After she hung up with Cam, Alexa crouched down so she could look out the front window without being seen, and for the second time that night her heart stopped. There was a car in the driveway.
It was a black SUV.
This was it. This had to be the same car Hannah called from the Cottage to tell her about. It was sitting in the spot vacated by her mother’s Acura.
That was when the doorbell rang again. And Alexa’s breath caught and she started to feel a little dizzy.
The only answer was the one there had always been, as obvious, as inevitable as a sunset. The bad men were coming.
She shouldn’t have told Sherri it was a false alarm.
The bad men were here.
“Alexa!” called Morgan. “The doorbell!”
“I know!” she called back. Her voice sounded amazingly normal considering how her insides were flipping around. The lights in the foyer were on. The outside lights were blazing.
She couldn’t answer.
She had to answer.
She’d tell the bad man he must have the wrong house, the wrong person, the wrong idea. She’d tell him to go away.
She opened the door.