
Chapter 3



Kayla Sparks was sitting in front of her computer, trying to transcribe the minutes from this morning’s meeting, but so far, she hadn’t been able to do anything but watch the clock all day. Nervous energy had a stranglehold on her. She was anxious to see her man again.

Removing the headset from her ears, she decided any further attempt would be a big waste of time. She closed the document. Glancing up at the clock, a smile curled her Ups. Finally! Fifteen more minutes until closing. She breathed a sigh of relief. In less than three hours she would be lying in the arms of Reverend Leroy Brown. Giggling, she logged off her computer.

“I love when you laugh.”

She went completely still at the sound of his velvety voice. After taking a second to regroup, she glanced over her shoulder to see Jermaine Whitlow, an academic advisor, poking his head inside the door of her small office.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

Straightening her white blouse, Kayla swung around in her chair and met his amused expression. “I’m just looking forward to the weekend, that’s all.” What she said wasn’t a complete lie, although her giggles had nothing to do with the weekend ahead.

Jermaine nodded, then, without waiting for an invitation, strolled into her office. As he moved, Kayla admired the way his broad shoulders strained against the crisp fabric of his navy bluejacket. He reminded her of a Marine in uniform. When he took a seat in the chair directly across from her desk, the intoxicating scent of his cologne floated around her.

“Does that mean you’ve got big plans?” He gave her a mischievous grin, waiting for her response.

Kayla leaned forward, resting her elbows on the desk. She usually avoided questions about her personal life, but for some reason, Jermaine made her feel like they were friends. He always found the time to drop by her office and make her believe that even though she was only an administrative assistant, her job was just as valuable as his.

She shrugged. “If hanging out with my girl is big plans, then I guess so.” She briefly told him about her best friend, who was flying home for the weekend. He was relaxed as she spoke, keeping his gaze on her. She liked the way he always seemed interested in what she had to say.

Jermaine gave her a curious glance. “Are you talking about Renee Moore, the author?”

The smile disappeared from her face. Why was she not surprised to hear that he knew Renee? Everyone in town did. Especially the men. Humph! She wouldn’t be surprised to discover the two used to screw.

“Yep, the one and only,” she replied dryly.

Nodding, Jermaine leaned back in his chair. “She writes under the pseudonym Caeramel, right?” When she nodded, he continued. The only reason why I know that is because my baby sister is a big fan of her work. She called me yesterday to reschedule our weekly Saturday afternoon lunch because her favorite author will be at the mall this weekend signing copies of her latest erotic romance.”

Kayla was relieved and almost felt guilty for jumping to a conclusion about the two. Renee may be quick to spread her legs, but as average as Jermaine was, he probably wasn’t even Renee’s type. However, as far as her best friend was concerned, as long as he had a big dick, he was Renee’s type.

Her gray eyes brightened. “She’s signing at Barnes & Noble.”

“Maybe I’ll drop by and meet the infamous woman myself. Although...” he chuckled softly. “... romance isn’t my idea of educational reading.”

She wasn’t surprised. Most men wouldn’t be caught dead reading women’s fiction. “Well, there are thousands of women who would disagree. She really is popular.” When his eyes sparked with renewed interest, Kayla shrugged. “I’ll be there helping her pass out bookmarks and keeping the line moving.”

“In that case, I’ll make sure to drop by,” he said with a wink.

His voice had dropped several octaves and Kayla felt her nipples tingle. Thank goodness she was wearing a jacket. For several moments they stared at each other in awkward silence. She had never been very good with one-on-one conversations with the opposite sex, and she didn’t know what else to say.

Finally, Jermaine cleared his throat and rose from the chair. “Well, I guess I better go get ready to head home. Don’t forget, I’ll be out the rest of the week.”

She tapped her desk. “I’ve got it right here on my calendar.” He was scheduled to attend a leadership conference over at the main campus. She knew because she had made the arrangements.

“Great. Enjoy the rest of your week.”

“You, too,” she whispered as he strolled out of her office, leaving the intoxicating scent of his cologne behind. She stared out into the lobby for what felt like an eternity, as if she expected him to return.

Dang, he’s fine. Jermaine stood well over six feet tall. A deep, dark chocolate teddy bear, just the way she liked them. Too bad I’m already spoken for. With Leroy on her mind, she decided to call it a day. She reached for her purse in the bottom drawer of her desk, then rose from her chair and headed down the hall. On the way out, she waved to several other employees who were also getting ready to leave.

