Aelian, fr. 44 Hercher: 74n.3

Aelius Aristides, Oration 19.2: 70

Aeschylus, Danaid Trilogy: 75, 117, 150; fr. 228 Nauck: 110n.97; Oresteia: 116, 150, 214; Prometheus Trilogy: 117; Prometheus Bound: 10613, 201, 436–506; Seven Against Thebes: 141

Alkman, frag. 1: 43, frag. 3: 43; Partheneia: 127, 137n.182

Andokides, Oration 1: 62

Apollodoros, Bibliotheca

1.5.1: 46, 51, 178n.309, 187, 221n.15, 229, 231

1.5.1–3: 30, 153

1.5.2: 44

1.5.3: 56, 237

3.13.6: 48

3.14.1: 201, 220

3.14.4: 58

3.15.4–5: 170n.277

Apollodoros, Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker 244F110: 69

Apollonios Rhodios, Argonautica

3.861–62: 110n.98

4.869–79: 48

4.869ff.: 152, 187

Apuleius, The Golden Ass: 109, 120

Aristophanes, Birds schol. 1764: 229; Clouds 254–68: 68n.11; Frogs 71: 144; 396ff.: 46; 448–55: 70; 457–59: 56; 671: 123; Lysistrata 89: 47; Peace 712: 47; schol. 869: 108n.89; Ploutos schol. 845: 69; 1014: 46; schol. 1013: 66n.6; Thesmophoriazusae: 72, 74, 140; Wasps schol. 804: 124n.137; schol. 1429: 59n.99, 97n.55

Aristotle, frag. 15: 69; Nicomachean Ethics 1161a: 108n.93; Poetics 1448b31–32: 45; Politics 1319b: 143

Arnobius, Adversus Nationes 5.25–26: 46

Asterios, Homiliae 10: 69

Athenaios, Deipnosophistae 6.253D: 66n.6

Augustine, De Civitate Dei 7.20: 69

Bacchylides, frag. 47: 42, 152n.217

Callimachus, frag. 466: 124n.134

Catullus 62: 81n.8, 117n.113

Cicero, Against Verres 2.4.106–8: 31, 177; De Legibus 2.14.36: 71; De Natura Deorum 2.66: 59n.99, 97n.55; 3.53: 110n.97

Claudian, De Raptu Proserpinae: 31, 32, 33, 166; 1.733–37: 34; 2.207–8: 221; 2.326–72: 55; 3.55ff.: 110n.97, 152, 153n.222, 221; 3.107ff.: 88n.26

Cleanthes, frag. 547: 59n.99, 97n.55

Clement, Protreptikos 2.12.2: 38, 68; 2.15.1: 110n.98; 2.15.1–2: 125n.141; 2.17.1: 30n.9; 2.20.1: 22; 2.20.1–21: 30n.9, 46

Cleomedes, De motu circulari corporum caelestium 2.1: 73n.30

Cornutus 28: 59n.99, 97n.55

Deuteronomy 22.24–27: 36

Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica

5.3–5: 31, 33

5.4.3: 34n.23

5.4.4: 177

5.4.7: 4, 59, 72n.26, 73n.30, 100n.64, 229

5.5.2–3: 145n.199

5.51: 39

5.68–69.1–3: 31, 33

5.69.3: 177

5.77.3: 80, 177n.306

Diogenes Laertios, Vitae Philosophorum 6.39: 56n.71, 87n.21

Eunapios, Vitae Sophistarum VII 3: 80n.3

Euripides, frag. 63 Nauck: 39; Alkestis: 87; Andromache: 150; Bacchae: 139; Erectheus: 170n.277; Hekabe: 82; Helen 1301–68: 30, 33, 39, 221, 230; 1301ff.: 152n.217; Hippolytos: 87, 215; Hypsipyle: 69; Ion 308ff.: 141; 1048: 124n.135; Medeia 230–51: 81n.8, 150; Suppliant Women 54: 69; 271: 173

