
Celina looked around when she pulled up to the alpha’s house. She didn’t know where to start but this seemed like the best place.

“Who are you?” An older man walked out toward Celina. His eyes reminded Celina of Pico and she prayed to the goddess they were related. 

“I’m Celina. I’m looking for Pico.” She swallowed hard trying to keep her composure.

“Celina, looks like you might be a little late to the party.” He stood taller than Pico at least from what Celina could remember.

“What do you mean?” Celina didn’t like how the man was scratching his head.

“Well, you see, with you being gone and all, Pico’s been a little depressed. The alpha just sent him on a dangerous mission up north to the nomad packs.”

“Why would he do that?” Celina looked around the area and tried to keep her breathing calm.

“He can’t keep living without you my dear.” He scratched his head with a shrug.

“I’m guessing you’re his dad?” Celina pulled at her blonde hair. This wasn’t the way she wanted to meet her father-in-law.

“Ricky. Kimberly is inside with Ian, the alpha. But, my dear, I think if you go after him it would be better.”

“Thanks, Ricky. Can you tell me which way to go?” Celina didn’t drive all this way to lose Pico now. She needed to find him before he did anything stupid.

“Honey, did you just say,’ Celina’?” A woman walked out, Celina recognized the same shade of hair as Pico’s.

“Celina, this is Pico’s mother, Kimberly.” Ricky motioned for Celina to move closer. Before she even had a chance to open her mouth Kimberly wrapped her arms around Celina in a tight hug. It had been a long time since she had been hugged so tightly.

“I knew you would come to find my Pico.” Kimberly kissed her head.

“I can’t live with myself anymore.”

“Where is my beautiful grandbaby?” Kimberly moved back to look into Celina’s eyes.

“She is with my sister. I didn’t know how long it would take to find Pico. I didn’t want to take her from her studies too long.” Celina pushed back some of her hair.

“Well, once you and Pico reunite you two can go get her.” Kimberly kissed her head and finally let go of Celina.

“Ricky, where is Pico?” Celina asked. She wanted to get to him soon.

“Pico is on official werewolf business.” A man around the same age as Pico walked out, the power radiated off the guy. Alpha, shit!

“I’m his mate. I need to see him right now.” Celina gulped when his eyes narrowed in on her.

“And how can I be sure you are Celina and not some witch trying to play tricks?” His eyebrow raised.

“I guess you would just have to trust me.” Celina wouldn’t back down to the alpha. She may not be a werewolf with strength like crazy but she had her powers to protect her ass.

“I don’t trust easily.” Ian scratched his jaw line. His wide body was slightly intimidating but she didn’t want to cower before him.

“Ian, I know. I have a photo of Alia. Can you pull up one from your phone so we can compare? That should be proof enough.” Kimberly pulled out a folded photo. Alia smiled in the photo, it was taken from a distance and Celina recognized the place she’d taken Alia for her last birthday.

“Yeah, I have tons of photos of her.” Celina grabbed her phone and pulled up a closer shot of Alia and Celina together taken the same night. She handed her phone to Kimberly, who smiled.

“She will be breaking hearts just like her mother.” Kimberly handed over both items to the alpha who looked at them. He glanced up at Celina and then back at her phone. He handed them back to Kimberly with a nod.

“Fine. But you can wait for him at his home. Ricky, you can lead her over there.” With that, the alpha walked back inside. Kimberly winked when she gave back the phone.

Celina climbed into her car and followed her in-laws. Once they reached a small home, Ricky stopped. He climbed out of the truck and walked up to Celina’s car.

“You need to go find him.” Ricky gave quick directions then drove off, leaving Celina alone.

“I can do this.” Celina shoved her car into drive and hauled ass toward the pack border.