
Chapter 12



It was shortly after one when David and I finally made it out of the club and into the parking lot. My cootie-cat was wet. Nipples were hard. My desire for him had me light-headed. I hadn’t been long dicked in quite some time and was looking forward to a night to remember. I felt a little guilty, but not enough to put an end to my plans. Not when my body was humming with need, and I desperately needed David tonight.

I followed him to the nearest motel, then waited in my car while he got the room. This may sound crazy, but what was about to go down was going to strictly be a booty call, which is why there’s no way in hell I was taking him to my four-star hotel to stank up my sheets. No way. No-how. All I wanted was to get mine, then get up and get the fuck out of there and hurry back to my room. You feel me?

It wasn’t long before David came out of the building. I watched him go into room 2b. After about two minutes, I climbed out and followed. As soon as the door was closed, we were all over each other. I was so horny my body was on fire and I couldn’t get my clothes off fast enough. David stripped down and I breathed a sigh of relief. He was everything I could have hoped for. Thick and long. I planned to appreciate every inch.

“Lay down.”

I moved over to the bed and lay back against the pillows with my thighs spread wide. My nipples were hard and erect and begging him to come and taste. David stood there for the longest time, stroking his meat while staring at my cootie-cat. A wicked smile glimmered in his eyes.

“What? You waiting on a formal invitation or something?” Hell, I had waited long enough.

He chuckled. “Hell, no. I just like looking at you. You’re sexy as hell!”

True that. I smiled, then, using my pointer finger, signaled for him to come and join me. David lowered onto the bed between my parted legs. His mouth traveled along the side of my neck where he nibbled and sucked, at times a little too hard for my liking.

“Hey!” I flinched. “Watch the neck. I bruise easily.” Last thing I needed was a hickey.

“Oops, my bad,” he murmured, then dropped even lower and made up for it by running his tongue deliciously across my chest, then stopped. After what felt like forever, he finally captured a nipple between his teeth, kissing one and then the other. Now that’s what I’m talking about. They needed attending to. His hand smoothed down along my side and slipped between us. I rocked against his hand. With the tip of his finger he traced my coochie. It throbbed and tingled. I could feel the hard length of his erection pressed against my stomach and was loving the way it felt. I was lying there, moaning and groaning, and thinking, damn, hurry the fuck up.

“You want me to put something there, don’t you?”

“Yes!” I was practically begging. “Please.”

His thumb caressed my clit and caused slickness to dampen my kitty. Oh, shittt, was that good! Reaching down, I grabbed and stroked his balls, then slid my hand up ever so slowly to the tip where I teased until it released a drop of precum. I played with it, swirling the head with my thumb at the same exact moment he plunged two or three fingers inside. In. Out. And in again. I released him and rocked, meeting the thrust of his fingers instead.

“Do you want me?” he had the nerve to ask.

“Can’t you tell?” I moaned.

“I want you to tell me.”

Dammit, at this point I would have said or done anything just to get some of him. “I want you. Now come and get it.”

He chuckled softly, then rose. “Girl, you gonna have to spread your legs a little wider if you’re gonna accommodate all this.”

Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just hurry the fuck up. “How’s this?” I pulled my knees all the way back against my chest.

“Hell, yeah!” He was stroking his dick again. “Hold up a second.” He moved to grab a condom from his wallet, then returned. Thank goodness someone was thinking about practicing safe sex. All I cared about was getting me some.

“Here, give that to me,” I demanded impatiently as I snatched the foil from his hand. He was moving way too slow. I quickly ripped open the packet. My hands were trembling so hard. I couldn’t wait to feel all that up inside of me. By the time I got it on, I was on the verge of losing my mind. I wrapped my legs around him while he got in position.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

“What the hell?” I practically jumped off the bed. Someone was pounding on the door to our room.

“David! David! I know you’re in there with some bitch!” a woman screamed.

I glanced over at his panic-stricken face and frowned. “Who’s that?”

