
Producing a book like this takes so much more than the work of only one person. My writing this story wouldn’t have been possible without the support of my husband and children, who are everything I could ever wish for, and more.

Thank you to Kerri-Leigh Grady and Tahra Seplowin for encouraging me to write In the Fast Lane, the first book in this series. You are inspiring, fabulous women whom I am lucky to know.

To Lizzie Poteet, here’s to another fun and productive collaboration. You are a rock star editor, and I’m pretty sure you have editing superpowers. Don’t worry: a stylish pair of black-frame glasses will help keep your identity a secret.

Thank you, as well, to Courtney Miller-Callihan for being not just a great agent, but a great friend, too.

Eternal gratitude to Serena Bell, Amber Belldene, and Shelley Ann Clark for beta reading this book and not being afraid to tell me they hated certain characters.

And to my readers, I am so grateful for you. You are a blessing and I thank you all.