
I have deliberately avoided peppering the text of this book with a profusion of footnotes and references. The publishers and I readily agreed these would achieve little for most readers while slowing the pace of the narrative. Nevertheless, specialist readers and scholars are entitled to know on what authority the author bases his facts.

My primary sources included taped interviews with Jean Andrew, Don Caldwell Smith, Rahel Cohen, Jeff Cooté ,Kevin Cooté, Margaret Coote (née Hamilton), Donald Dunkley, David Goldstone, Dr James Macken, Ian Mitchell, and ‘Darby’ Munro. Copies of these interviews will be deposited with the Naval Heritage Centre, Garden Island, where they will be available to researchers. I also drew on taped interviews with Reg Andrew, and log books and other documents, from the author Steven Carruthers. Steve’s material included transcripts of research interviews with officers from USS Chicago conducted in 1981 and 1982 for the television documentary Warriors of the Deep. The interviews were not included in the broadcast version, and only the transcripts survive. Steve intends to deposit this material with the Sea Power Centre in Canberra, where it will be available to scholars.

Roy Cooté’s dive log and photographs were supplied by his grandson Craig Cooté. The original log book is now with the Naval Heritage Centre on Garden Island. Other first person accounts came from publicly available documents lodged in the Australian National Archive, most often with its Melbourne centre, and at the Australian War Memorial, in Canberra. I drew on British cabinet minutes and papers from 1939 to 1942, freely available at the Public Records Office in Kew, and on intelligence digests and summaries for April, May and June 1942, lodged with the Naval Historical Foundation in Washington. Contemporary newspapers also provided a host of material. Newspapers are stored on microfilm at the various state libraries around Australia, and I drew heavily from records held at the State Library of New South Wales and the State Library of Victoria.


Bateson, Charles, The War with Japan: A Concise History, Ure Smith, Sydney; Barrie and Jenkins, London; Michigan State University Press, East Lansing, 1968.

Bullard, Steven, Blankets on the Wire:The Cowra Breakout and its Aftermath, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 2006.

Burlingame, Burl, Advance Force Pearl Harbor, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, 1992.

Calvocoressi, Peter, Wint, Guy and Pritchard, John,Total War:The Causes and Courses of the Second World War, Viking, London, 1972, revised 1989.

Carruthers, Steven L., Australia Under Siege: Japanese Submarine Raiders 1942, Solus Books, Sydney, 1982.

—— Japanese Submarine Raiders 1942: A Maritime Mystery, Casper Publications, Sydney, 2006.

Edwards, John, Curtin’s Gift, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2005.

Fullford, R.K., We Stood and Waited: Sydney’s Anti-Ship Defences 1939–1945, Royal Australian Artillery Society, Sydney, 1994.

Gill,G. Hermon, Royal Australian Navy 1942–1945 Vol. 2,Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968.

Jenkins, David, Battle Surface! Japan’s Submarine War against Australia 1942–44, Random House, Sydney, 1992.

——Hitting Home:The Japanese Attack on Sydney 1942, Random House, Sydney, 1992.

Leasor, James, Singapore: The Battle that Changed the World, Hodder &Stoughton, London, 1968.

Lind, Lew, Toku Tai: Japanese Submarine Operations in Australian Waters, Kangaroo Press, Sydney, 1992.

Newcomb, Richard F., The Battle of Savo Island, Henry Holt and Company, New York, 1961.

Oppenheim, Peter, The Fragile Forts:The Fixed Defences of Sydney Harbour, Australian Military History Publications, Loftus, 2005.

Pfenningworth, Ian, A Man of Intelligence:The Life of Captain Eric Nave, Australia’s Codebreaker Extraordinary, Rosenberg Publishing Pty Ltd, Sydney, 2006.

Reid, Richard, No Cause for Alarm: Submarine Attacks on Sydney and Newcastle May–June 1942, Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Canberra, 2002.

Royal Australian Navy, A–Z Ships, Aircraft and Shore Establishments, Navy Public Affairs, Sydney, 1996.

Stevens, David, A Critical Vulnerability:The Impact of the Submarine Threat on Australia’s Maritime Defence, Sea Power Centre, Canberra, 2005.

Warner, Peggy and Seno, Sadao, The Coffin Boats: Japanese Midget Submarine Operations in the Second World War, Leo Cooper/Secker &Warburg, London, 1986.

Williamson, Kristin, The Last Bastion, Lansdowne Press, Melbourne, 1984.

Winton, John, Ultra in the Pacific: How Breaking Japanese Codes and Ciphers Affected Naval Operations against Japan, 1941–45, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, 1994.


National Archives of Australia, Melbourne

B6121 Midget Submarine Attack on Sydney Harbour—Signals.

MP138/1 Steady Hour—Sinking of Japanese Midget Submarine.

MP138/1 Japanese Midget Submarine—Sections Stowed at Clark Island.

MP150/1 Naval Auxiliary Patrol.

MP151/1 Awards in Connection with Japanese Midget Submarine Attack.

MP1049/5 Midget Submarine Attack on Sydney Harbour.

MP1185/9 Publicity Contravening Censorship Requests, Midget Submarine Attack.

Australian War Memorial, Canberra

AWM52 Weekly Intelligence Summaries—Submarine Attack Sydney Harbour.

AWM54 Japanese Midget Submarine Attack—Reconstruction of Events.

AWM54 Weekly Intelligence Summaries—Submarine Attack Sydney Harbour, 1942.

AWM54 Plans and Diagrams, Photographs of Midget Submarine.

AWM67 Official History, 1939–45 War: Records of Gavin Long, General Editor.

AWM124 Report of Investigation into Japanese Torpedo.

PR 86/24 Lance Bullard’s Account of the Divers’ Role.

Sea Power Centre, Canberra

Register of Requisitioned Motor Patrol Boats and Miscellaneous Examination Vessels and Harbour Craft.

Naval Historical Foundation,Washington

SRNS-0001-0078 Summary of Japanese Naval Activities.

SRNS-1517 FRUMEL Daily Digest.

Public Records Office, Kew

Cabinet Minutes and Papers, 1939–1942.

Television documentaries

He’s Coming South—Animax Films, 2005.

Sydney at War:The Untold Story—Australian Film Commission, 2004.

Warriors of the Deep—Program Development, 1982.