She had been working in the Dean’s office at the medical school for almost a year, and she loved the atmosphere and the students. At the end of the hall outside of Jermaine’s office, she spotted him chatting with one of their fourth-year medical students. When he saw her coming down the hall, to her amazement, he moved and opened the glass door for her.

“I’ll see you Saturday,” he said with so much passion one would have thought they were going out on a date.

Kayla shook her head. No, she was being ridiculous. There was no way anyone would think that. However, one quick glance over at the curious look on the student’s face, and she knew it hadn’t been her imagination at all. Without uttering a word, she waved and briskly left the building.

As she moved toward the employee parking lot, she allowed her mind to wander and couldn’t help wondering what it would be like to date someone like Jermaine. He had a beautiful personality and all of the medical students loved him, especially the females. Since Kayla was responsible for his calendar, she knew Jermaine’s daily activities. Most of the female medical students insisted that they meet with their academic advisor on a weekly basis, while the male students saw him twice a quarter. The women showed up dressed to impress with hair and makeup, hoping to capture the eye of the sexy advisor. Although this annoyed her, Kayla couldn’t blame them. Jermaine was in his early forties, recently divorced with no children. Any woman would be lucky to have him. However, after the last advisor was caught with his pants down at his ankles and a third-year medical student bent over his desk, chances were the students were all wasting their time. The Jermaine she had grown to respect and admire wouldn’t dream of stepping over the line.

Reaching her car, Kayla allowed her mind to return to the evening ahead. The last time she had seen Leroy was ten days ago, the night before he left to spend a week in Atlanta at a T.D. Jakes retreat. Climbing into the car, she recalled that their last night together, there was something different between them. To her embarrassment, Leroy’s penis wouldn’t stay hard. No matter how much she played with it and slobbered all over the head, he couldn’t keep an erection. He told her it was nothing to worry about, but she couldn’t help spending the last couple of days wondering if there was possibly more to it than that.

As she thought about a possibility or two, she slipped out of her jacket. The June heat mixed with anxiety was getting the best of her. Thoughts of Leroy losing interest rose to the surface. Could that be the case?

Pushing her uneasiness aside, she told herself to think positive and to quit letting her insecurities get the better of her. Tonight, things were going to be different. He was supposed to return this afternoon, and the e-mail he had sent yesterday said that he was looking forward to seeing her.

Kayla started the car and by the time she had kicked on the air conditioning, she was giggling like a teenager again. She didn’t even know why she wasted so much time and energy worrying. Leroy loved her and despite everything, nothing or no one could change that.

As she neared home, an idea came to mind. She pulled into a large grocery chain store a couple of blocks from her house and climbed out. T-bone steaks were his favorite. Food was the key to a man’s heart, and right now she was willing to do whatever it took to please her man. Tonight, she was making him dinner, then serving him a little Kayla afterwards.

Kayla stepped through the sliding double doors, thankful for the rush of air that cooled her body. Reaching for a cart, she moved down the aisle and was disappointed to discover the steaks weren’t on sale, yesterday she had received a child-support payment from her oldest daughter Kenya’s deadbeat daddy. She had planned to buy her a new pair of gym shoes, but... they were going to have to wait. Taking care of her man’s needs was a priority. Besides, Kenya had barely had the ones she was wearing for three months. She grabbed a pack of three, then moved to the checkout lane.

Tonight, she would grill the steaks, along with baked potatoes and steamed broccoli. Kayla was thinking about the night ahead when she heard laughter. She glanced over her shoulder at the two women in the next lane and her heart skipped a beat. It was Carlita James and Darlene Brown—Leroy’s wife.

She blinked rapidly and turned her head, but not before Carlita noticed her.

“Well, Sister Sparks, how have you been?” she asked as she walked over and gave her a hug.

Slipping away from her embrace, Kayla forced a smile. “I’ve been fine, and yourself?”

“Good. I thought you had left town. I haven’t seen you in church in over a year.”

Kayla glanced over the petite woman’s shoulder at Darlene, who had a hand propped on her slim hip. The sparkle in her eyes communicated volumes.

“Yeah, tell us—why haven’t we seen you in church?” Darlene said with a sickening smile.

She and Darlene both knew the reason why she’d stopped attending Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. She had a sneaky suspicion Carlita also knew, but instead of letting them get the best of her, she played the game.

She returned her gaze to Carlita and shrugged. “My work was needed elsewhere.”

“That’s too bad. We sure miss you,” she said, sounding oblivious to the whole situation. “Well, take care of yourself.”

