
Chapter Six



Thank heaven the tea kicked in when it did, ‘cause you know a sister was about to do a 1-8-7 on an undercover cock. Yes, I was about to kill it, gurl.

My good angel whispers, I’m on Santa’s Good Girl Mandy list for keeping my legs closed. Diesel hired me to sell this property. That’s my only job, not riding his cowboy. But that’s not the only voice competing for my attention. On #TeamMessyMandy, the devil is chatting Eddie Murphy’s...  fuck him, girl. Fuck him.

Fuck him, girl. Fuck him.

Diesel Conrad has me off my game, the mean one and this new boyfriend version. I’m down for one-night of fun, but not with a man I really like. And, as cliche as it sounds to fall for your enemy, I am. Those green eyes and handsome face were already working their mistletoe magic. The ass-spanking cowboy vibe definitely has me jonesing, and now, boyfriend Diesel is a cuddler.

What’s a horny, sex-starved realtor to do?

With him asleep in the only available bedroom, I relegate my tired butt to the couch. My thoughts are consumed with the man on the other side of the wall. It’s only one night, I remind myself, two tops. I’ll be back in Baltimore. Alone for Christmas. Or, I could stay here, pretending... a rude horse-breeding cowboy who loves his mama and who’s kisses steal my breath faster than a city burglar, is my mine to unwrap.

Race, or maybe Cristene, have a roaring fire burning in yet another fireplace, and the television remotes lined up like Nutcrackers with red, yellow, and green buttons on a black background. The husband-and-wife team seem to enjoy working together tackling rural life, and under their care, this house really is spectacular. I’ve toured every room except for a locked door off the kitchen, with what appeared to be a storage area beyond a utility room with mounted shelving.

First thing in the morning, I’m snapping pictures and listing this property. If as to contradict my decision, I hear Diesel’s grunt. He’s probably struggling to reposition that big head of his, and like the scent of warm mulled wine, the desire to offer my assistance beckons my lust-dulled brain to his side. And just like that, I’m wet again and too horny for sleep.

In an attempt to sedate my hungry kitty, I do what every single woman well-acquainted with the disappointments of twenty first century dating does. I ease to the floor, open my tote, and remove one purple tube of Astroglide lubricant, my Suck Me Up vibrator, and a flask of amber musk scented oil.  The drawstring bag of green apple Jolly Ranchers are for later.

I click the TV power button, searching for something to set the mood. After I massage the oil into my skin, I grab a couch pillow for my head and a chocolate Chenille throw to cover my legs. Remote button in hand, my thrusting-sucking rabbit is set to magic motion level five. The Hallmark Channel plays on low volume in the background. This sister is about to get fucked up, literally.

The movie is one of my favorites, so the scenes and the dialogue are carved into my memory. Honestly, the heroine should have known that man’s last name wasn’t Firwood.

When the rotation of the vibrator hits my spot, my legs relax, my knees parting while my favorite toy works out this insane need to have Diesel inside me. I conjure up his face, the feel of his strong body gripping me as we careened through the snow. Fuck, I wasn’t thinking Grinchy was for me. But I want him to give me that big, thick—my breathing increases, as does my heart rate. I rev up the speed, the vibrating buzz essentially muting the television. My sensitized body has a mind of its own. My pumping hips move in a choreographed rhythm with the thrusting toy between my legs. Oh shit, my kitty is making this dildo it’s bitch. I swear, I hear it calling my name.

Amanda. Amanda.

I imagine it’s Diesel echoing in his sexy ass timber.

Amanda. Amanda.

“Yass, you Grinchy fucker,” I moan, using one finger to strum my swollen nipples. “Say my name.”

Then the voice morphs. It’s deeper, demanding, forceful. It’s angry Diesel. “Yeah, sweetness, gotcha feigning.”

The weight of two big hands gripping my knees and pinning them in place startles me.

“Amanda, what the hell is buzzing?”

My eye lids pull a roller shade, whipping up so fast, it takes me a moment to focus.

“Grinchy, don’t sneak up on me.”  Diesel’s green eyes are narrowed, his nostrils are flared, and his hold on me is unrelenting. Ah, my orgasm is so close. “Give, give me a minute,” I pant, my breath coming in short, broken notes.

“Woke up to find you gone,” he barks.

Oh, oh, boy, my orgasm pulls a full court press snowballing downhill at Diesel’s touch.

“Go back to bed. I’ll come in a minute.” Oh, that was a bad choice of words. I feel beads of sweat forming on my nose, and my legs are trembling. Please, don’t cum. Don’t cum.

