When I got home, Kiki was watching Dora and Tasha was doing her nails on the couch. She swung around. “Where have you been? It’s your day to get Kiki. Noreen had to call me to come get him.”

“Sorry.” I was glad she hadn’t heard that I’d been picked up. “I got a detention and forgot to call.”

“Mom ain’t gonna be happy about this. I won’t tell her if you pick him up every day next week.”

“Fine.” And because I knew Kiki was listening, I said, “I like picking up Kiki.”

I dropped my knapsack and threw my coat on a chair, then went to see him. “Sorry, man. Hope you didn’t miss me too much.”

He was staring at the TV, riveted. I wondered if that Dora chick had some sort of mind control going on.

“Kiki? You’re not mad at me, are you?”

He flicked his arm to shoo me away. He didn’t seem mad. He just wanted to watch his show.

“Okay, little brother. I got you. I better go start my homework.”

I went to my room and sat on my bed.

Prescott’s protection had died with him. Now I had two enemies—the cops and the Walker gang. And no allies. How was I going to bring Diamond Tony down with the cops determined to bring me down?

Should I walk away, abandon my mission? If it was the only way to save myself from getting arrested again, I’d have to. Problem was, by now Tony would know that the cops had brought me in. What would he think if I just up and quit?

He could get suspicious and end me like he ended Prescott.

Unless . . .

Kessler. Maybe she would listen. I didn’t need those other cops to help me contact her. I’d find a way to do it myself.

I turned on my computer. I’d bought it hot a few weeks ago. A necessary expense, since Tasha and Mom were always on the other one, and it was really slow.

I opened Google and typed in Kessler Toronto Police Department.

Score! The third entry that came up was her LinkedIn page, which she’d put up five months ago. It must mean she was looking for a new job. Not only was there contact information, but I could see where she’d worked over the last few years and where she graduated from college. Turned out she was from Vancouver.

I made some notes before calling her. I had to convince her to deal with me.

She answered on the first ring. “Kessler.”

“This is Darren, Prescott’s CI. I really need to talk to you.”

There was a pause. “I don’t know what you want, but I can’t help you.”

“I didn’t sell him out to Diamond Tony. You have to believe me.”

She sighed. “Look. Everybody’s upset right now. If they didn’t arrest you, they’ve got nothing on you. That’s all I can say.”

“Wait—please. I want to finish what I started. I’m already in with Tony Walker’s operation, and it won’t be easy to get out now. I need the cops to stay away from me. I can still help you get evidence on Diamond Tony.”

“You were Ed’s CI, and whatever deal you had with him is over. The department thinks you’re involved in his murder. Even if they can’t prove it, they’re never going to work with you again.”

“I spent two years in juvie because of Tony Walker. That’s why I became a CI. Prescott understood. He said he had instincts about people. He knew right away he could trust me.”

“Maybe I don’t have his instincts. Why should I trust you?”

“I called Prescott about nine o’clock last night to warn him that he could be in danger. The cops that picked me up said there were no messages on his cell phone. Maybe Prescott got the message and erased it. There’s got to be a way you can check it out.”

“I’ll do my best. How can I reach you?”

“This number. It’s the secret cell phone Prescott gave me.”

“Okay.” She hung up.

I sat on my bed and said a little prayer for Kessler to clear my name. For all the good praying did—it had never helped me before.