Eusebios, Praeparatio Evangelica 2.3.31–35: 46

Genesis 24: 186; 39: 36

Herodotos, Histories 1.30: 170; 2.53.1–2: 117; 2.171: 103n.74, 117n.115; 5.92: 51; 7.6: 152n.218; 9.97: 171

Hesiod, Theogony: 87, 105, 106n.82

71–74: 108

99–101: xii

104ff.: 198

141: 200

203–4: 199

346–48: 199

390–96: 199

399: 199

409ff: 221

412ff: 199

412–15: 124, 148

426: 148

427: 124

448: 148, 149, 151

450–52: 124n.137

535–56: 200

545: 54

550: 54

561: 54

561ff.: 201

881–82: 200

881ff.: 199, 236

882: 200

903–6: 199

912–14: 183

913–14: 30, 32, 35

914: 42

926: 199

929: 199

939: 199

969–74: 63

Works and Days

32 (Tzetzes on): 59n.99, 97n.55

47–50: 201

50–52: 117, 201

519–26: 127n.146

699–701: 150

Hippolytos, Refutatio Omnium Haeresium 5.7.34: 69; 5.8: 66n.6, 96, 110n.98; 5.8.39: 69; 5.8.40: 50, 69

Homer, Iliad

1: 90

1.8ff.: 184n.2

1.76: 182

1.605–11: 106

2.695–96: 182

3.278–79: 55

8.289–91: 106

9.2–3: 188

9.14–15: 189

9.453–57: 55

9.457: 183

9.524–605: 183

9.533ff: 184n.2

9.569: 182, 183

9.574–99: 189

11.624–42: 187

11.795ff: 188

12.243: 142n.192

13.332: 182

15.187–93: 40, 115, 199

15.558: 42

16.4–5: 189

16.21ff.: 188

16.419ff: 197

18.23–25: 187

18.56: 40

18.197–231: 188

18.203–31: 188

18.432–55: 187

19.210: 187

19.320: 187

21: 90

22.87: 40

22.405–72: 3

22.429: 42

22.460: 57

24.88: 45

24.527ff.: 43

24.610: 37

24.664: 37

Homer, Odyssey: 91, 134

1.5–9: 185

1.170: 142n.194

3.132ff: 184

4.33ff: 227

4.90ff.: 189

4.563–59: 55

4.563–69: 85

5.118–29: 106

5.125: 182

5.125–28: 63

6: 127, 136, 226

6.25ff.: 225

6.135ff.: 33

6.157: 40

6.160a, schol. P. on, 88n.26

6.180ff.: 226

6.180–85: 43

6.181: 60

6.197ff.: 226

6.224–37: 188

6.291–92: 186

6.490–93: 137

7.19–20: 186

7.66ff.: 226

7.131: 42

8: 106

8.158–64: 186

8.317–20: 149

9.534–35: 185

10.105ff.: 186

10.244ff.: 187

10.491: 183

11.213: 183

11.217: 183

11.226: 183

11.386: 183

11.445: 185

11.489–91: 85

11.635: 183

13.280: 185n.11

14.345ff.: 185

17.206: 42

17.233: 186

17.339: 186

17.462: 186

23.296: 189

Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite 37: 200; 91–110: 44; 167: 54

