Rae stepped into the now-familiar chamber for her regular meeting with SystemLord One. Contact with the Meme was becoming routine to her. Though she still found it mildly distasteful, it was also fascinating, rather like reading a serial killer’s psychological files. Meme had little empathy for any living thing except themselves, so every exchange had to be based on pure self-interest.
On the other hand, the Meme tended to take the long view, and their very lack of strong emotion meant they would gladly agree to anything that seemed logical without the endless recriminations and finger-pointing of humans. She mused on how many seemingly intractable historical conflicts – Arab-Israeli, the two Irelands, India and Pakistan – could have been solved if hurt and anger could have been stripped out.
Once she decided to meet the Meme on their psychological terms, she found them ridiculously easy to manipulate. Without a tradition of sophisticated diplomacy and apparently lacking the ability to perceive when Rae was shading the truth, SystemLord allowed his forces to be moved around like chess pieces. On the occasions he refused, he did so immediately and with a purely logical reason.
It simplified her life a lot. She only hoped that if and when the Scourge threat abated, SystemLord would not find it logical and reasonable to stab humanity in the back.
“My first request comes from my SystemLord and his trium,” Rae opened with. She’d found putting things in Meme terms smoothed her negotiations. “He believes your eight Destroyers will be best deployed by remaining well away from our defense of Earth. This will provide both sides with independence of action, simplify coordination, and, if we are fortunate, will draw off a significant portion of the enemy, who will regard your ships as prize biomass. Also, it will allow you the freedom to flee if the worst happens. We consider it vital that the Empire know of the alliance you have made here.”
I agree. My Command tria find it difficult not to still regard you as enemies. It is better to remain out of range. Also, I have already dispatched message drones to the nearest Empire systems, informing them of our arrangement.
This admission surprised Rae, but she strove not to show it. It was amazing what this being gave away in bargaining chips. “Our dreadnought will be on station near this system’s star within seven days. We request you take your position by then.”
“Also, while he in no way seeks to dictate your tactics, my SystemLord will consider any request for special materials or weapons that you might find useful.” Rae really hated to make that offer, but Absen had insisted.
Unfortunately, the answer she dreaded was not long in coming.
We request antimatter for weapons such as have been used against us.
“I am sorry, but my SystemLord has specifically exempted that material from dissemination. You are, of course, free to gather it for yourselves.”
That is unreasonable. As allies, strengthening one strengthens all.
“True, but we do not have sufficient antimatter for our own use, and since we are defending our own planet directly, and you are performing the function of a diversion, we must reserve these weapons for that role. We consider that reasonable.”
I do not agree, but I understand your cultural fears and limitations, and accept them.
Rae barely noticed the Meme’s insulting blind hubris anymore. “Here is a memory-packet with further details of my SystemLord’s suggestions for our battle plan coordination.” Rae placed a hard sphere of biomass on the floor next to the pool, within the Meme’s easy reach. “Now, I have several other issues to discuss.”