There were so many people who contributed greatly to the making of this book and to my art career.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my mother and father for always supporting and encouraging my many, many endeavors. My mother, for her grit and for showing me by example how to face adversity and never give up. My father, for his foresight and for teaching me to strive to be my best self.
Thank you to my sister and brother-in-law, Jennifer and Justin, for their incredible generosity and support, and especially to my sister for her thoughtful actions and encouraging words. And thank you to Caden and Evelyn for playing with Harper so I could write this book.
To my brother, Jason, who paid for my art classes back when I wasn’t sure if I wanted to learn again: thank you for always believing in me. To my sister-in-law, Audrey: you’ve overcome so much and continually inspire me with your strength.
Thank you to Leslie for being my official soundboard, looking at every rendition of every painting, and encouraging me through it all. And a big thank you to her husband Jeff, who helped me with all the legal details.
Thank you to Grace Song for suggesting my name and cheering me on.
Thank you to Bridget Thoreson for so kindly guiding me through this entire process. Thank you to Shayna Keyles for her thoughtful editing. And to everyone else at Ulysses Press who contributed to the making of this book: thank you.
To all my Instagram family and friends: you took the tiny creative spark inside of me and ignited a flame. I am eternally grateful.
And the biggest thank you to my husband Andrew. Thank you for seeing me the way that you do and for loving me the way that you do.