celina wondered about what he looked like without clothes for a moment.

“Pico.” He slid off his chair and moved over, his body hovering an inch or two away from Celina. She wanted to touch him just to fuck with him but barely resisted. His eyebrow rose a bit, bringing attention to his brown eyes. “Are you sure you want to play that game?”

“What would happen if we imprinted?” Celina licked her lips, the wolf was sexy as hell and she wondered if all the rumors about wolves were true, like their long stamina and ripped abs.

Pico leaned in closer, yet still not touching her, so his hot breath tickled her ear when he spoke. “I would take you back to my hotel room and fuck you until morning.”

“And if we don’t imprint? Can I get the same treatment?” Celina knew she was on thin ice right now, playing with a werewolf, but she couldn’t help herself. Her body ached for him to touch her and something inside of her screamed to kiss him.

“If you’re up for it, then maybe I could help you with some of your naughty fantasies.” Pico’s voice rumbled into her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. Her core clenched in anticipation.

“Celina, are you coming?” Jina’s voice called out, breaking Celina from her focus on the sexy wolf in front of her.

“You go ahead. I think I’m going to stay a bit longer tonight.” Celina yelled back and Pico smiled, making her heart flutter in her chest.

“Call me or Cherish if you need anything.” Jina placed her hand on Celina’s arm. When Celina turned to nod and smile, she noticed Jina glaring at Pico.

“Will do. Drive safe.” Celina took in a sharp breath when her gaze returned to Pico. “So, what’s it going to be, wolf?”

His eyes sparkled with delight. Pico wrapped his hands around her waist and a small current rippled under her skin, making her jump in his grasp.

“Looks like I found my sexy little mate.” Pico’s words registered on some level before he kissed her. She lost all track of what it truly meant to be mated to a werewolf and she didn’t care right then. His lips were heaven on hers making her melt in places that had never happened before.

His strong hand wrapped around her ass making her moan against his mouth.

“Get a room,” someone yelled in the bar. Pico growled low as he pulled away. He grabbed her hand and they walked out of the crowded bar. Before she could ask where they were going, he turned the corner toward a hotel sitting a block away.

“Is that where you’re staying?” Celina pointed toward the nice hotel. His pace quickened as they crossed the street.

“Yep. I would prefer a cave but it will do.” Pico turned toward her.

“Wait, what? You’re joking, right?” Celina had heard of some wolves still living outside of normal society.

“Of course, I’m not one of those wolves. Some still stay in the woods but I think they have lost touch with reality.” Pico shook his head. They entered the clean lobby but she barely had a moment to look at it before he pulled her into the elevator. His finger jammed into the number four button before he moved back and kissed her again, pressing her against the wall.

Celina’s body hummed with excitement. The elevator dinged and she whimpered at the broken connection. He was getting her so worked up, her thighs hurt from the tension building. Pico winked and lead her to his room which was, thankfully, close to the elevator.

“Are you ready for this, little witch?” Pico closed the door and she moved over to the bed.

“I think I am.” She snapped her fingers, making all of her clothes vanish from her body and appear in a pile on the little table. Pico groaned while his eyes raked over her body. Heat coursed through her.

“Fucking beautiful.” Pico took off his shirt and tossed it to the side.

“Want some help?” Celina moved closer to him and snapped her fingers again. Her eyes were focused on his as she removed his clothes with magic. His cock sprang free, hitting her stomach. Celina looked down and was happy to find at least one rumor was true, his abs were gorgeous. Another rumor was also true, he was fucking huge.

“I don’t think I would ever get used to that.” Pico crushed his mouth onto hers and maneuvered her onto the bed. She wouldn’t admit it, but she liked how pushy he was. Most guys she had been with before had been scared of her, but not Pico.

“Once I start, I won’t stop, so you need to tell me if you’ve changed your mind.” Pico looked into her eyes as her legs bumped into the bed.