Kayla breathed a sigh of relief when she finally returned to her lane. Things had gone better than she could have imagined.

It had been two years since Darlene had discovered that Kayla was sleeping with her husband, and for weeks she had watched her back, expecting to find the woman lurking in the shadows, waiting to beat a sistah down. However, as the weeks turned into months, she started to believe what Darlene had told her when she had confronted her on the phone. She would never forget her haunting laughter as she said, “I could care less who’s riding Leroy’s little dick, because ain’t nobody spending his money but me.” Darlene was right about one thing—Leroy had never given her a dime.

Anxious to get out of the store, Kayla quickly put the steaks on the belt. Some old lady in front of her was questioning the price of a head of lettuce. The cashier called for a price check. All the while, she could hear Darlene and Carlita snickering. She didn’t dare look their way. It was her turn in line when she overheard Darlene talking loud enough for everyone in the entire store to hear.

“Carlita, did I tell you Leroy’s taking me to the Bahamas next month?”

“Darlene, you’re so lucky to have a good man like that.”

She sucked her teeth. “Don’t I know it. We’re going to renew our vows. It’s been fifteen glorious years. Leroy still makes me feel as if we’d just met.”

Kayla tried to pretend she wasn’t listening, but how could she ignore them talking about the man she loved? It was hard but she forced herself not to look in their direction.

“Are y’all taking the kids?”

“Nope. Just me and Leroy.”

Carlita snorted, then said jokingly, “Chile, you’re gonna be walking sideways when you get back.” Both women dissolved in hushed laughter behind their hands, straining to keep their voices in check.

Kayla was relieved when she finally paid for her groceries and hurried out to her car, where she loaded the backseat quickly for fear of finding herself face-to-face with Darlene in the parking lot. She climbed into her car, feeling like she had just been slapped across the face. She couldn’t believe Leroy was taking his wife to the Bahamas. He was supposed to have taken her to Las Vegas last month but backed out at the last minute. He’d been doing that a lot lately and it was starting to be a regular thing with him. Now his wife had the nerve to boast about their upcoming anniversary. Kayla had asked him over and over about his marriage and he promised her that he was ending it within the next couple of weeks, but after what she had overheard, she wasn’t so sure.

As she drove home, she tried not to allow self-doubt to cloud her mind, but it wasn’t easy. Leroy had lied to her countless times before. She tried to have faith. She had stood by her man for four years, so there was no sense in doubting him now. If he said he wasn’t planning to take his wife on vacation, then the best thing she could do was believe him. Besides, Darlene was just jealous.

Kayla hadn’t planned on falling in love with the minister at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, but after several abusive relationships, the Reverend Leroy Brown made her feel important and beautiful for the first time in her life. Once Leroy confessed that his marriage was falling apart, and that the attraction was mutual, she tried to fight it with everything she had, but Kayla eventually gave in to the feeling. She truly believed that God had brought them together for a reason. They started meeting and attending conferences together that his wife was too busy to attend. The next thing she knew, they were having an affair, and if anyone found out about it, that would have destroyed everything he had worked so hard to build. Leroy served as the president of the local chapter of the NAACP. He was also an insurance agent with his face on billboards all over the city.

Kayla released a heavy sigh as she made a left at the next corner. Even back then, she knew what they were doing was wrong. As the granddaughter of a minister, she had grown up in church, knew by heart all ten of the commandments, and was well aware of the consequences for breaking any of the laws. But she was human, and the temptation was too great. She felt so good, knowing that she had caught the attention of a handsome and intelligent man who was a prominent member of the community.

His face danced before her eyes. Leroy was tall, dark, handsome, and extremely charming. He had a presence that was almost impossible to resist. She knew that she should have put a stop to their sexual rendezvous years ago, but it was also a spiritual connection that she couldn’t begin to explain. Besides, deep down inside she knew that it was just a matter of time before Leroy would leave his wife and finally be with her. As she pulled into her driveway, Kayla took a deep breath, thankful she had made it home without any ugly consequences. She just hoped Darlene would go ahead and let Leroy have a divorce so they could finally marry.

Kayla stepped into the house to find her oldest daughter, Kenya, lounging on the couch talking on her cell phone. As usual, shoes and book bags were lying in the middle of the living room floor. Strolling into the kitchen, she found the breakfast dishes still in the same place they had been this morning. Obsessed with things being organized, Kayla’s temper began to rise. She stormed into the living room again. “Kenya, get your narrow behind off the phone this instant!”

