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is an accomplished mental health clinician with an array of experience from treating severe mental illness, trauma, substance use and abuse, to everyday mental health struggles shared by Americans and their loved ones. These days, Ms. Hector lends those experiences to help local and state governments remedy gaps in mental health surveillance, treatment, and recovery options, create better policy, and heal communities. She is a graduate of the Louisiana State University with a master’s degree in counseling and is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Louisiana. She also attended B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette where she earned an undergraduate degree in business with a concentration in marketing.
has focused his research on a few areas in criminology, criminal justice, and forensic science. In particular, he is currently investigating mental health policy, drug policy, control, toxicology, chemistry, and addiction, as well as the changing evidentiary power of forensic science technologies. Born and raised in South Florida during the late 1970s and early 1980s, drug policy and enforcement quickly piqued his interest. In this topical area, Dr. Khey has presented research on drug and alcohol use/abuse and provided policy analysis to local and state officials in Florida. A highlight of this work includes an invitation to address the Governor’s Office Drug Policy Advisory Council in 2007. Soon after moving to Louisiana at a time when divestments in mental health services were at its modern day peak, mental health policy quickly became one of his key areas of focus and remains that way to this day. Dr. Khey holds an advanced degree in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences with a concentration in forensic drug chemistry and doctorate in criminology, law, and society from the University of Florida.