“My wife,” he mumbled as he rolled off the bed.

“Wife! I thought y’all were divorced.”

He reached for his clothes. “Well, not exactly.”

“What the hell you mean, not exactly?”

“Listen, I don’t have time to explain.” He slipped on his boxers.

“I can’t believe this shit” That nigga had gotten me all wet and shit for nothing. At least if I had gotten some before his wife had come to the door, I might not have been so mad. Because of her, I didn’t even get a chance to sample his merchandise.

“David, by the time I count to ten you better be out that room!”

I was so mad, I moved over to the door, wrapped in a sheet, and opened it. Standing there was some short, cross-eyed woman, holding a black leather belt. “He told me he wasn’t married.”

“Well, he lied.” She stepped into the room and David looked like he was about to shit his pants. “Get your ass outta here.”

“Dee-Dee, it’s not what you think.”

“You must think I just came over on the Mayflower.” She swung the belt in the air and David jumped across the bed. I moved out of the way and watched her chase him around the room and out the door, then across the parking lot. I shut the door and shook my head. Lying ass. I gathered all his things and tossed them in the corner. I’m certain he or his wife were bound to show up again later.

I took a quick shower, getting the smell of him off my body. It’s a damn shame the games people play. I don’t get it. All David had to do was tell the truth, then let me decide if I still wanted to give him some or not. Shit, there are a lot of sistahs who don’t give a damn if a brotha is married. All they want is the dick. Unfortunately, I’m not one of those sistahs. I don’t believe in messing with someone else’s husband. Now, I might only attend church once a year (no, I’m not talking about Easter), but I do believe there is a God up in heaven and if He says don’t sleep with someone else’s husband, then I’m listening. That probably sounds crazy coming from a married woman who messes around on her husband, but it’s pretty simple. Just because my marriage is fucked up doesn’t mean I have to fuck up someone else’s. I just don’t need that type of guilt on my conscience, especially when I’m already losing my mind as it is.

I finished lathering my body, then rinsed off and reached for the fluffy white towel hanging on the glass shower doors. After wrapping it around my body I moved back to the bed and dried off. It was late and in Columbia the only thing open at this hour was a bitch’s legs. And since Dee-Dee fucked that up for me, this cootie-cat was closed for business. I wasn’t ready to go to bed just yet, so I decided to ride over to Danielle’s and make sure she was okay. Part of me was curious if Calvin had gone home with her, while the other half was truly concerned for her well-being.

I got dressed, reached for David’s clothes, and went out to my car. His blue Toyota Camry was still in the same place he left it. I checked his doors to see if by chance one of them was unlocked so I could toss the clothes inside. As soon as I pulled on the handle, two heads popped up in the backseat. They startled and I shrieked.

“What the ...” I looked through the fogged-up window at David and Dee-Dee locked in each other’s arms. Both were topless. I smirked. Them freaks was getting busy in the backseat! “Here. Get a room.” I sat his clothes and the key to the room on the hood. Shaking my head, I moved over to my car. I wasn’t mad. I was glad I could be of service. That fool definitely owed me one.

Pulling off, I started shaking my head again. Like I said, I wasn’t mad at David, but I was definitely upset that I wasted the evening with him when I could have been hollering at someone else. I was still thinking about that when I pulled onto Danielle’s block, so imagine how I felt when I spotted Calvin’s Lexus in her driveway.

Pissed the fuck off!

I had barely parked the car in front of the mailbox when I climbed out and stormed up the driveway. Stepping around a rosebush that was growing wild, I almost twisted my ankle. Instead, I stumbled and caught myself just before landing face-first on the porch. Oh, was I hot! I pushed the doorbell with a vengeance. The door opened, and would you believe Calvin, had the nerve to be standing in Danny’s doorway in nothing but a pair of boxers?

“Damn.” He looked just as surprised to see me as I was him. “I thought you were someone else. Whassup, Renee?”