Rolling her eyes, Kenya answered, “Mom, I’ve already did my homework.”

“But you didn’t clean the kitchen or start dinner. Now get off.”

“I’ve gotta go,” Kenya said and ended the call. She sat there sulking, her arms folded across her small breasts, her Levi jean-clad legs crossed.

“Where’s Asia?” Kayla asked.

“She’s up in her room taking a nap.”

"Then wake her up and get that kitchen clean. I don’t know why I have to keep telling the two of you the same thing day after day. Do I need to start docking your allowance every time I have to remind you?”

“No,” Kenya mumbled after a moment.

“Well, obviously I do. This doesn’t make any sense. You go in the kitchen to make a sandwich, yet you don’t notice the dishes waiting in the sink.” She stood there glaring at Kenya. While she played with her hair, Kayla scanned her daughter from head to toe.

She was almost an exact replica of her father. Almond complexion, with a splash of freckles across her nose. Light brown eyes, high cheekbones. Her shoulder- length hair was parted to the side and hung loosely around her shoulders. Rings adorned every finger, while her long acrylic nails gleamed with candy-cane- pink polish. She was a beautiful and bright young lady, just lazy as all get-out.

“And when you get done, go ahead and prepare that Hamburger Helper. The meat is in the refrigerator.” Kayla motioned with her chin toward the stairs, her meaning clear.

Shoulders slumped; Kenya went up the stairs to wake her younger sister.

Kayla followed and went to take a shower, deciding not to let her daughter ruin the evening she had ahead. Hopefully things would be better tonight, she prayed as she stood under the spray of the water. Leroy wasn’t impotent. He had five children, the youngest one being eighteen months. She figured the problem he’d had the other night must be because of her or maybe she just wasn’t trying hard enough to please her man.

She stepped out of the shower, then stood on a towel on the floor and glanced into the full-length mirror behind the door and looked at herself. During their relationship, her weight had increased by a couple dozen pounds. Not that she’d ever looked like a cheerleader. She had always been fat, only now she was at her heaviest. With the scale hitting well over two hundred and eighty pounds, she was certain her appearance had a lot to do with his recent behavior, although Leroy had assured her on several occasions that it did not.

Kayla moved into the adjoining bedroom and prepared for her evening. She slipped into a pair of black slacks and a button-down white blouse, then reached inside her drawer for a sexy new gown she had bought at Lane Bryant the week before. She giggled to herself as she thought about him seeing her in it., He was sure to be pleased. Even though she found it hard to believe, Leroy swore he loved her voluptuous curves.

That was something she’d never understood, considering his wife was skinny. Despite the kids she had a trim waist, wide hips, and shapely thighs. Even Leroy, who’d turned fifty-one on his last birthday, looked good for his age. He had a broad football build that attracted women of all ages. He had dark curls that were generously sprinkled with gray and large walnut eyes hooded by heavy, dark eyebrows and the prettiest smile. Kayla giggled and a smile curled her lips because soon he would be all hers.

She quickly brushed her thick, sienna-colored hair back into a twist and secured it with a black clip, then painted her eyes with cinnamon-colored eye shadow and brushed on matching lipstick. She was satisfied that she looked just the way Leroy liked her to. He didn’t tolerate a woman looking painted. Although she was big, she knew her face was her best feature. When she looked in the mirror, what she saw wasn’t a woman who turned heads, but she knew she was tolerable. She was pretty in a calm, unexcited way with big gray eyes, alabaster skin, a small, upturned nose, and a rosebud of a mouth. Nothing about her hinted at sexiness, but tonight that was exactly what she planned to be.

Grabbing her purse, she moved into the kitchen and was pleased to see that Kenya had started dinner. The dishes had already been washed and dried. Asia was sitting at the table doing homework.

“Hey, Mommy.”

“Hey, sweetie.” She planted a kiss to her cheek. “Mind your sister. I’m going out for a while.”

“But I need help with my homework,” Asia whined, her gray eyes misty.

Kayla put a hand to her hip. She didn’t have time for this. There was no way she could be late. She yelled into the living room where her daughter was back on the couch talking on the phone. “Kenya! Come help your sister with her homework.”

“I want you to help,” Asia pouted as Kenya stepped into the room.

She shook her head impatiently. “I’ve got somewhere to go. I’ll be back later tonight” Ignoring the look her teenager gave her, she headed out the door.

