L.L. Bean, the author, of Freeport, Maine, and moose shot by him in fall of 1935.
The object of this book is not to bore my readers with personal yarns and experiences but to give definite information in the fewest words possible on how to Hunt, Fish, and Camp.
I am confining the territory to Maine, however, the same instructions and rules apply to all sections of the country where the same fish and game are found.
To make this book as brief as possible, I am dealing only with major information. Minor details are easily learned by practice. The instructions are so condensed that the reading time of the whole book is only 85 minutes.
If you have youngsters coming on, let them read this book. The information is just as important as many school text books.
I am a firm believer in the conservation of all fish and game and the strict enforcement of all game laws. To my mind, hunting and fishing is the big lure that takes us into the great open spaces and teaches us to forget the mean and petty things of life.
— Leon Leonwood Bean, 1942
I desire to acknowledge with appreciation the valued cooperation of:
The Maine Forestry Department
Warden Supervisor Arthur Rogers
Henry Milliken
Henry Beverage
George Soule
O.H.P. Rodman
J. Larry Hawkes
Parker Foss
Guy Bean
L.L. Bean’s Duck Hunting Camp at Merrymeeting Bay near Brunswick, Maine.