“No,” he says a little too slow. My leg jerks, and I clinch my butt muscles trying to stop it. My kitty kat vice grips, pushing the suction harder against my clit.

“Oh, shit,” I hiss, my eyes rolling back in my head. The toy is working my button better than a sugar daddy with a new fix. I accidentally depress the thrusting suction max button. “Mmm, mmm, mmm.”

Diesel’s touch sears my skin through the blanket.  He doesn’t have to move a muscle. Just his looming presence, his potent energy has a tidal wave of release ready to break free. He needs to g-o.

He frowns. “Amanda, what—"

Keeping his eyes on mine and one hand on my knee, he lifts the material covering my lower body. A muscle along his jaw ticks, but lust clouds his gaze. He’s angry and aroused. Oblivious to the big man with the menacing scowl, my silly rabbit is thrusting, thrusting, stroking the kitty to purr. I’m actually growling.

“You mindfucking me. Watching a boyfriend movie?” His voice is a low, sexy rasp.

“Diesel, I’m horny. Everything isn’t about you,” I manage to push out between moans.

“This is,” he growls.

Suddenly, my protective covering is yanked away. I’m pulled from the floor. Back propped against the couch, Diesel places me face down across his spread legs. My ass is in the air, and the rabbit is sucking and thrusting away.

“This is highly inappropriate,” I shriek, arching my back to roll away.

“Yeah, so is fucking a hot pink fake cock while I’m in the next room with a twist tie on my nut sac.”

“Sorry, not sorry.” My shirt keeps me from touching every inch of his skin. A part of me wishes he had ripped it off. Maybe, later.

“You’re going to be.” He grabs my hand. “Give me that damn remote,” he grumbles, snatching the thumb drive-sized controller from my fingers.

“Hey!” I yell, and that’s when it hits me. His hand, that is, on my bare ass. The slaps land one after another—left, then right. The blows sting and are deliciously erotic. Biting my lip doesn’t keep the pleasure contained.

“You’re bad ass needs a spanking on the regular.”

Can I get an amen. Finally, a man who speaks my language. I can’t escape Diesel’s scent, his touch, his heat. My senses are on overload, I’m dizzy with awareness of how well we fit together. Close to begging him to make me come, I’m glad he can’t see my face.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m bad,” I mewl. “Mmm, don’t stop, Grinchy.”

As the blows continue to rain down, I’m babbling some incoherent non-sense.

“No more fake cocks. Say it.”


The next blow is harder, making my kitty roar. My mind is a garage of voices.

Eddie is chanting, fuck him, girl. Fuck him.

“Say it,” Diesel demands.

“If I do, you better deliver!” I scream.

A Jumanji drumbeat plays in my head as I hump my hips against his legs, my body moving to the rhythm. I grip hard calves in hands, holding on for dear life, and my skin sizzles with an erotic burn.

“Your dick is right here, Amanda.” He takes my free hand, placing it on his rock-hard cock. His dick is huge. I stroke him through the cotton. I’m too spaced to do my usual recognizance mission. I run my fingers over the mushroom head.

“Ah, fuck,” he groans.

The length of his thick shaft is ridged with pulsing veins radiating heat through the pads of my fingertips like water through a pipe. The man is hung with pussy-wrecking hardware. Yay, me.

“Yes, Grinchy,” I whisper, “you’re coming with me.”

When the blow lands this time, I gush all over him. My release takes me up, up, and away. This is the best orgasm me and rabbit have experienced. 

One of the doors I didn’t open earlier, squeaks. My head shoots from my position on the floor. The faint glow of a small lamp frames a woman’s figure.

“Ah, are y’all done yet?” It’s Cristene, she’s dressed for bed, her laughing eyes on us.

My eyes widen in embarrassment. Not at what we were doing, but that we had an audience.

“You heard us?” I look at Grinchy, and he looks ready for an encore.

The woman’s light brown skin reddens. “This here is mine and Race’s bedroom. We tried to wait until y’all were done with the movie,” she coughs, barely disguising her laughter, “but it’s past our bedtime and the hubby needs his pressure pill.”

Diesel lays one big palm on my ass.

“Go ahead, Cristene. Amanda and I will continue our discussion outside.”

Aghast, I stare at Diesel. It’s snowing and pitch black dark. “Hold up. I’m not going out there.”

He chuckles. “Don’t worry, sweetness. The barn is heated.”

“The barn?”

“Yep. That’s where wild things get tamed.”

Well, dayum. He’s got me there. Obviously, I’ve replaced the heroine in the movie. Why? The way Diesel made me come, now I know I have a boyfriend for Christmas. This grinch ain’t going nowhere. And, neither am I.