To her dismay, Kenya had stumbled upon her relationship after eavesdropping on a phone conversation. When she confronted Kayla about it, she simply told her to stay out of grown folks’ business. The look her daughter gave her was the same one she got every time she left to meet Leroy. She never told her daughter where she was going, but she had a feeling she didn’t have to.

Kayla lowered the back of the seat and reached for her keys. She didn’t have time to deal with her daughter’s disapproval. She was grown and could do whatever she wanted to do. She knew what was best for her and her heart told her it was Leroy. However, she was growing tired of her daughter judging her, and it was time for her and Kenya to have a long talk. She cleared the problem from her mind. There was time for that tomorrow. She had more important things to worry about right now. She wanted to have dinner ready and change into her gown before Leroy arrived at the house.

As she pulled out of the driveway, she saw Asia standing in the window with a long face. Ignoring a feeling of guilt, she waved, then drove down the street. Kayla sighed as she tried to convince herself she was doing the right thing, although there were times she felt like a teenager sneaking away to spend time with a boy her parents had forbidden her to see.

Leroy aroused her in so many ways, she couldn’t begin to explain it. He satisfied her sexual appetite, challenged her intellect, and as the pastor of the largest Baptist church in the city, he fulfilled her spiritual needs as well. Yep, her girls needed to be patient just a little while longer. After she and Leroy were married and living in a big, new house, she could quit her job and spend all the time together that her daughters wanted. Until then, they had to understand that she was on a mission.

Kayla turned on the radio and bobbed her head to H.E.R. as she drove onto the highway, headed to a small ranch fixer-upper Leroy used as rental property. Two years ago, Kayla had discovered Darlene was pregnant with their fifth child and threatened to end the relationship. Leroy swore that even though she was expecting, having another baby had not changed a thing between them. He promised he would make it up to her by spending more time together. Instead of finding new tenants to rent the house, they used it as their special place. Leroy had even given her a key that she was allowed to use when he told her she could.

On the drive, she thought about his wife. A stuck- up woman like that didn’t know how to please a man like Leroy the way she did. As far as she was concerned, the sooner Darlene realized it, the better off she’d be. She was destined to be the next Mrs. Leroy Brown, and as soon as they were married and moved to a new city, Kayla was going to have another baby before it got to be too late. She almost pinched herself to interrupt her thoughts. She had an entire life planned for them. Often, she found herself spending hours at a time thinking about the glorious years to come.

As she turned onto the wooded cul-de-sac, Kayla found Leroy’s car was already in the driveway. Pulling in behind him, she felt a mixture of disappointment and excitement. She couldn’t wait to be in his arms again, but she had looked forward to making him dinner before his arrival.

She climbed out of the car and grabbed the bag with the steaks inside, then moved up the driveway and entered through the side door, stepping directly into the small, blue-and-white kitchen. She lowered the bag and her purse onto the counter. They would have dinner later. Right now, she wanted a little Leroy to tide her over until then.

Hearing music coming from the bedroom, she strolled through the living room and down the hall. Wrapped up in her excitement, she walked through the bedroom door and right into the shock of her life.

Her brain was in denial for several seconds before her blurred vision cleared. There on the queen-size bed were Leroy and Tracy Branch. Leroy was breathing hard as he pumped between her legs like he was seconds away from the finish line. Her eyes were closed with her arm dung over her forehead as she cried out. The headboard was slamming against the wall. Kayla shook her head from side to side, not wanting to believe what she was seeing. With her hand over her mouth, she backed up slowly and accidentally stumbled over one of Tracy’s shoes. Hearing the sound, Leroy glanced over his shoulder and his face changed from pleasure to shock.

He jumped from the bed. “Kayla, what are you doing here?”

Her reply was a mere grunt. She turned and walked quickly down the hall. Unfortunately, her feet couldn’t get her away from him fast enough. Before she could grab her purse, Leroy caught her about the waist and pulled her close.

“Let me go!” She whirled on him.

“Sssh! Let me explain.”

“I don’t want to hear it!” she snapped as she moved into the kitchen to retrieve her things.

He had the nerve to chuckle and say, “I don’t know why you’re so angry. It’s your fault. You shouldn’t even be here.”

Swinging around, Kayla tried to hide her shock and disbelief behind a bland expression. “How is it my fault? You told me to come.”

Leroy leaned against the wall inside the small kitchen with a cool expression, arms folded across his chest, dick wet and dripping. “No, you were supposed to come over tomorrow.”

She stepped forward with a confused look. “Thursdays are our night.”

“Today is Wednesday.”