Homeric Hymn to Apollo 249–99: 142n.195; 305–68: 113

Homeric Hymn to Demeter

1–14: 3132

3: 33

3: 202

4: 33

5–14: 3334

7–80: 202

8–9: 53

9: 35

11: 35

15–32: 35

17: 36

20: 127

20–21: 36

22: 36

23: 37

33–50: 37

35–36: 37

38–39: 37

47: 3738

48: 38

51–89: 3839

56: 39

59–60: 40

62: 40

64–65: 40

66: 40, 192

82: 37, 193

83ff.: 40

86: 40

89: 40

90–97: 4041

96–97: 40

98–112: 4142

99: 42

113–44: 42

125ff.: 43

131–32: 42

135ff.: 43

137: 43

140–44: 43

145–68: 43

147–48: 86

150–51: 138

151: 4344

153ff.: 44

166: 193

169–89: 44

171ff.: 227

187: 192

189–90: 4445

190–211: 45

198: 52

202–4: 4546

210: 4748

212–30: 48

216–17: 86

221: 193

231–55: 4850

236: 50

239: 50

239–40: 192

243–45: 50

253: 51

253–54: 5051

256–74: 51

263: 193, 202

265–67: 52

268: 204

268–69: 188

270–72: 52

271: 142

273: 100

273–74: 202

273–80: 52

281–83: 52

285–91: 53

292–304: 53

300: 53

305–33: 5354

306: 40

314ff.: 203

318: 106

321: 54

325ff.: 203

326–28: 202

333: 54

334ff.: 203

334–74: 54

335ff.: 54

337: 54

343–44: 108

344: 127

344–45: 54

357–58: 5455

359: 55

360–62: 108

362: 127

364–69: 5556, 148

365ff.: 202

366: 193

370–71: 57

371–72: 60

371–73: 5657

372: 130

374: 57

375–404: 57

385–87: 58

387–404: 57

398–404: 31

399–400: 58

401–3: 5859

405–40: 5960

411–13: 109

413: 193

417–24: 33

419–20: 148

428: 60

434–37: 6061

438–40: 61

439: 61

440: 61

441–69: 61

443–44: 202

450–52: 148

450–56: 6162

461: 62

470: 58

470–95: 62

473–79: 209

476: 62, 100

477: 62

478–79: 6263

480: 39

481–82: 144

483–89: 6364

486–89: 63, 208

487: 115, 148

494: 148

Homeric Hymn to Hermes 471: 200; 516: 200; 573: 200

Homeric Hymn to Poseidon 4–5: 200

Hyginus, Astronomy 2.15: 111n.101; Fabulae 146: 30, 33; 147: 30, 33, 48, 138n.183; 251: 88n.26

Inscriptiones Graecae II/III2 3661.5: 71; 12.5.227: 229

Isokrates, Panegyrikos: 4.28: 70, 99, 239; 4.28–29: 30

Kallimachos, Hymn 6: 30; frag. 466: 61

Krinagoras of Lesbos, Palatine Anthology: 11.42: 240

Lactantius Placidus, Epitome Divinarum Institutionum: 18[23].7: 38, 58, 69; Fabulae 5.7: 48; on Statius Thebaid 2.382: 138n.183; 5.34: 31

Likophron, Alexandria 698: 110n.98

Lucan, Civil Wars 6.698ff.: 60, 109; 6.698–700: 31; 6.739ff.: 60, 109; 6.739–42: 31

Lucian, Dialogues of Courtesans 2.1: 72n.25, 75n.37

Lysias 6: 63

Meleager, Palatine Anthology XII.182: 220

Menander, Epitrepontes 749: 72n.25

Nikander, Theriaka 483–87: 30, 56; schol. on 483: 47; schol. on 585: 56; Alexipharmaka 129–32: 30; 131–32: 46; frag. 56: 47, 56

