Chapter 10
How to Hunt Pheasants
Maine pheasant hunting is confined to the coastal counties, these birds being unable to withstand deep snow in the northern sections during the winter.
Like grouse, the pheasants are found in the farming sections and around the outskirts of villages. In many cases they frequent the same covers and it is not unusual to find pheasants in woodcock covers.
During the first part of the open season we look for them in fields and covers that contain seed plants or weeds. We also find them in gardens from which corn, beans and other foods have been harvested. They also feed on berries and apples but not to the extent that grouse do.
Later, after they have become wise to the ways of men, dogs and guns the birds are more likely to be found in thick cover and in softwoods. A cover so thickly grown with vines and bushes that it is nearly impenetrable will be a favorite hiding place for pheasants.
The State of Maine liberates four to five thousand mature pheasants every spring. These birds breed in the wild and produce flocks ranging from four to a dozen. In addition, the State liberates six to seven thousand nearly grown birds in the latter part of the summer. These supplement the wild stock and are available for hunting in the Fall. Although they are not so plentiful as grouse and woodcock there are enough pheasants in Maine to provide good sport. They are an added reason for late season grouse hunting since the open seasons run together the first two weeks in November.
To any who have not hunted pheasants let me add this warning: The birds are smart, fast-flying, and not easy to kill. Many of the shots will be at ranges over twenty-five yards and in many cases the birds will rise out of gunshot. When wounded they will sometimes elude a top-notch retrieving dog.
It is also possible to combine duck hunting and pheasant hunting in some sections, devoting part of the day to each species. That would be especially true in the coastal areas of Maine where tide is an important factor in hunting waterfowl.
Anyone contemplating hunting pheasants or any other Maine game species should, however, check seasons and regulations in the Maine hunting law handbook, issued annually and obtainable from the Department of Inland Fisheries and Game, Augusta, Maine.
BILL GORMAN > The state of Maine no longer stocks pheasants. They are currently stocked by private gun clubs around the state.