Kayla lowered her head a moment and realized he was right. In her excitement she had mixed up the days of the week. As soon as she fixed her lips to apologize, his words penetrated her brain. Wait a minute... what the heck difference does it make?

She sucked her teeth and offered him a scowl. He couldn’t possibly think she was that stupid. “It doesn’t matter what day of the week it is. The fact of the matter is, you’re messing with Ray Branch’s daughter. I can deal with your wife, but I will not tolerate you sleeping with anyone else.”

As if she knew they were discussing her, Tracy sashayed her naked behind into the kitchen, moved over to the refrigerator, and removed a soda. “Whassup, Leroy? You coming back to bed or what?” she asked with a taunting smirk.

New fury shot through Kayla with every step. She bored her eyes on the trifling girl. The twenty-something woman had a reputation of being a ho. Showed up at church every Sunday in tight dresses and stiletto heels, smelling like liquor after a night of partying at the club. Female members of the church didn’t trust her within twenty feet of their husbands. She already had three kids with different daddies. Last year, she had won a large sexual harassment case against her former employer, whom she claimed had fired her because she refused to sleep with him. People who knew Tracy had sense enough not to believe that claim. Nevertheless, the court awarded her over half a million dollars. Now a woman with money, she managed to look like a girl half her age with her perky new breasts and a flat stomach. Studying her naked body with growing envy, Kayla could see why men flocked to her.

“Tracy, go back in the room,” Leroy’s loud voice boomed.

She sucked her teeth, rolled her eyes at Kayla, and said as she turned on her heels, “Don’t keep Ms. Kitty waiting too long.”

As soon as she was gone, he turned to face Kayla, who had already swung her purse over her shoulder. “Baby, we’ll talk about this tomorrow,” he said. His voice was almost pleading for her to understand.

Understand what? She leaned against the kitchen counter for strength that she just didn’t seem to have. She wanted to scream. It was a good thing she was a Christian, otherwise she would have cussed him from here to Chicago. Instead she said in a huff, “It looks like there isn’t anything else for us to talk about.”

He shifted his weight and his voice softened. “Kayla, honey, yes, there is.”

Swinging around, she glared over at him and said, “Answer one question. Why? I tolerate your wife, but why do you need anyone else? I thought I was enough for you. I thought you wanted to marry me.” She paused, then asked, “Is it because I’m fat?”

He moved up to her and grabbed her forearms. “Baby, you got it all wrong. Tracy came to me for spiritual counseling and guidance. She didn’t want anyone to know, so I told her to meet me here and one thing led to another. After that lawsuit, I should have known better than to be caught alone with her. She manipulated me, baby.”

His wet dick brushed against her hand and she jumped back in disgust. “Do I look that stupid to you?” She held up an open palm. “Don’t even answer that because you see me just as I have allowed you to see me. All these years I have broken my neck trying to prove to you how much I loved you. I believed one false promise after another. You told me you were leaving your wife, then the next thing I know she’s pregnant. You promised to leave her after the baby was born and we would move to Tennessee but then you changed your mind.” He had some nerve, trying to play her like she was stupid. She hadn’t just gotten off the short yellow bus. She folded her arms and gave him a pointed look. “Were you planning to tell me that you were taking your wife to the Bahamas or did that piece of information slip your mind?”

“Damn.” He gave a small laugh like one did when caught in a lie. “I was going to tell you tomorrow.”

Tears started running down her face freely and she did nothing to wipe them away. She had loved this man with everything she’d had, and he had tossed it all away. She reached for the grocery bag, turned, and walked away.

“We’ll talk tomorrow,” he called after her, his voice a blend of annoyance and plea.

Sadly, she shook her head. “We have nothing else to talk about”

Before she could reach the door, Leroy grabbed her by the neck and slammed her back against the wall. Kayla screamed and dropped the bag. His hand was pressed firmly against her windpipe and she struggled to get free, but Leroy refused to let her go. He leaned forward and whispered close to her ear, “It’s not over until I say it’s over.” He then softened his grip and kissed her, forcing his tongue between her lips. Kayla tried to resist but could not. Leroy had power over her body. He always had. He ground his hips against hers and her traitorous body responded to his aggressive behavior. By the time he finally ended the kiss, she was whimpering.

Leroy smiled. “Like I said before, we’ll talk tomorrow. Now go home.” He released her and headed back into the bedroom where Tracy was waiting.

Breathing heavily, Kayla watched him go and didn’t even bother to reply. As soon as he shut the bedroom door, she obediently reached down for the groceries, and then rushed out to her car.