I pushed past him, screaming Danny’s name. Shortly after, she came down the stairs into the living room while tying the belt to her robe around her waist. As soon as Danielle noticed me, she slowed. “What are you doing here?”

Oh, no, she didn’t. With a hand planted at my waist, I answered with straight attitude. “I came to check and see if everything was all right with you, but apparently so.”

“Yeah, Calvin came over to make sure Ron wasn’t here,” she replied nervously.

“And he just happened to fall into your bed.”

Calvin cleared his throat. “Listen I’ma go get dressed and let you two ladies talk.”

I watched his fine ass move up the stairs before I glared at her again. “I can’t believe this! How could you? You know we used to fuck around.”

Danielle gave me a dismissive wave as she lowered onto the couch. “Nae-Nae, that was a long time ago.”

“It doesn’t matter if it was in kindergarten, the fact of the matter is, you’re wrong.”

“Yeah, I’ll admit, I shouldn’t be fucking around with yo’ ex.” She shrugged. “But shit happens.”

I got all in her face, neck rolling, finger pointing. “Now, how would you like it if I went out tonight and fucked Ron?” I said loudly. “Huh? How would that make you feel?”

“Knowing your track record, you probably already have.” She was looking at me, daring me to say something.

“Nah, I don’t do my friends that way.” I sucked my teeth in mock indignation.

Danielle started laughing. “Ho, puhleeze! Just because I wasn’t there doesn’t mean I didn’t hear about yo’ behavior in Jamaica.”

I simply rolled my eyes because I stuck my foot in that one. Technically, he wasn’t Kayla’s man at the time, and besides, it wasn’t like they’d had a sexual relationship. Truth be told, she didn’t want him, so I had willingly filled that slot.

“What’s wrong, Nae-Nae? Cat got your tongue?”

I simply stared and ignored her ass.

“See, you can talk all that smack with Kayla and Nadine, but you know good and well I’m not puttin’ up with yo’ shit. The world doesn’t revolve around you and the sooner you realize it, the better.” She crossed her legs and gave me a sly look. “You had Calvin but didn’t want him. Now I do.” Danielle paused long enough to moan. “Mmmm, and I like everything he’s working with.” She started laughing and I pulled her ass off the couch and onto the floor. She was getting a kick out of teasing me. I was two seconds away from twisting her arm behind her back when I heard glass breaking and then a car starting. Danielle’s eyes grew large before she got up off the floor, dashed out the door, and across the front lawn. I ran behind her in time to see Ron pulling out of the driveway in her Chevy Impala.

“Ron, get out of my got-damn car!”

He rolled down the window, stuck up his middle finger, and peeled out of the lot with 6Lack blaring from the rear speakers.

Calvin came out on the porch, fully dressed. “What the hell!”

I followed the direction of his eyes. Damn! Ron had broken out the front windshield of Danielle’s Durango and had carved the word bitch on the passenger’s side door, in big letters.

“Hell, nah," I mumbled under my breath.

Danielle started screaming and going off. “That no good nigga done stole my car and fucked up my truck! Call the got-damn police!”

Calvin tried to calm her down while I went inside and contacted the police. I was tempted to laugh and say, “That’s what yo’ ass get,” but I changed my mind. Danny’s my girl, and although she was wrong for fucking Calvin, she can have his ass. With all the dogs she’d had, maybe she just might get it right for a change.

The police arrived and took their report. Danielle was pissed off and had every reason to be. She was talking to the police and trying to report her car stolen when I heard her say the Impala was in both their names.

There was no way I could shut up. “Why the hell you put his name on your car?”

Danielle looked over at me with a long, stupid look. “Because I thought we were going to be together.”

“Did he help pay for it?”

She hesitated. “No.”

I shook my head. “You do some stupid stuff.” Angrily, she brushed tears away from her eyes. “Nae-Nae, I ain’t in the mood for yo’ shit.”

“Whatever.” I finally rose. “I’m out.”