Nonnos, Dionysiaka 6.1–7: 34; 6.1–168: 31, 110; 6.31: 148n.210

Orphic Argonautika 1191–96: 30

Orphic Fragments

32c Kern: 49, 142

40–41: 221

42 Kern: 124n.134

43: 36

48: 93n.38

49: 21, 51, 138, 152n.18

49.100: 178n.309, 231

49.101ff.: 101n.68

49–52: 30, 33

51 Kern: 104n.75

52: 46, 99n.63, 225, 228

58: 110

153: 110

195: 110

197: 110n.96

303: 110

Orphic Hymns

18: 30

29: 30, 58, 110

41: 30

41.5ff.: 88n.26, 224

43: 30

70: 110n.97

71: 110n.97

Orphic Rhapsodies, frag. 303 Kern: 110, 132n.168

Ovid, Ars Amatoria 2.601–4: 63

Fasti: 152

4: 48

4.417–620: 31

4.494: 38

4.507ff.: 225

4.583ff.: 221n.15

4.607–8: 56

4.611ff.: 88n.26

Metamorphoses: 32, 152

4: 48

4.417–620: 31

4.494: 38

4.507ff.: 225

4.583ff.: 221n.15

4.607–8: 56

4.611ff.: 88n.26

5.341–43: 117

5.375–77: 33

5.385–661: 31

5.391: 23n.23

5.411–20: 33

5.446ff.: 48, 225

5.449–61: 187

5.504ff.: 221n.15

5.534ff.: 56, 237

5.538–50: 56

5.554: 58

Pamphos, Hymn to Demeter 30, 145, 173n.289, 174, 186

Papyrus d.R. University of Milan [193] #20, 176–77: 6869

Pausanias, Graeciae Descriptio

1.14.2: 221n.15

1.14.3: 30n.9, 63

1.36.3: 170n.277

1.38.3: 30, 41, 138, 170 and n. 277

1.38.6: 235

1.38.7: 63

1.39.1: 30, 186

2.5.8: 225

2.35.3: 40

2.35.4: 225

4.17.1: 74n.33

6.25.2: 89n.28

7.21.3: 174

8.25: 125n.142

8.25.5–6: 223n.16

8.37.9: 30, 173n.289

8.42.2ff.: 125n.142

9.31.9: 30

10.31.9: 56, 71

10.31.11: 56, 80

Philikos, Choriambic Hymn to Demeter: 30, 46, 152; GLP 90: 238

Philochoros, in Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker 328, frag. 103: 46

Philodemos, De Pietate. Herculaneum Papyrus 1088, frag. 6.12–16: 61, 152n.220

Pindar, Pythian Odes 4.106ff.: 202; 4.189ff.: 202; 9.38: 54; frag.137a: 70, 152n.217; frag. 212 Bowra: 240

Plato, Phaedo 67.8–9: 88n.26; Phaedrus 250b6: 70; 275e6: 213; Republic 363a-366b: 56, 71; Seventh Letter 334b7: 70; Theaetetus 160E: 51

Plutarch, Alkibiades 19–22: 62; Moralia 21ff.: 56; 138d: 108n.89; 279f: 108n.89; 298b-c: 100n.64; 378e: 72n.26; 479: 70; 511c: 47; Non Posse 1105b: 71n.21; Solon 20.2: 148; 24: 146; 89c: 108n.89; Theseus 10: 170; Frag. 168 Sandbach= Stobaeus Anthologium 4.52.49: 70, 71

Pollux, Onomastikon 3.42: 81n.8

Proklos, In Platonis Timaeum Commentaria III.176.28, IG II–III24876: 69

Second Vatican Mythographer 94–100: 31, 231; 97: 138n.183

Sopatros, Rhetores Graeci VIII 114–15: 69

Sophocles, Antigone 1199: 124n.135; Oedipous at Colonus 683: 34; 1050: 141; 1050–51: 49; Oedipous the King 981–82: 141; Tereus (524N): 127n.146, 150; Trachiniae: 150; Triptolemos (753N): 240; frag. 524N: 220n.14; frag. 837 Radt: 70, 152n.217

Stephanus of Byzantium, Agra: 66n.5

Strabo 633: 171

Suda: 73n.29, 74n.44

Tertullian, Ad Nationes 2: 125n.141

Theodoretos of Kyrrhos, Graecarum Offectionum Curatio 3.84: 73n.31

Theokritos 2.12: 61, 124n.135; 18: 220

Thucydides, The Peloponnesian Wars 2.15: 170; 3.104.3–4: 2n.2; 6.27ff.: 62

Varro: 59n.99, 97n.55

Vergil, Aeneid, Servius on 4.58: 105n.79; Georgics, Servius on 1.19: 138n.183; 1.39: 31; Servius on 1.39: 60, 88n.26, 109n.95